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List of all Nintendo 64 ROMs
[Sorted by User Rating]

Listing titles from 1 to 50
Game Name:Average Rating
Wonder Project J2 - Koruro no Mori no Jozet (Japan)4.6418
Doubutsu no Mori (Japan)4.6205
Ogre Battle 64 - Person of Lordly Caliber (Japan) (Rev A)4.6133
Banjo-Kazooie (Europe) (En,Fr,De)4.6127
Fushigi no Dungeon Fuurai no Shiren 2 - Oni Shuurai! Shiren Jou! (Japan)4.6126
Superman (USA) (En,Fr,Es)4.6123
Killer Instinct Gold (Europe)4.6107
Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness (Europe) (En,Fr,De)4.6105
Banjo-Kazooie (USA) (Rev A)4.6078
Hiryuu no Ken Twin (Japan)4.6077
Yuke Yuke!! Trouble Makers (Japan)4.6068
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (USA)4.6054
Fighting Force 64 (USA)4.6050
Star Soldier - Vanishing Earth (USA)4.6048
Ogre Battle 64 - Person of Lordly Caliber (USA)4.6033
Worms Armageddon (USA) (En,Fr,Es)4.6025
Diddy Kong Racing (Japan)4.6022
007 - The World Is Not Enough (USA)4.6021
Rush 2 - Extreme Racing USA (USA)4.5983
Shadow Man (USA)4.5981
Wave Race 64 (USA)4.5972
International Superstar Soccer 2000 (USA) (En,Es)4.5971
Road Rash 64 (USA)4.5954
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest (USA)4.5938
Ganbare Goemon - Dero Dero Douchuu Obake Tenkomori (Japan)4.5930
Star Wars - Rogue Squadron (Europe) (En,Fr,De)4.5923
Ganbare Goemon - Neo Momoyama Bakufu no Odori (Japan)4.5876
Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 - Oudou Keishou (Japan)4.5867
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (USA)4.5855
Star Wars Episode I - Racer (Europe) (En,Fr,De)4.5843
Killer Instinct Gold (USA) (Rev B)4.5838
Bug's Life, A (USA)4.5786
International Superstar Soccer '98 (USA)4.5779
BattleTanx (USA)4.5776
Mystical Ninja 2 Starring Goemon (Europe) (En,Fr,De)4.5769
Quest 64 (USA)4.5766
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - Round 2 (USA)4.5756
Destruction Derby 64 (USA)4.5754
Custom Robo V2 (Japan)4.5734
Goemon's Great Adventure (USA)4.5688
Conker's Bad Fur Day (Europe)4.5674
Top Gear Overdrive (USA)4.5672
Duke Nukem - Zero Hour (Europe)4.5669
Gex 64 - Enter the Gecko (USA)4.5667
Bomberman Hero (Europe)4.5658
Extreme-G (USA)4.5619
Perfect Dark (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)4.5608
Perfect Dark (USA) (Rev A)4.5583
Beetle Adventure Racing! (USA) (En,Fr,De)4.5581
Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (Europe)4.5549
>> View Next 50

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