Help Section
Compiled by: Site Staff, EPForums Community

Welcome to's help section. Over here are all the FAQ's that visitors and staff members have written to help newbies and experts alike. You can also request an FAQ in case you're having trouble with something, the best course of action for finding help would be to head over to our forums and ask. We have tons of helpful members who will quickly assist you with most problems.

Emulation FAQ
(Find out what emulation is, what it does, and what it's good for..)
ROM Naming FAQ
(A guide on ROM Naming Conventions and how to understand them)
Download Problems ?
(Common download problems and their solutions)
Download Queuing
(Que your downloads at night using Firefox and Flashgot)
mIRC Usage
(Learn how to use mIRC to logon to our chat and download files from there)

If you would like to post more FaQ's/Help topics, check out Give back to the community right away by posting some helpful guides or simply helping out other users on our forums.

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