.:EP News:.
Win a Nintendo Switch Lite - 20 years of EmuParadise!
Posted by MasJ on Fri, 27 Mar 2020 | EP Forums
Unbelievable! We've been around for 20 years. Even though EmuParadise doesn't officially serve games any longer, the truly motivated have always found a way to get their game on! HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY EMUPARADISE!

Twenty years ago, to this day, I started EmuParadise on my ISPs server. It was a simple single page website that I wrote up in the very basic HTML I knew. Over the next few months we got a domain name, started our own IRC channel, after a year we started EPForums, and so it went. Eventually EmuParadise grew to a huge team of contributors and went on to serve millions of gamers all over the planet.

This is what our first version looked like. We had marquees, and bowser, and polls about ICQ and MSN Messenger. Oh the good old days!

EmuParadise v1

And 20 years later, we're still around. In a trimmed down, stealth mode, quiet form, but we are still here! It's been an incredible journey to serve this community for two decades. And to celebrate this day in the time of a serious global crisis, we thought it'd be awesome to give away a Nintendo Switch Lite.

Switch Lite

The giveaway, like all our giveaways, is open to gamers worldwide! So how do you enter to win? Well, we want you to make something that reminds you of your favorite gaming moment of all time. It can be a video, a screenshot, a drawing, a painting, some kind of audio (a song?), maybe just a quote, something creative, something tacky, could be a meme, whatever floats your boat!

What you must do is share this piece of awesomeness with us. You can do so on twitter or facebook. If you're sharing on twitter, make sure you tag us @emuparadise on your tweet so we can see it. For Facebook, you must share your post on your timeline and tag the EmuParadise PAGE. The post should be public so we can see it otherwise your entry doesn't count. If you want to make sure, shoot us a message on FB with a link to your post and we'll make sure we can see it and your entry is valid.

And that's all. The competition is open until 5th April 2020 11:59PM UTC to give you some time to send us your favorite nostalgic gaming moment. We'll announce the winner of the Nintendo Switch Lite shortly thereafter.

Please note that we will cover shipping to any part of the world but you are responsible for duties and customs clearance.

It's been an honor to serve you with your favorite retro games all these years and we hope to keep doing this in one form or another for the years to come. Thank you for your support and for keeping the EmuParadise project alive. To infinity and beyond!

Winner (25th April 2020)
We received a ton of entries for this giveaway so it took a while to pick a winner but our favorite and most moving entry was definitely a write-up by Faidon C. about The Bliss of Video Gaming. You can read it below:

The Bliss of Video Gaming

Waking up to your alarm clock early in the morning, definitely not having had enough rest. Desperately getting yourself out of the bed to get dressed and force yourself to eat breakfast quickly so you’re not late for school, work, or whatever the world has in store for you.

It’s time to get to your destination. What will it be? By car? A 45-minute commute? Maybe a walk, if you’re lucky. Once you do get there, though, it only gets worse.

If not your teachers or managers, then you’d expect at least your peers to brighten up your gloomy start of the day. Those same people you used to run around with, playing silly games as a kid, or going for a drink or two, and having fun with, as an adult. They are no longer the same though, but how could they be, with all the tremendous pressure bestowed upon them by their legal guardians, their caretakers and superiors. Their idea of “fun” sometimes being the use of drugs or anything to numb the pain of reality. Life in recent years for them being nothing but an escape, rather than a search for one’s self. Can you really blame them, though, when you’ve been doing the same?

You eventually come back home from yet another unfulfilling day, only to face others with the same pain, and nothing to provide you with but yet more hurt. Is it your grades that your family doesn’t like, or is that just an excuse to take out their anger at you? Does your significant other really mind that you were intimately chatting with someone else, having a personal moment, or are they simply projecting their own insecurities at you? You can’t ask, you’re a villain, you can only speculate. What you can do, though, is go to your room, your safe place, and withdraw from the emotionally tormenting present, and into one of the last remaining states that make you happy. Whether it was a part of your childhood, teenage years, student years or senior years, it’s one of the few things that remains the same. For a child of the modern era, that would be video games.

Don’t get me wrong, in the vast timeline of human history, many things have created an escape into this childhood reminiscing blissful state. However, nothing is quite like this sensation. Video games are one of the things you can use to step back from a world of constriction and pain, and into a heaven of possibilities and achievements. The video game world is easily accessible. Whether you have a console, a high-end computer desktop, or a run-down used laptop your father passed to you, you can access it. From expensive AAA titles all the way to free browser game sites, video games have but one goal: To make you feel good.

When you’re feeling down, when life isn’t working out, you can depend on video games to lift your spirits. When you’re feeling like everyone is angry and disappointed at you, by completing a new challenge in a video game, you get bombarded with congratulating messages and it instaures within you reasons to be proud. When you’re feeling useless, you get to be a vital part of a story, protecting or saving people, making you the hero.

That’s not all though, video games are not just a temporary escape from reality, but a way to form permanent bonds with others. When looking at the people you played video games with, the people you created amazing long-lasting memories with, such as taking turns to beat a boss or clear a level, these people who genuinely cared about you and still do, you realize that they are your real family. It’s true that sometimes friendships do end, people leave, but you can definitely find more, in the world of video games. Of course, certain bad, toxic people do exist in online video games, but you don’t have to mind them at all. They are not there to stay, and you don’t have to get used to them. Even if they hurt you, you still have had and always will have your close friends to cheer you up. So that’s what video games are all about, what they represent to gamers. A step back into their childhoods, a step into a heavenly world of joy and appreciated accomplishments. A way for people to feel good about themselves and satisfy that inner child’s itch to be the hero of the story.

This is what you think of as you’re the last one to say goodnight and leave the chatroom. It’s already late, you have to sleep, for tomorrow is going to be another rough day. You lay down on your bed, your latest accomplishments and latest challenge at the back of your mind, the sole motivation for you, instead of somewhere else, to go to sleep.

We received many other great entries. Some of them made me super nostalgic as well because they took me back to my own favorite gaming moments! Some were just funny like Jack Black Solid Snake.

Thank you for all your entries and for supporting us through the years. We'll be sending Faidon his Switch Lite soon. EmuParadise is still alive and kicking and for those who are informed, you can always find your games somehow. Twenty years is a long time to be around on the internet. We hope we're still here for the years to come.

Happy 19th Birthday EmuParadise!
Posted by MasJ on Wed, 27 Mar 2019 | EP Forums
On this day 19 years ago I started EmuParadise. It's been quite a journey so far with lots of ups and downs and changes. Last year we removed access to most of our content. This left many people quite sad and it seems like there is a gap in the emulation scene that still exists. We don't have any update on the situation at the moment but what I can say is that we are working on all of these problems and perhaps we will find a solution one day.

For now, I would just like to take this moment to thank you all for your support over the years. Your kind words and encouragement mean a lot to me and the rest of the team here at EmuParadise. Our forums and discord are still thriving. Our facebook page and group still see a lot of activity. You can always find us through any of these channels.

For now, since it's been EP tradition to have a giveaway on our birthday we're going to do one today, just a small one, for old times sake. We're giving away an 8Bitdo SN30 Pro Controller, one of the best retro video game controllers on the market.

SN30 Pro Controller

How to enter to win:
All you have to do is retweet and reply to this tweet or like and post a comment on this facebook post telling us what you miss about EmuParadise the most or what you would like to see us do in the future. So get creative!

We chose Pako Maruyama from Argentina as the winner. He's going to get his controller very soon! Thanks to everyone who entered our giveaway :)

Every person is allowed a maximum of two entries (one on facebook and one on twitter) and you must enter by 11:59PM UTC on 30th March. We'll announce the winner on 31st March at some point of time. The giveaway is open worldwide.

So good luck! :)

EmuParadise Official Net64+ Server
Posted by MasJ on Mon, 14 May 2018 | EP Forums
There was a new release of Net64+ just a few weeks ago. This is basically Super Mario 64 Online where you can play multiplayer against other folks. It has a lot of new content and even several new playable characters.

We now run a Net64+ server where you can get together and play against each other. Details of the new Net64+ server and all our other game servers can be found at our game servers page.

If you want to match up with each other, join #netplay on the EmuParadise Discord.

Win a PS4 Pro God of War Bundle
Posted by MasJ on Tue, 27 Mar 2018 | EP Forums
We're having a birthday sweepstakes! EmuParadise turns 18 today, March 27th 2018. Since this is our 18th birthday we thought we should make our prizes ahem... a little more mature.

We received over 40,000 entries for this competition. Thank you for participating and making it so much fun! We've conducted a random draw and selected the winners. So without further ado, here they are:

Grand Prize - PS4 Pro 1TB God of War Bundle - szunyzoli99
2nd Prize - 18 months of EP Premium - MrSmart
3rd Prize - 12 months of EP Premium - VenomRush1997

We'll be in touch with the winners shortly to get their details and send them their prizes. Thanks again for making this so much fun and supporting EmuParadise. We couldn't have made it for 18 years without you.

The Prizes

  1. The Grand Prize - A PS4 Pro 1TB Limited Edition God of War Bundle

  2. Second Prize - 18 months of free EP Premium

  3. Third Prize - 12 months of free EP Premium

As always with EmuParadise we are following our tradition of having the competition open to our users WORLDWIDE. We will ship the PS4 Pro Bundle to you anywhere in the world, so everyone is welcome to enter!

How to enter

There are two steps to a valid entry.

Step one:
Submit at least one description, screenshot, or video to a game page.

Step two:
Make a post on social media about your entry. You need to either post publicly to your Facebook profile OR tweet about the competition. We have some useful links below that you can use to share to facebook or tweet out your entry. In general, your post should be public (so that we can see it), it should include a link to this page, and it should mention the prizes.

You *must* complete Step 2 for your entry to be valid. Please note, that you ONLY need to do Step 2 once. So, if you submit 50 screenshots, you only need to make a single social media post for all your entries to be valid. But we will check for Step 2, so make sure you do it right!

For each category of submission you get a different number of entries:

  • Descriptions - 5 entries

  • Videos - 3 entries

  • Screenshots - 2 entries

Think of each entry as a lottery ticket. Every entry you get increases your chances of winning. So if we get 200 total entries but you have 50 of them then you have a 25% chance of winning! Makes sense? Great!

So once you've submitted some media, please tweet about it or post to your facebook timeline. Remember to mark your facebook post as public.

Sweepstakes Rules

  1. The winner is chosen by a lucky draw. However, you can greatly increase your chances of winning as there are no limits on the number of entries per user.

  2. Only approved submissions count as entries. So if you submit poor quality screenshots, or poorly written descriptions we will not approve them. Also, if you spam us with unrelated videos, that would result in you getting blocked from the system.

  3. The sweepstakes is open to users WORLDWIDE. We will cover purchase and shipping costs of the console but we cannot cover customs duty and any other taxes that might arise.

  4. There is no region lock on the PS4 Pro so we may send you a console from a different region, however we will do our best to send you one that corresponds to your region. You may need to buy a power cord corresponding to your local region. (these are usually pretty cheap anyway)

  5. Competition closes at 12AM GMT on 18th April 2018, winners will be announced by 20th April 2018.

  6. The PS4 Pro God of War edition gets released on the 20th of April 2018 and we will be shipping your prize to you shortly thereafter.

That's all, we like to keep it simple. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments. Oh and most importantly, HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY EMUPARADISE :)

Thank you all for supporting us and our community for so many years. It is a matter of great pride to run this site for so many years and we could not have done it without you.

Introducing our new emulators section!
Posted by MasJ on Thu, 22 Feb 2018 | EP Forums
This has been in the works for a long time and finally, I'm very happy to introduce our brand new emulators section. We always had the goal of presenting emulators with all their different versions and add-ons on the site. But the way our emulators section was organised didn't help towards this. So we took into account what would help you the most in your journey to emulate specific games and redid our entire emulator section.

Every emulator is now unified under a single page. All version numbers are available on the same page with the latest one being presented up front. Furthermore, the emulator pages include helpful descriptions, a link to the project homepage, screenshots, videos and more. In some cases there are links to BIOS files that are often necessary, add-ons and plugins, etc.

Our new emulators section

Going forward, this will make it easier for us to add new emulators, recommend the best ones for certain cases, and more. To see all this, and more, head to our emulators section.

Games now have videos available
Posted by MasJ on Tue, 05 Dec 2017 | EP Forums
We've just launched some great new functionality for our game information pages. Now, you can submit game videos for your favourite video game titles. What's more, you'll earn 10 EP Points for each submission which can then be redeemed for various goodies.

All you need to do is login with your EPForums account and then hit the Add Video button on any game information page. We accept video URLs from Youtube.

Once you've submitted your video, we'll approve it within 24-48 hours and you'll get 10 EP Points for it. Also, if you notice anything out of order, please hit the report button so that we can review any incorrect submission that might have gone through our moderation system.

We accept trailers, short gameplay videos, short reviews, and more. Looking forward to watching all your submissions!

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