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(76 titles found)
S.C.A.R.S. (Europe) (En,Fr,De)S.C.A.R.S. (USA)Saikyou Habu Shougi (Japan)San Francisco Rush - Extreme Racing (Europe) (En,Fr,De)San Francisco Rush - Extreme Racing (USA) (En,Fr,De)San Francisco Rush 2049 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)San Francisco Rush 2049 (USA)Scooby-Doo! - Classic Creep Capers (Europe)Scooby-Doo! - Classic Creep Capers (USA)SD Hiryuu no Ken Densetsu (Japan)Shadow Man (Europe) (En,Es,It)Shadow Man (France)Shadow Man (Germany)Shadow Man (USA)Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (Europe)Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (Europe) (Es,It)Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (Europe) (Fr,De,Nl)Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (Japan)Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (USA) (En,Es)Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Toukon Road - Brave Spirits (Japan)Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Toukon Road 2 - The Next Generation (Japan)Sim City 2000 (Japan)Snobo Kids (Japan)Snow Speeder (Japan)Snowboard Kids (Europe)Snowboard Kids (USA)Snowboard Kids 2 (Europe)Snowboard Kids 2 (USA)Sonic Wings Assault (Japan)South Park - Chef's Luv Shack (Europe)South Park - Chef's Luv Shack (USA)South Park (Europe) (En,Fr,Es)South Park (Germany)South Park (USA)South Park Rally (Europe)South Park Rally (USA)Space Dynamites (Japan)Space Invaders (USA)SpaceStation Silicon Valley (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt)SpaceStation Silicon Valley (Japan) (Proto)SpaceStation Silicon Valley (USA)Spider-Man (USA)Star Soldier - Vanishing Earth (Japan)Star Soldier - Vanishing Earth (USA)Star Twins (Japan)Star Wars - Rogue Squadron (Europe) (En,Fr,De)Star Wars - Rogue Squadron (Europe) (En,Fr,De) (Rev A)Star Wars - Rogue Squadron (USA)Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (Europe)Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (USA)Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (USA) (Rev A)Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (USA) (Rev B)Star Wars - Shutsugeki! Rogue Chuutai (Japan)Star Wars - Teikoku no Kage (Japan)Star Wars Episode I - Battle for Naboo (Europe)Star Wars Episode I - Battle for Naboo (USA)Star Wars Episode I - Racer (Europe) (En,Fr,De)Star Wars Episode I - Racer (Japan)Star Wars Episode I - Racer (USA)StarCraft 64 (Europe)StarCraft 64 (USA)StarCraft 64 (USA) (Beta)Starshot - Space Circus Fever (Europe) (En,Fr,De)Starshot - Space Circus Fever (USA) (En,Fr,Es)Stunt Racer 64 (USA)Super B-Daman - Battle Phoenix 64 (Japan)Super Bowling (Japan)Super Bowling (USA)Super Robot Spirits (Japan)Super Robot Taisen 64 (Japan)Super Speed Race 64 (Japan)Supercross 2000 (Europe) (En,Fr,De)Supercross 2000 (USA)Superman (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl)Superman (USA) (En,Fr,Es)Susume! Taisen Puzzle Dama - Toukon! Marutama Chou (Japan)

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