ROMs » Nintendo 64 » S » Superman (USA) (En,Fr,Es)
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Game Description & Reviews:
OverviewThe N64 Superman title is universally considered one of the worst videogames ever made, due to poor choices made in every aspect of its design.
Dziugasiuka3 rates this game: 1/5This is said to be the worst game for the Nintendo 64 EVAR!
… read more OverviewThe N64 Superman title is universally considered one of the worst videogames ever made, due to poor choices made in every aspect of its design.
Dziugasiuka3 rates this game: 1/5This is said to be the worst game for the Nintendo 64 EVAR! And well, it may aswell be... It has loads of glitches, crappy controls, and all those things make you really frustrated. But if you can beat this game, I give kudos to you! Even though this isn't the best game ever, you might aswell get it and try for yourself :D
zelda42293 rates this game: 1/5This is the WORST n64 game ever! Mostly you're just flying through rings, and the controls are so bad, it's hard to get through all of them!
I can't even get past all the ring levels!
Don't even try this game! YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!!
Megamaxmax rates this game: 1/5Do you even have to ask? Chances are your looking at this game because you heard how bad it is. All you do is fly into rings and pick up cars, no lazer beam, no super powers, no fighting, no action. Not to mention the tons of bugs and glitches that just make the game harder.
DaCrazyGuy rates this game: 5/5Best game ever made. The story is amazing and the gameplay is unlike any other. The controls are the best you will come across. Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 are jokes next to this. 5/5 would fly through another ring again.
CakeMaster says:Superman 64 is a game released on the Nintendo 64. The game received negative criticism due to the repetitiveness of levels, tank controls, and more.
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