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List of all Atari ST ROMs at Emuparadise

1000 Bornes (19xx)(Editions Dujardin)(fr)[h boot Zorro II]10th Frame (1987)(Access)10th Frame (1987)(Access)[cr Blue Adept]10th Frame (1987)(Access)[cr Blue Adept][a]10th Frame (1987)(Access)[cr Blue Adept][a2]10th Frame (1987)(Access)[cr Tsunoo Rhilty][m Noid]12. Jahrhundert, Das (1990)(Dieckmann und Luehring GbR)(de)[cr Vectronix]1943 (1987)(Probe Software)1943 (1987)(Probe Software)[cr BCS]1943 (1987)(Probe Software)[cr Bladerunners]1943 (1987)(Probe Software)[cr Bladerunners][a]1943 (1987)(Probe Software)[cr Replicants][m Atariforce]1st Division Manager (1992)(Codemasters)1st Division Manager (1992)(Codemasters)1st Division Manager (1992)(Codemasters)[a]1st Division Manager (1992)(Codemasters)[m EMT][b]1st Mail v2.18 (1987)(GST)(fr)1st Word Plus v1.89 (1986)(GST)(Disk 1 of 2)1st Word Plus v1.89 (1986)(GST)(Disk 2 of 2)1st Word Plus v2.02 (1986)(GST)(de)1st Word Plus v2.02 (1986)(GST)(de)[Insert in B]1st Word Plus v3.20 (1991)(GST)1st Word Plus v3.20 (1992)(GST)(fr)[m Megaforce]1st Word Plus v4 (199x)(GST)(Disk 1 of 3)[HD]1st Word Plus v4 (199x)(GST)(Disk 2 of 3)[HD]1st Word Plus v4 (199x)(GST)(Disk 3 of 3)[HD]2 in 1 v1.51 (1995-12-12)(Duchalski, Gregor)(fr)20000 Leagues Under The Sea (1988)(Coktel Vision)[cr Big 4]20000 Lieues Sous Les Mers (1988)(Coktel Vision)(fr)[m Atariforce]20000 Meilen Unter Dem Meer (1988)(Coktel Vision)(de)20000 Meilen Unter Dem Meer (1988)(Coktel Vision)(de)[cr EMT]221B Baker Street (1987)(Datasoft)[cr 42-Crew]221B Baker Street (1987)(Datasoft)[cr A-HA]3-D Break Thru (1988)(Antic)3-D Break Thru (1988)(Antic)[a]3D Calc+ v2.3 (19xx)(Schoonjans, Frank)(fr)3D Construction Kit, The (1991)(Domark)(M4)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][b]3D Construction Kit, The v1.10 (1991)(Domark)(M4)[!]3D Construction Kit, The v1.20 (1991)(Domark)(M4)3D Construction Kit, The v1.20 (1991)(Domark)(M4)[a]3D Construction Kit, The v1.20 (1991)(Domark)(M4)[m Zorro II]3D Molecule Modeler v2.1 (1987)(Erpeh)(PD)3D Pool (1989)(Firebird)[cr Replicants]5th Gear (1988)(Hewson)[cr Replicants][t]6-49 Lotto Picker v1.0 (1987)(Kestell, Phil D.)(PD)8 Ball (1986)(MichTron)8 Ball (1986)(MichTron)[a]9 Lives (1990)(Frames)9 Lives (1990)(Frames)[!]9 Lives (1990)(Frames)[a]9 Lives (1990)(Frames)[a]9 Lives (1990)(Frames)[b]9 Lives (1990)(Frames)[cr Atarilegend][t]9 Lives (1990)(Frames)[cr Empire]9 Lives (1990)(Frames)[cr Empire][a]A Day at the Races (1989)(Team)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA]A Day at the Races (1989)(Team)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA][a]A Day at the Races (1989)(Team)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA][a2]A Day at the Races (1989)(Team)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA][a3]A Day at the Races (1989)(Team)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr MCA]A La Poursuite de Carmen Sandiego dans le Monde (1991)(Microids)(fr)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]A La Poursuite de Carmen Sandiego dans le Monde (1991)(Microids)(fr)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][a]A Mind Forever Voyaging (1985)(Infocom)A Mind Forever Voyaging (1985)(Infocom)[a]A Question of Sport (1988)(Elite)[cr Genesis]A.P.B. - All Points Bulletin (1989)(Domark)A.P.B. - All Points Bulletin (1989)(Domark)[a]A.P.B. - All Points Bulletin (1989)(Domark)[a2]A.P.B. - All Points Bulletin (1989)(Tengen)[a2]A.S.H. Utilities (1993-09-21)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)[!]A320 (1989)(Loriciel)(fr)[cr Replicants]A320 Airbus (1991)(Thalion)[cr Cynix]A320 Airbus (1991)(Thalion)[cr Cynix][a]A320 Airbus (1991)(Thalion)[cr Elite]A320 Airbus (1991)(Thalion)[cr EMT]A320 Airbus (1991)(Thalion)[cr Quartex]Aaargh! (1989)(Melbourne House)[a][one disk]Aaargh! (1989)(Melbourne House)[one disk]Abalone (1989)(Vogel, Michael)(de)(PD)Abenteurer - Die Weltraum Odyssee (1989)(ASE)(de)(PD)Abenteurer - Die Weltraum Odyssee (1989)(ASE)(de)(PD)[a]Academy - Tau Ceti 2 (1987)(CRL Group)Academy - Tau Ceti 2 (1987)(CRL Group)(fr)[cr]Academy - Tau Ceti 2 (1987)(CRL Group)[cr Automation]Academy - Tau Ceti 2 (1987)(CRL Group)[cr Automation][a]Acidopolis (19xx)(AKNeutron)Action Fighter (1989)(Sega)Action Fighter (1989)(Sega)[cr Replicants]Action Fighter (1989)(Sega)[cr Replicants][a]Action Service (1988)(Cobra Soft)Action Service (1988)(Cobra Soft)[a]Action Service (1988)(Cobra Soft)[cr ACF]Action Service (1988)(Cobra Soft)[cr ACF][a]Action Service (1988)(Cobra Soft)[cr ACF][a2]Addams Family (1992)(Ocean)[cr ICS]Addams Family (1992)(Ocean)[cr ICS][a]Addams Family, The (1992)(Ocean)Addicta Ball (1987)(Alligata)[cr Exceptions]Addicta Ball (1987)(Alligata)[cr Exceptions][a]Adimens ST v2.1 (1987)(ADI)Adimens ST v2.1 (1987)(ADI)[a]Adimens ST v2.1 (1987)(ADI)[a2]Adimens ST v2.3 (1988)(ADI)Adimens ST v2.3 (1988)(ADI)[a]Adrenalynn (1991)(Exponentia)[cr Elite]Adrenalynn (1991)(Exponentia)[cr Vmax]Adressbuchle v2.0 (1988)(Joker Soft)(de)Advanced Destroyer Simulator (1990)(Futura)Advanced Destroyer Simulator (1990)(Futura)(fr)Advanced Destroyer Simulator (1990)(Futura)(fr)[cr Empire]Advanced Destroyer Simulator (1990)(Futura)[a]Advanced Destroyer Simulator (1990)(Futura)[cr Hotline]Advanced Destroyer Simulator (1990)(Futura)[cr Hotline][a]Advanced Fruit Machine Simulator (1987)(Codemasters)[cr Medway Boys]Advanced Fruit Machine Simulator (1987)(Codemasters)[cr Medway Boys][a]Advanced Rugby Simulator (1988)(Codemasters)[cr X-Factor][m Atariforce]Advanced Tactical Fighter 2 (1990)(Digital Integration)[cr Empire]Advantage Tennis (1991)(Infogrames)(M3)(Disk 1 of 3)[protected]Advantage Tennis (1991)(Infogrames)(M3)(Disk 2 of 3)[protected]Advantage Tennis (1991)(Infogrames)(M3)(Disk 3 of 3)[protected]Advantage Tennis (1991)(Infogrames)(M3)[cr Elite]Advantage Tennis (1991)(Infogrames)[cr Illegal][one disk]Adventure of a Crazed Hermit, The (19xx)(-)(PD)Adventures of Maddog Williams, The - The Dungeons of Duridian (1991)(Game Crafters)Adventures of Maddog Williams, The (1991)(SMG)(Disk 1 of 5)[cr Replicants][b]Adventures of Maddog Williams, The (1991)(SMG)(Disk 2 of 5)[cr Replicants][b]Adventures of Maddog Williams, The (1991)(SMG)(Disk 3 of 5)[cr Replicants][b]Adventures of Maddog Williams, The (1991)(SMG)(Disk 4 of 5)[cr Replicants][b]Adventures of Maddog Williams, The (1991)(SMG)(Disk 5 of 5)[cr Replicants][b]Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1991)(Millennium)(M4)[cr Elite]Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1991)(Millennium)(M4)[cr Elite][a]Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1991)(Millennium)(M4)[cr Elite][a2]Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1991)(Millennium)(M4)[cr Replicants]Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1991)(Millennium)(M4)[cr Vmax]Affaire, L' (1987)(Infogrames)(M6)[cr BOSS]Africa Korps (1991)(Impressions)[cr Elite]Africa Korps (1991)(Impressions)[cr Elite][a]African Raiders-01 (1988)(Electra)African Raiders-01 (1988)(Electra)[a]African Raiders-01 (1988)(Electra)[cr Bladerunners]After The War (1989)(Dinamic)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants]After The War (1989)(Dinamic)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]Afterburner (1988)(Activision)Afterburner (1988)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Afterburner (1988)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Afterburner (1988)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Afterburner (1988)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Afterburner (1988)(Activision)[a]Age (1991)(Coktel Vision)(M5)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS][m Illegal]Age (1991)(Coktel Vision)(M5)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Illegal]Age (1991)(Coktel Vision)(M5)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Illegal][a]Age (1991)(Coktel Vision)(M5)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS][m Illegal]Age (1991)(Coktel Vision)(M5)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Illegal]Age (1991)(Coktel Vision)(M5)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Illegal][a]Agi Piano v1.0 (1998)(Temple, Rainer de)[cr Starman]Agi Quest I - The Computer Game (2003)(Terho, Juha)(PD)AHDI v2.0 (1988)(Atari Corp.)AHDI v2.0 (1988)(Atari Corp.)[!]AHDI v4.02 (1990-12-06)(Atari Corp.)AHDI v4.02 (1990-12-06)(Atari Corp.)[!]AHDI v4.02 (1990-12-06)(Atari Corp.)[a]AHDI v5.00 (1991-12-03)(Atari Corp.)AHDI v5.00 (1991-12-03)(Atari Corp.)[a]AHDI v6.06 (1993-06-02)(Atari Corp.)AHDI v6.061 (1993-07-17)(Atari Corp.)Aigle d'Or, L' (19xx)(Loriciel)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk A)[cr Replicants]Aigle d'Or, L' (19xx)(Loriciel)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B)[cr Replicants]Air Bucks (1992)(Impressions)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Air Bucks (1992)(Impressions)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]Air Bucks v1.00 (1992)(Impressions)[cr Cynix][one disk]Air Supply (1990)(Magic Bytes)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][t]Air Supply (1990)(Magic Bytes)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][t][a]Air Supply (1990)(Magic Bytes)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr][m Mitrovic Milos][t]Air Supply (1990)(Magic Bytes)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][t]Air Supply (1990)(Magic Bytes)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][t][a]Air Supply (1990)(Magic Bytes)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr][m Mitrovic Milos][t]Air Support (1992)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix]Air Warrior (1991)(Kesmai)(Disk 1 of 3)Air Warrior (1991)(Kesmai)(Disk 2 of 3)Air Warrior (1991)(Kesmai)(Disk 3 of 3)Airball (1987)(Microdeal)Airball (1987)(Microdeal)[a]Airball (1987)(Microdeal)[cr 42-Crew]Airball (1987)(Microdeal)[cr 42-Crew][a]Airball (1987)(Microdeal)[cr Tsunoo Rhilty]Airborne Ranger (1989)(MicroProse)Airborne Ranger (1989)(MicroProse)[cr Medway Boys][one disk]Airline Manager v1.03 (1989-11-18)(ATC Soft)(de)(PD)Airline Manager v1.03 (1989-11-18)(ATC Soft)(de)(PD)[a]Airline ST v1.0 (1991)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)Airline ST v1.0 (1991)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)[a]Airline ST v2.0 (1992)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)Aladin Disk (19xx)(-)Aladin Disk (19xx)(-)[a]Aladin Disk (19xx)(-)[a2]Aladin Disk (19xx)(-)[a3]Aladin v1.3 (1987-05-31)(ProficomP)(de)Aladin v1.3 (1987-05-31)(ProficomP)(de)[cr Alyssa]Aladin v1.3 (1987-05-31)(ProficomP)[cr Macintosh Enhancer][monochrome]Albedo (1988)(Myriad)[cr 42-Crew]Alcantor (1991)(Lankhor)(fr)[cr Elite]Alcantor (1991)(Lankhor)[cr Elite]Alcatraz (1992)(Infogrames)(Disk 1 of 2)Alcatraz (1992)(Infogrames)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS]Alcatraz (1992)(Infogrames)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Thromir]Alcatraz (1992)(Infogrames)(Disk 1 of 2)[protected]Alcatraz (1992)(Infogrames)(Disk 2 of 2)Alcatraz (1992)(Infogrames)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS]Alcatraz (1992)(Infogrames)(Disk 2 of 2)[protected]Alcon (1987)(Taito)Alf - The First Adventure (1989)(Box Office)Alf - The First Adventure (1989)(Box Office)[a]Alf - The First Adventure (1989)(Box Office)[a2]Alf - The First Adventure (1989)(Box Office)[a3]Alf - The First Adventure (1989)(Box Office)[a4]Alfred's Kistenlager Schiebereinen (1990)(Berlitz, Stefan)(de)(PD)Aliants (1987)(Starsoft Labs)Aliants (1987)(Starsoft Labs)[a]Alice - The Personal Pascal v1.5 (1987)(Looking Glass Software)(Disk 1 of 2)Alice - The Personal Pascal v1.5 (1987)(Looking Glass Software)(Disk 2 of 2)Alien Blast (1996)(Epileptical)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Vectronix]Alien Blast (1996)(Epileptical)(Disk 2 of 4)Alien Blast (1996)(Epileptical)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Vectronix]Alien Blast (1996)(Epileptical)(Disk 3 of 4)Alien Blast (1996)(Epileptical)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Vectronix]Alien Blast (1996)(Epileptical)(Disk 4 of 4)Alien Blast (1996)(Epileptical)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Vectronix]Alien Blockade (19xx)(Scantlebury, David)(PD)Alien Fires 2199 AD (1987)(Paragon Software)(Disk 1 of 2)Alien Fires 2199 AD (1987)(Paragon Software)(Disk 2 of 2)Alien Storm (1991)(U.S. Gold)Alien Storm (1991)(U.S. Gold)[cr Bostich][t]Alien Storm (1991)(U.S. Gold)[cr Elite][t]Alien Storm (1991)(U.S. Gold)[cr Elite][t][b]Alien Syndrome (1987)(Sega)[a][one disk]Alien Syndrome (1987)(Sega)[a2][one disk]Alien Syndrome (1987)(Sega)[cr Replicants][one disk]Alien Syndrome (1987)(Sega)[one disk]Alien Thing - Director's Cut (1996)(Top Byte)[cr Atarilegend][One Disk]Alien Thing - Director's Cut (1996)(Top Byte)[cr Elite]Alien Thing - Expert Edition (1996)(Top Byte)[cr Vectronix][f Falcon][t +4]Alien Thing (1995)(999 Software)[cr Vectronix]Alien Thing (1995)(999 Software)[cr Vectronix][a]Alien Thing (1995)(999 Software)[cr Vectronix][a2]Alien World (1992)(HiTEC Software)Alien World (1992)(HiTEC Software)[a]Alien World (1992)(HiTEC Software)[cr Cynix]Alien World (1992)(HiTEC Software)[cr Cynix][a]Alien World (1992)(HiTEC Software)[cr Cynix][a2]Alien World (1992)(HiTEC Software)[cr Cynix][a3]Aliens (1992-12-14)(PD Pool)(PD)Allein in Eritra (1990)(-)(de)(PD)Alpha Waves (1990)(Infogrames)(M5)Alpha Waves (1990)(Infogrames)(M5)[a]Alpha Waves (1990)(Infogrames)(M5)[cr Empire][t]Alpha Waves (1990)(Infogrames)(M5)[cr][insert in B]Alphamax (19xx)(New Dimensions)[cr MCA]Alphamax (19xx)(New Dimensions)[cr MCA][a]Alpine Games (1988)(Atlantis)Alpine Games (1988)(Atlantis)[a]Altair (1987)(ERE)[cr 42-Crew]Altair (1987)(ERE)[cr 42-Crew][a]Altered Beast (1989)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Altered Beast (1989)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Altered Beast (1989)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[a2]Altered Beast (1989)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Altered Beast (1989)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Altered Beast (1989)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[a2]Altered Beast (1989)(Activision)[cr Illegal][t]Altered Beast (1989)(Activision)[cr Replicants][t]Alternate Reality - The City v2.0 (1986)(Datasoft)Alternate Reality - The City v2.0 (1986)(Datasoft)[a]Alternate Reality - The City v2.0 (1986)(Datasoft)[cr TLT]Alternate Reality v1.2 (1991)(Datasoft)[b]Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Doctor Doom's Revenge, The (1989)(Medalist International)(Disk 1 of 2)Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Doctor Doom's Revenge, The (1989)(Medalist International)(Disk 2 of 2)Amazing Spiderman, The (1990)(Empire)[cr Empire]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 1 of 3)Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 1 of 3)[a]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Euroswap]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 1 of 3)[no title screen]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 2 of 3)Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 2 of 3)[a]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Euroswap]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 2 of 3)[no title screen]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 3 of 3)Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 3 of 3)[a]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Euroswap]Amberstar (1992)(Thalion)(Disk 3 of 3)[no Title screen]Ammotrack (1988)(Hewson)Ammotrack (1988)(Hewson)[a]Ammotrack (1988)(Hewson)[a2]Ammotrack (1988)(Hewson)[a3]Amnesia 95 (1995)(Notec)[Falcon only]Anarchy (19xx)(Psygnosis)Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Cynix]Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Cynix][a]Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Cynix]Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Cynix][a]Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Cynix]Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Cynix][a]Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Cynix]Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Cynix][a]Ancient Battles (1990)(Smith, R.T.)Ancient Battles (1990)(Smith, R.T.)[a]Ancient Games (1991)(Energize)[cr Elite]Andes Attack (1988)(Llamasoft)[cr MCA]Andes Attack (1988)(Llamasoft)[cr MCA][a]Andyload (19xx)(Andy the Arfling)Ange de Cristal, L' - Get Dexter 2 (1988)(ERE)(M4)[cr Atarilegend]Angel Nieto Pole 500 (1990)(Opera Sport)[cr Empire]Annals Of Rome (1987)(Magic)Annals Of Rome (1987)(Magic)[a]Annals Of Rome (1987)(Magic)[a2]Annals Of Rome (1987)(Magic)[a3]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t][a]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[protected]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[protected]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[!][protected]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Fuzion]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[!][protected]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Fuzion]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr MCA]Another World (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]Ansi ST v0.40 (1994-05-07)(Uncensored Software)Antago (1990)(Art of Dreams)[!]Antago (1990)(Art of Dreams)[cr Atarilegend]Antago (1990)(Art of Dreams)[cr Empire]Antago (1990)(Art of Dreams)[cr Empire][a]Antago (1990)(Art of Dreams)[cr Empire][a2]Antago (1990)(Art of Dreams)[cr Empire][a3]Antago (1990)(Art of Dreams)[cr Empire][a4]Antago (1990)(Art of Dreams)[cr Replicants]Apache Flight (1992)(Minds I)[cr Quartex]Apache Flight (1992)(Minds I)[cr Quartex][a]APB (1989)(Tengen)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]APB (1989)(Tengen)(Disk 1 of 2)[a][!]APB (1989)(Tengen)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]APB (1989)(Tengen)(Disk 2 of 2)[a][!]Apprentice (1990)(Rainbow Arts)[cr Medway Boys][t]Aquanaut (1989)(Addictive)[cr Sharaz Jek][t]Arabesque Professional (19xx)(-)Arbre Genealogique (1992-12)(Pressimage)Arc Shell (1991)(Johnson, Charles F.)Arc Shell v1.3 (19xx)(-)Arcade Fruit Machine (1992)(Zeppelin)[cr ICS]Arcade Trivia Quiz (1991)(Zeppelin)[cr Medway Boys]Arcan (1993)(Softwave Games)(de)(PD)Arcan (1993)(Softwave Games)(de)(PD)[a]Arche du Captain Blood, L' (1988)(ERE)(fr)Arche du Captain Blood, L' (1988)(ERE)(fr)[cr Hotline]Arche du Captain Blood, L' (1988)(ERE)(fr)[cr Lord]Arche du Captain Blood, L' (demo-playable) (1988)(ERE)(fr)Archer MacLean's Pool (1992)(Virgin)[cr Cynix]Archipel (1989)(Logotron)Archipelagos (1989)(Logotron)[b]Archipelagos (1989)(Logotron)[cr Ford Prefect]Archipelagos (1989)(Logotron)[cr Ford Prefect][a]Archipelagos (1989)(Logotron)[cr Medway Boys][use pasti]Archipelagos (1989)(Logotron)[cr Vapour]Architecte, L' (19xx)(-)(fr)[b]Archon (19xx)(Delta Force)[b]Arctic Fox (1986)(Electronic Arts)Arctic Fox (1986)(Electronic Arts)[!]Arctic Fox (1986)(Electronic Arts)[a]Arctic Moves (1991)(Dinamic)(Disk 1 of 2)Arctic Moves (1991)(Dinamic)(Disk 2 of 2)Arena (1986)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)Arena (1986)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)Arena (1986)(Psygnosis)[cr BOSS]Arena (1986)(Psygnosis)[cr BOSS][a]Arena Earth (1990)(sysTim)(SW)[a][One Disk]Arena Earth (1990)(sysTim)(SW)[One Disk]Arkanoid (1987)(Imagine)Arkanoid (1987)(Imagine)[cr Anit-Satanist]Arkanoid (1987)(Imagine)[cr TEX]Arkanoid (1987)(Imagine)[cr TSB]Arkanoid (1987)(Imagine)[m Gamebase ST]Arkanoid (1987)(Taito)Arkanoid Editor (1987-05-31)(Dutch Muggers Association)Arkanoid Editor (1987-05-31)(Dutch Muggers Association)[a]Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[a]Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr Bladerunners][b]Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr Replicants]Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr Replicants][t]Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr Replicants][t][a]Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr Replicants][t][a2]Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr Replicants][t][a3]Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr TDA][t +2 DSC]Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr TDA][t +2 DSC][a]Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[cr TDA][t +2 DSC][a2]Arkanoid II - Revenge of Doh (1988)(Imagine)[t +2 DSC]Armalyte (1991)(Thalamus)[cr Elite][t +2]Armalyte (1991)(Thalamus)[cr Elite][t +2][a]Armour-Geddon (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Medway Boys]Armour-Geddon (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 3)Armour-Geddon (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 3)[a]Armour-Geddon (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Medway Boys]Armour-Geddon (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 3)Armour-Geddon (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 3)[a]Armour-Geddon (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 3 of 3)Armour-Geddon (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 3 of 3)[a]Armour-Geddon (1991)(Psygnosis)[cr Alien][t][one disk]Armour-Geddon (demo-playable)(1991)(Psygnosis)Army Moves (1988)(Imagine)[cr MCA][t]Army Moves (1988)(Imagine)[cr MCA][t][a]Army Moves (1988)(Imagine)[cr Replicants][m][t]Arranger Pro (19xx)(-)(fr)[cr MCA]Arranger ST v2.0 (1990)(Zadok Products)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Arranger ST v2.0 (1990)(Zadok Products)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]Art Director (1988)(Epyx)Artificial Dreams (1988)(HTL)[cr Bladerunners]Artificial Dreams (1988)(HTL)[cr Bladerunners][a]Artificial Dreams (1988)(Prism Leisure)Artis 3 (19xx)(Artis Software)[b]Artis 4 - Prism Paint 2 (19xx)(16-32 Editions)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr IAAD Group]Artis 4 - Prism Paint 2 (19xx)(16-32 Editions)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr IAAD Group]Artis 4 - Prism Paint 2 (19xx)(Lexicor)[cr Fuzion - Cyrix]artiST v1.0 (1993-11-03)(Laubenberger, Stefan)(SW)Artkraft v1.3 (1987)(Rees, Christian)(de)Artura (1988)(Gremlin)Artura (1988)(Gremlin)Artura (1988)(Gremlin)[a]Artura (1988)(Gremlin)[a]Artwork (19xx)(Misc)AS Sound Sampler (19xx)(Application Service Software)[cr Lockman III]Ascgif v1.6 (19xx)(Klink, Oliver)ASCII to ASCII v 2.0 (2000)(Landemarre, Olivier)(fr)ASCII View v3.75 (19xx)(Seberg, David M.)Asgard (1988)(AGC)[cr MCA]Asgard (1988)(AGC)[cr MCA][a]Assempro (1986)(Abacus)Astaroth (1989)(Hewson)(Disk 1 of 2)[don't work with TOS 1.06 or later][!]Astaroth (1989)(Hewson)(Disk 2 of 2)[a][don't work with TOS 1.06 or later]Astaroth (1989)(Hewson)(Disk 2 of 2)[Disk 2 in Games STX]Astaroth (1989)(Hewson)[cr Delight]Astate (1990)(New Deal Productions)[m MCA]Asterix (1987)(Coktel Vision)(de)[m EMT]Asterix (1987)(Coktel Vision)(es)[m Atariforce]Asterix chez Rahazade (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[don't work with TOS 1.06 or later][!]Asterix chez Rahazade (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Asterix chez Rahazade (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr][m Atariforce]Asterix et le Coup du Menhir (1989)(Coktel Vision)(Fr)(Disk 1 of 2)Asterix et le Coup du Menhir (1989)(Coktel Vision)(Fr)(Disk 2 of 2)Asterix et le Coup du Menhir (1989)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr Daewoo][b]Asterix et le Coup du Menhir (1989)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr Empire][b]Asterix et le Coup du Menhir (1989)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr MCA]Asterix und Operation Hinkelstein (1989)(Coktel Vision)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)Asterix und Operation Hinkelstein (1989)(Coktel Vision)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)Asteroidia (1995)(Munsie)(SW)Asteroids Deluxe (1987)(Atari)Asteroids Deluxe (1987)(Atari)[a]Astro - Programm des Lebens v5.0 (1986)(Biosystems)(de)Astro 2000 (1996)(Cybernation Software)(FW)Astro Marine Corporation (1990)(Dinamic)[cr Replicants][t]Astro Marine Corporation (1990)(Dinamic)[cr Replicants][t][a]Astrocycle Senior v1.40 (1990)(Prymac, Jean-Claude)(fr)Astrolab - Astronomie de Position (1988)(Gueguen, Yves Louis)(fr)Astronomie v1.1 (1990)(Maurelle, Vincent)(fr)Astronomy Lab ST, The v1.05 (1989-09-04)(Simple Logic)Astrovie (1987)(Prymac, Jean-Claude)[cr Big Bang Chaos Computer Club de Bernay]Astrovie v1.00 (1987)(Prymac, Jean-Claude)(fr)Atabank (19xx)(Pressimage)(fr)(SW)[monochrome]Atabase (19xx))(Lambin, Andre)(M4)[monochrome]Atari Desktop for ST-TT Computer (1990-06-19)(Atari Corp.)(fr)Atari HD Utility Disk v2.0 (1988)(Atari Corp)Atari Image Manager v3.00 (1991-03-25)(TU Delft)(PD)[Bitz 210]Atari Jaguar Information Disk (19xx)(-)Atari Language Disk 1040ST (1986)(Atari Corp.)Atari Language Disk 520ST (1985)(Atari Corp.)Atari Language Disk Mega ST (1987)(Atari Corp.)(de)[!]Atari Language Disk Mega ST (19xx)(Atari Corp.)Atari Language Disk Mega STE (19xx)(Atari Corp.)Atari Language Disk Mega STE without HDD (1991)(Atari Corp.)(de)[!]Atari Language Disk STE (1989)(Atari Corp.)(de)[!]Atari Language Disk STE (19xx)(Atari Corp.)Atari Language Disk STE (19xx)(Atari Corp.)(fr)Atari Language Disk STE (19xx)(Atari Corp.)(fr)[a]Atari Language Disk TT (19xx)(Atari Corp.)Atari Logo (1985)(Atari Corp.)(fr)Atari Mega STE Language Disk (1990)(Atari Corp.)Atari Mega STE Language Disk (1990)(Atari Corp.)[a]Atari Musicmaker (1989)(Music Sales)Atari ST Language Disk (1985)(Atari Corp.)Atari ST Language Disk (1985)(Atari Corp.)(de)Atari TT Desktop for ST (19xx)(-)[German Readme]Atari Works (19xx)(STP Electronics Ltd.)(fr)[b]Atari Works (19xx)(STP Electronics Ltd.)(fr)[b2]Atari Works v1.207 (1993-07-22)(STP Electronics Ltd.)(Disk 1 of 3)Atari Works v1.207 (1993-07-22)(STP Electronics Ltd.)(Disk 2 of 3)Atari Works v1.207 (1993-07-22)(STP Electronics Ltd.)(Disk 3 of 3)Atari Works v1.207 (1993-07-22)(STP Electronics Ltd.)(fr)[h AtariCD][needs GDOS]Atari Works v1.207 (1993-07-22)(STP Electronics Ltd.)(fr)[needs GDOS]Atax (1988)(Ramware)Atax (1988)(Ramware)[a]Atax (1988)(Ramware)[cr MCA]Atax (1988)(Ramware)[cr MCA][a]Atomic Robot Kid (1990)(Activision)(Disk 1 od 2)Atomic Robot Kid (1990)(Activision)(Disk 2 od 2)Atomic Robot Kid (1990)(Activision)[cr Empire][t]Atomic Robot Kid (1990)(Activision)[cr]Atomino (1990)(Psygnosis)(M3)[cr Empire]Atomino (1990)(Psygnosis)(M3)[cr Empire][a]Atomix (1990)(U.S. Gold)Atomix (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA]Atomix (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA][a]Atomix (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Tutti Frutti][t]Audio Sculpture (1990)(Synchron Assembly)[cr Replicants]Audio Sculpture (1990)(Synchron Assembly)[Evaluation Version]Audio Sculpture (1991)(Synchron Assembly)[cr Fuzion]Audio Sculpture (demo) (1990)(Synchron Assembly)Audio Video Sequencer (1988)(Antic)Austerlitz (1990)(MirrorSoft)[cr Medway Boys]Autoduel (1988)(Origin)[b]Autohack v4.13 (19xx)(Amazing Un-Nameables)Automation Compacter v2.51 (1990)(LSD) & POV Pictures (19xx)(-)Av-8B Harrier Assault (1992)(Domark)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix]Av-8B Harrier Assault (1992)(Domark)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][b]Av-8B Harrier Assault (1992)(Domark)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Cynix]Av-8B Harrier Assault (1992)(Domark)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][b]Avalon v1.0 (19xx)(Steinberg)(STE)(de)[cr MCA]Aventura I (1989)(Aventuras AD)(es)(Disk 1 of 2)Aventura I (1989)(Aventuras AD)(es)(Disk 2 of 2)Aventures de Moktar, Les (1991)(Titus)(fr)[!]Aventures de Moktar, Les (1991)(Titus)(fr)[cr Vmax]Aventures de Moktar, Les (1991)(Titus)(fr)[cr Vmax][a]Aventures de Moktar, Les (1991)(Titus)(fr)[cr Vmax][a2]Awesome (1990)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 3)[b]Awesome (1990)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 3)[b]Awesome (1990)(Psygnosis)(Disk 3 of 3)[b]Awesome (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr The Pompey Pirates][t][disk 2 is PP menu13 part4 disk2]Awesome (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Medway Boys][t]Awesome (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Medway Boys][t][a]Awesome (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Medway Boys][t]Awesome (1991)(Psygnosis)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Medway Boys][t]Axel's Magic Hammer (19xx)(Core Design)Azarian v0.87b (1987)(Synergy Development)(beta)B.A.T. (1989)(UBI Soft)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Termination]B.A.T. (1989)(UBI Soft)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Termination]B.A.T. (1989)(UBI Soft)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Termination]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(Disk 1 of 3)[needs to run]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(Disk 2 of 3)[needs to run]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(Disk 3 of 3)[needs to run]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants][a]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Termination]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Termination][a]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[needs to run]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Termination]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Termination][a]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[needs to run]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Termination]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Termination][a]B.A.T. (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[needs to run]B.A.T. II (1990)(UBI Soft)(Disk 1 of 5)[cr Oxbow]B.A.T. II (1990)(UBI Soft)(Disk 2 of 5)[cr Oxbow]B.A.T. II (1990)(UBI Soft)(Disk 3 of 5)[cr Oxbow]B.A.T. II (1990)(UBI Soft)(Disk 4 of 5)[cr Oxbow]B.A.T. II (1990)(UBI Soft)(Disk 5 of 5)[cr Oxbow]B.A.T. II (1993)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 1 of 5)[cr ICS]B.A.T. II (1993)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 1 of 5)[cr ICS][a]B.A.T. II (1993)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 2 of 5)[cr ICS]B.A.T. II (1993)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 3 of 5)[cr ICS]B.A.T. II (1993)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 4 of 5)[cr ICS]B.A.T. II (1993)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 5 of 5)[cr ICS]B.A.T. II (1993)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 5)[cr Bastards]B.A.T. II (1993)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 5)[cr Bastards]B.A.T. II (1993)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 3 of 5)[cr Bastards]B.A.T. II (1993)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 4 of 5)[cr Bastards]B.A.T. II (1993)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 5 of 5)[cr Bastards]Baal (1988)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)Baal (1988)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)Baal (1988)(Psygnosis)[cr STCS][m EMT][t CA]Baal (1988)(Psygnosis)[cr STCS][t]Baal (1988)(Psygnosis)[cr STCS][t][a]Baby Jo - Going Home (1991)(Loriciel)(M4)[cr Replicants][t]Baby Jo (1991)(Loriciel)(M4)[cr Replicants][t][a]Baby Jo (1991)(Loriciel)(M4)[cr Replicants][t][a2]Baby Jo (1991)(Loriciel)(M4)[cr Replicants][t][a3]Baby Jo (1991)(Loriciel)(M4)[cr Vmax]Baby Jo (1991)(Loriciel)(M4)[cr Vmax][t +2][different intro crack]Back To The Future II (1990)(MirrorSoft)Back To The Future II (1990)(MirrorSoft)[cr Empire][t +2 V8]Back To The Future II (1990)(MirrorSoft)[cr Empire][t +2 V8][a]Back to the Future III (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr BBC]Back to the Future III (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr BBC]Back to the Future III (1991)(Image Works)[cr BBC][one disk]Back To The Future III (1991)(Image Works)[cr Replicants][m Stranger][t]Back To The Future III (1991)(Image Works)[cr Replicants][t]Back to the golden Age (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)Back to the golden Age (1990)(UBI Soft)(fr)[a]Back to the golden Age (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Elite][t]Back to the golden Age (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Elite][t][a]Back to the golden Age (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]Backgammon Royal (1991)(CP Software)[cr Hotline]Background Sound Programm (19xx)(-)Backlash (1987)(Novagen)[cr Mister 800 XL]Backlash (1987)(Novagen)[cr Speedlink][b]Backward III v1.00 (1995-09-06)(C. Dupuydauby)[a][Falcon only]Backward III v1.00 (1995-09-06)(C. Dupuydauby)[Falcon only]Bad Cat (1987)(Rainbow Arts)Bad Cat (1987)(Rainbow Arts)[cr BOSS]Bad Cat (1987)(Rainbow Arts)[cr BOSS][a]Bad Cat (1987)(Rainbow Arts)[cr Myxin][b]Bad Company (1989)(Logotron)[cr MCA]Bad Company (1989)(Logotron)[cr]Badlands (1990)(Domark)Badlands (1990)(Domark)[cr Empire][t]Badlands (1990)(Domark)[cr Empire][t][a]Badlands Pete (1990)(Arc)Baker Street Detective (1986)(Artworx Software)Baker Street Detective (1986)(Artworx Software)[a]Balance of Power - The 1990 Edition (1990)(Mindscape)Balance of Power (1987)(Mindscape)Balance of Power (1987)(Mindscape)[cr Extended Enigma Inc.]Balance of Power (1987)(Mindscape)[cr Extended Enigma Inc.][a]Ball (2002)(LCD Revival Games)Ball Game, The (1991)(Electronic Zoo)[!]Ball Game, The (1991)(Electronic Zoo)[cr Elite]Ball's Quest (1989)(Infomedia)Ballerburg (1987)(Kruse, Eckhard)(de)(PD)Ballistix (1989)(Psyclapse)[!]Ballistix (1989)(Psyclapse)[cr Replicants]Ballistix (1989)(Psyclapse)[cr Replicants][a]Balls (19xx)(Poon Software)(PD)Ballyhoo (1986)(Infocom)Band-in-a-Box v4.2 (19xx)(PG Music)(Disk 1 of 2)Band-in-a-Box v4.2 (19xx)(PG Music)(Disk 2 of 2)Band-in-a-Box v5.4 (19xx)(PG Music)(Disk 1 of 4)Band-in-a-Box v5.4 (19xx)(PG Music)(Disk 2 of 4)Band-in-a-Box v5.4 (19xx)(PG Music)(Disk 2 of 4)[a]Band-in-a-Box v5.4 (19xx)(PG Music)(Disk 3 of 4)Band-in-a-Box v5.4 (19xx)(PG Music)(Disk 3 of 4)[a]Band-in-a-Box v5.4 (19xx)(PG Music)(Disk 4 of 4)Band-in-a-Box v5.4 (19xx)(PG Music)(Disk 4 of 4)[a]Bang and Blastman - Explosive Fun (1996)(MegaGOLD)Bang and Blastman - Explosive Fun (1996)(MegaGOLD)[a]Bank Buster (1988)(Methodic Solutions)Bank Buster (1988)(Methodic Solutions)[cr]Bank-It (1987)(Aaronfay Marketing Ltd)Bankok Knights (1989)(System 3)[cr MCA]Bankok Knights (1989)(System 3)[cr Replicants]Barbarian (1987)(Palace)Barbarian (1987)(Palace)Barbarian (1987)(Palace)[a]Barbarian (1987)(Palace)[a]Barbarian (1987)(Palace)[a2]Barbarian (1987)(Palace)[a3]Barbarian (1987)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Barbarian (1987)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)Barbarian (1987)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]Barbarian (1987)(Psygnosis)[cr TNT]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][a]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][a2]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][a3]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][m EMT]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 1 of 3)[b][!]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 1 of 3)[b2][!]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][a]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][a2]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][a3]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][m EMT]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 2 of 3)[b][!]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 2 of 3)[b2][!]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 3 of 3)[b][!]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)(Disk 3 of 3)[b2][!]Barbarian II (1988)(Palace)[!]Barbarian II (1991)(Psygnosis)(M4)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite][t +3]Barbarian II (1991)(Psygnosis)(M4)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite][t +3][a]Barbarian II (1991)(Psygnosis)(M4)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants][t]Barbarian II (1991)(Psygnosis)(M4)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite][t +3]Barbarian II (1991)(Psygnosis)(M4)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants][t]Barbarian II (1991)(Psygnosis)(M4)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][t +3]Barbarian II (1991)(Psygnosis)(M4)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants][t]Bard's Tale, The (1987)(Electronic Arts)Bard's Tale, The (1987)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 1 of 2)Bard's Tale, The (1987)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 2 of 2)Bard's Tale, The (1987)(Electronic Arts)[cr BOSS][b]Bard's Tale, The (1987)(Electronic Arts)[cr BOSS][b][a]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Cynix]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Cynix]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Cynix]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Cynix]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 4)Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 4)[!][protected]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 4)[a]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 4)[a2]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr ICS]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Replicants]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 2 of 4)Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 2 of 4)[!][protected]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr ICS]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Replicants]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 3 of 4)Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 3 of 4)[!][protected]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr ICS]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Replicants]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 4 of 4)Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 4 of 4)[!][protected]Bargon Attack (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Replicants]Basket Manager (19xx)(Simulmondo)[cr MCA]Basket Manager (19xx)(Simulmondo)[cr MCA][a]Basket Manager (19xx)(Simulmondo)[cr MCA][a2]Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)[a2]Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)[a3]Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)[a2]Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)[a3]Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)[cr Bladerunners]Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)(Ocean)[m Hit Squad][one disk][!]Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)[!]Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)[a]Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)[a][!]Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)[a2]Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)[b]Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)[cr Atarilegend][t]Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)[cr Replicants]Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)[cr Replicants][a]Batman - The Movie (1989)(Ocean)[cr Replicants][m EMT]Battle Bound (1991)(Warp)[cr Elite][t]Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay)Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay)(Disk 1 of 2)[protected]Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay)(Disk 2 of 2)[protected]Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay)[a]Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay)[a2]Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay)[cr MCA]Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay)[cr MCA][m EMT]Battle Chess (1989)(Interplay)[cr Replicants]Battle Command (1990)(Ocean)(M3)[cr Empire]Battle Command Final (1990)(Ocean)(M3)[cr Jinx]Battle Hawks 1942 (1988)(LucasFilm Games)[a][Protection Removed]Battle Hawks 1942 (1988)(LucasFilm Games)[cr Bladerunners]Battle Hawks 1942 (1988)(LucasFilm Games)[Password TMC]Battle Hawks 1942 (1988)(LucasFilm Games)[Protection Removed]Battle Master (1990)(PSS)[cr Empire]Battle Master (1990)(PSS)[cr Empire][a]Battle Master (1990)(PSS)[cr Empire][a2]Battle Master (1990)(PSS)[cr Replicants]Battle Master (1990)(PSS)[cr Vmax]Battle of the Atlantic - The Ocean Lifeline v4.0P (1985)(Simulations Canada)Battle Probe (1988)(Capital Software Designs Ltd.)Battle Tech (1988)(Infocom)[cr Revolution]Battle Zone (1986)(Atari Corp.)Battle Zone (1986)(Atari Corp.)[m MugUK]Battleships (1987)(Elite)Battleships (1987)(Elite)[!]Battleships (1987)(Elite)[a]Battlezone (19xx)(Cunning and Devious Games)(PD)Battlezone (19xx)(Cunning and Devious Games)(PD)[a]Bauernkampf (1988)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)Bauernkampf (1988)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)[a]BD Studio (1991)(ESAT)Beam (19xx)(Magic Bytes)[cr BBC]Beast Buster (1992)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][t +4]Beast Lord (1993)(Grandslam)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix]Beast Lord (1993)(Grandslam)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Cynix]Becker CAD v1.25 (1989)(Data Becker)(fr)Becker Design v1.00d (1991)(Data Becker)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)Becker Design v1.00d (1991)(Data Becker)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)Beckertext ST v1.0 (1987)(Data Becker)(fr)Before Dawn v1.25 (1993)(Rudolph, Arne)(SW)Belle Zohra, La (19xx)(Logiciels d'en Face)(fr)[cr Euroswap]Belote (1987-12)(Thomas, A.)(fr)Berlin 1948 (1989)(Time Warp)(de)[cr MCA]Berlin 1948 (1989)(Time Warp)(de)[cr MCA][a]Berlin 1948 (1989)(Time Warp)(Disk 1 of 2)Berlin 1948 (1989)(Time Warp)(Disk 2 of 2)Bermuda Project (1987)(Mirrorsoft)(Disk 1 of 2)Bermuda Project (1987)(Mirrorsoft)(Disk 2 of 2)BeroPress ST v2.3 (1991)(Bero)(de)(PD)BetaDos v3.12 (2003-03-08)(Andersson, Ronald)Betrayal (1991)(Rainbird)[cr Replicants][one disk]Better Dead Than Alien! (1987)(Electra)Better Dead Than Alien! (1987)(Electra)Better Dead Than Alien! (1987)(Electra)[cr Bladerunners]Beverly Hills Cop (1990)(Paramount Pictures)(Disk 1 of 2)Beverly Hills Cop (1990)(Paramount Pictures)(Disk 2 of 2)Beverly Hills Cop (1990)(Paramount Pictures)[cr Empire][m Hemoroids]Beverly Hills Cop (1990)(Paramount Pictures)[cr Replicants]Beverly Hills Cop (1990)(Paramount Pictures)[cr Replicants][a]Beyond the Ice Palace (1988)(Elite)Beyond the Ice Palace (1988)(Elite)[!]Beyond the Ice Palace (1988)(Elite)[cr Bladerunners]Beyond the Titanic (19xx)(-)Beyond Zork (1987)(Infocom)Beyond Zork (1987)(Infocom)[a]Big Business (1990)(DigiTek Software)[cr Elite]Big Business (1990)(DigiTek Software)[cr]Big Fishing Game (1990)(Simulmondo)(it)[cr Replicants]Big Nose (1993)(Codemasters)Big Nose (1993)(Codemasters)[cr Cynix][t]Big Run (1991)(Storm)[cr Elite]Big Run (1991)(Storm)[cr Elite][a]BigBoss 24 v3 (1992-09)(Rythm'n Soft)[cr MCA]BigBoss v1.0 (1991-01)(Rythm'n Soft)(M3)[a][monochrome]BigBoss v1.0 (1991-01)(Rythm'n Soft)(M3)[monochrome]BigBoss24 v3.0 (1999-09)(Rythm'n Software)(M3)[cr Elite]Bildbank v1.91 (1989)(Wissenschaft&Medizin Laass)(de)(PD)Bill Palmer (19xx)(-)(fr)[cr STCS]Billiards Simulator (1991)(ERE)(M3)[!]Billiards Simulator (1991)(ERE)(M3)[cr Les Nuls]Billiards Simulator (1991)(ERE)(M3)[cr Les Nuls][m Atariforce]Billiards Simulator II (1991)(Infogrames)[cr Elite]Billy Bounce (1989)(B.Ware Software)[cr Pompey Pirates][t]Billy Boy (1997)(Stosser)(SW)Bimbo Story, The (1992)(Pressimage)[b]Bio Challenge (1988)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[b]Bio Challenge (1988)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[b][a]Bio Challenge (1988)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]Bio Challenge (1988)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[b][a]Bio Challenge (1988)(Delphine)[cr Blood][t][one disk]Bio Challenge (1988)(Delphine)[one disk]Bio Hazzard v1.1 (1993)(Greenhalgh, L.J.)(LW)[b][Registered]Biohazard 2 (1996)(Village)Bionic Commando (1987)(Software Creations)(Disk 1 of 2)[b]Bionic Commando (1987)(Software Creations)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]Bionic Commando (1987)(Software Creations)[cr Bladerunners]Bionic Commando (1987)(Software Creations)[cr Bladerunners][a]Bionic Commando (1987)(Software Creations)[cr Bladerunners][m EMT]Bionic Commando (1987)(Software Creations)[cr Replicants][m Atariforce][t]Biorythmes (1985-09-14)(Cobra Soft)(fr)Bismarck (1989)(Electronic Arts)Bivouac (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr 42-Crew]Bivouac (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr 42-Crew][a]Bivouac (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr 42-Crew][a2]Black Cauldron, The (1985)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Black Cauldron, The (1985)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Black Gold (1992)(Starbyte)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Avartex]Black Gold (1992)(Starbyte)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Quartex][a]Black Gold (1992)(Starbyte)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Avartex]Black Gold (1992)(Starbyte)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Quartex][a]Black Hornet (1991)(HiTEC Software)[cr Cynix]Black Hornet (1991)(HiTEC Software)[cr Cynix][a]Black Jack Plus III (1991)(Musicode)Black Lamp (1988)(Firebird)[cr BOSS]Black Sect (1993)(Lankhor)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Supremacy][a][disk 3 is Vectronix 349]Black Sect (1994)(Lankhor)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Supremacy][disk 3 is Vectronix 349]Black Sect (1994)(Lankhor)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[protected]Black Sect (1994)(Lankhor)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Supremacy][disk 3 is Vectronix 349]Black Sect (1994)(Lankhor)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[protected]Black Sect (1994)(Lankhor)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[protected]Black Tiger (1989)(Capcom)[cr Replicants][m The Best][t]Black Tiger (1989)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)Black Tiger (1989)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)Black Tiger (1989)(U.S. Gold)[!]Black Tiger (1989)(U.S. Gold)[cr Replicants]Black Tiger (1989)(U.S. Gold)[cr Replicants][a]Black Tiger (1989)(U.S. Gold)[cr Replicants][m EMT][t]Black Tiger (1989)(U.S. Gold)[cr Replicants][t]Blackscar Mountain (1991)(Titan Games)Blackscar Mountain (1991)(Titan Games)[a]Blastaball (1988)(Arcadia)[cr Bladerunners]Blastaball (1988)(Arcadia)[cr Bladerunners][a]Blasteroids (1987)(Image Works)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Blasteroids (1987)(Image Works)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Blasteroids (1987)(Image Works)[cr Atarilegend][t][One Disk]Blasteroids (1987)(Image Works)[cr Creation][h 512k file version]Blasteroids (1987)(Image Works)[cr Creation][h 512k file version][a]Blazing Thunder (1991)(HiTEC Software)[cr Replicants]Blinky's Scary School (1990)(Zeppelin)[cr Medway Boys]Blitz (19xx)(Gallaz Software)(fr)(PD)(Disk 1 of 2)Blitz (19xx)(Gallaz Software)(fr)(PD)(Disk 2 of 2)Blitzkrieg - May 1940 (1990)(Impressions)Blitzkrieg - May 1940 (1990)(Impressions)[a]Blitzkrieg - May 1940 (1990)(Impressions)[cr Empire]Blob Race (1994)(Chaos)(SW)[Power Disk Magazine version]Block Out (1990)(California Dreams)[cr Replicants]Block Out (1990)(California Dreams)[protected]Blood Fever (19xx)(Micro Value)[cr Bladerunners][b]Blood Money (1989)(Psygnosis)[b]Blood Money (1989)(Psygnosis)[cr Confederacy][b]Blood Money (1989)(Psygnosis)[cr Delight]Blood Money (1989)(Psygnosis)[cr Delight][a]Blood Money (1989)(Psygnosis)[cr Delight][m Superior][t]Blood Money (1989)(Psygnosis)[cr Replicants][t]Blood Money (1989)(Psygnosis)[cr Replicants][t][a]Bloodwych - The extended Levels (1989)(MirrorSoft)[cr Replicants]Bloodwych (1989)(MirrorSoft)[b]Bloodwych (1989)(MirrorSoft)[b2]Bloodwych (1989)(MirrorSoft)[cr Equinox]BlowUP 30 (19xx)(Acher, Georg - Eberl, Michael)[cr Trash][Falcon only]Blue Angel 69 (1989)(Magic Bytes)Blue Angels (1989)(Accolade)[cr V8]Blue Angels (1989)(Accolade)[cr V8][a]Blue Angels (1989)(Accolade)[protected]Blue Max (1990)(Artech)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Blue Max (1990)(Artech)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][a]Blue Max (1990)(Artech)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]Blue Max (1990)(Artech)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][a]Blueberry (1987)(Infogrames)(de)Blueberry (1987)(Infogrames)(de)[cr Exceptions]Blueberry (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr Cthulhu]Blueberry (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)[m Freddo]Blues Brothers, The (1991)(Titus)[cr Empire][t]Blues Brothers, The (1991)(Titus)[cr Empire][t][a]bmTOS v2.06 Rev. B (1990)(Atari Corp.)(de)BMX Simulator (1988)(ECS Distribution)[cr Axel Follet]BMX Simulator (1988)(ECS Distribution)[cr Bladerunners]Bob Morane - Chevalerie 1 (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr BOSS]Bob Morane - Chevalerie 1 (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr BOSS][a]Bob Morane - Chevalerie 1 (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr BOSS][a2]Bob Morane - Jungle (1987)(Infogrames)[cr Atarilegend][t][aka Lee Enfield in Amazon Adventure]Bob Morane - Jungle 1 (1987)(Infogrames)(fr)Bob Morane (1987)(Infogrames)Bob Morane Ocean (1988)(Infogrames)Bob Winner (1987)(Loriciel)(fr)Bob Winner (1987)(Loriciel)(fr)[cr BOSS]Bob Winner (1987)(Loriciel)(fr)[cr BOSS][a]Bob Winner (1987)(Loriciel)(fr)[cr Boss][a2]Bobo (1988)(Infogrames)Bobo (1988)(Infogrames)(fr)Bobo (1988)(Infogrames)(fr)[a]Bobo (1988)(Infogrames)[a Highscore]Bobo (1988)(Infogrames)[a2]Bobo (1988)(Infogrames)[a3]Bobo (1988)(Infogrames)[a4]Boersenfieber (1989)(Falken)(de)Boing (1990)(Uniques)Bold v1.0b (2004)(Kermel, Laurent)(PD)Bold v1.1b (2004-06-08)(Kermel, Laurent)(PD)Bolo - Public Domain Version (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(en-de)(PD)Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(en-de)Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(en-de)[!]Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(en-de)[a]Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(en-de)[a2]Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(en-de)[a3]Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(en-de)[a4]Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(en-de)[a5]Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(en-de)[a6]Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(en-de)[b]Bolo (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(en-de)[m EMT]Bolo Werkstatt (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)Bolo Werkstatt (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)[!]Bolo Werkstatt (1987)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)[a]Bomb Disposal (1992-03)(Ozsoft)(PD)Bomber Command (1987)(Mars)[KC Slim - Revolution]Bombjack (1988)(Elite)Bombs Away (1995)(Ninth Wave)(PD)Bombs Away (1995)(Ninth Wave)(PD)[a]Bombuzal (1988)(Image Works)Bombuzal (1988)(Image Works)[cr Bladerunners]Bombuzal (1988)(Image Works)[cr Bladerunners][a]Bonanza Bros (1991)(U.S. Gold)[cr Cynix]Bonanza Bros (1991)(U.S. Gold)[cr Tristar]Booly (1991)(Loriciel)[cr Elite][t]Bootiful Babe (1989)(New Dimensions)Bootsector Construction Set v 1.64 (1994)(Roche, X.)Boozgem 2.1.3 BETA (19xx)(Dorman, Michael Alan)Borderzone (1987)(Infocom)[m Atariforce]Borodino (1988)(Battlescapes)(Disk 1 of 2)Borodino (1988)(Battlescapes)(Disk 2 of 2)Borrowed Time (1986)(Interplay)[cr Arthur Dent]Borrowed Time (1986)(Interplay)[cr GMC]Borrowed Time (1986)(Interplay)[cr Swabian Cracker Association]Borrowed Time (1986)(Interplay)[cr Swabian Cracker Association][a]Boston Bomb Club (1991)(Silmarils)Boston Bomb Club (1991)(Silmarils)[cr Vmax]Boston Bomb Club (1991)(Silmarils)[cr Vmax][a]Boston Bomb Club (1991)(Silmarils)[cr Vmax][a2]Botics (1990)(Krisalis Software)(M4)Botics (1990)(Krisalis Software)(M4)[cr Delight]Boulder Dash (19xx)(Kraatz, Thomas)Boulder Dash Construction Kit (1987)(First Star Software)Boulder Dash Construction Kit (1987)(First Star Software)[!]Boulder Dash Construction Kit (1987)(First Star Software)[a]Boulder Dash Construction Kit (1987)(First Star Software)[a]Boulder Dash Construction Kit (1987)(First Star Software)[a][!]Bounce Out (1988)(Godax)Bouncer (2005)(Cybernation Softwarel)(FW)(beta)Brainbox (1988)(CRL Group)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Powers That Be]Brainbox (1988)(CRL Group)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Powers That Be]BrainGame ST, The (1988-04-05)(Digital Graphics)(de)(PD)[monochrom]Brat (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire][t]Brat (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]Brat (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Empire][t]Brat (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Empire][t][a]Brat (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]Brat (1991)(Image Works)[cr Empire][t]Brataccas (1987)(Psygnosis)[!]Brataccas (1987)(Psygnosis)[cr Conan]Breach II (1992)(Omnitrend Software)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS]Breach II (1992)(Omnitrend Software)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS]Breakers (1986)(Broderbund)Breakers (1986)(Broderbund)[cr Medway Boys 2003]Breakout (1992)(Fulton, Mike)(PD)Brekanoid v1.0 (19xx)(Newman, Ken)(PD)Brian Clough's Fussball Manger (1987)(CDS)(de)Bride of the Robot (19xx)(Free Spirit Software)Brides of Dracula (1991)(Gonzo Games)(M4)[cr Fuzion][b]Brilliant Boffin Brothers, The - Masters of Trivia (1991)(Micro Magic)[cr Quartex]Brixit - PD-Version (19xx)(Blohm, Oliver)(de)(PD)Bubble + (1990)(Infogrames)Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[!]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[a]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[a2]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug][a]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug][a2]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr Electricbug][a3]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr Hell on Wheels]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr Lord]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr Lord][a]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr Lord][a2]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[cr TEX][t]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[different version]Bubble Bobble (1987)(Firebird)[m Noid]Bubble Bobble 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Firebird)[h]Bubble Bobble 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Firebird)[h][a]Bubble Bobble 2 - Extended Screens (1987)(Firebird)[h][a2]Bubble Bobble Construction Kit (19xx)(-)Bubble Dizzy (19xx)(-)Bubble Ghost (1987)(ERE)Bubble Ghost (1987)(ERE)[!]Bubble Ghost (1987)(ERE)[b]Bubble Trouble (1987)(Poffel Products)Bubbles v1.2 (1998)(Gruszka, Uli)(de)(FW)Bubbles v1.4 (1998)(Gruszka, Uli)(de)(FW)Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (1989)(Tynesoft)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Medway Boys]Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (1989)(Tynesoft)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Medway Boys]Bug (1993)(Opium)(Disk 1 of 2)Bug (1993)(Opium)(Disk 2 of 2)Bug Bash (1990)(Mutation Software)[cr Elite][t MCA]Buggy Boy (1988)(Elite)Buggy Boy (1988)(Elite)[!]Buggy Boy (1988)(Elite)[cr Axel Follet][no title screen]Buggy Boy (1988)(Elite)[cr Bladerunners]Buggy Boy (1988)(Elite)[cr MugUK][t]Buggy Boy (1988)(Elite)[t Noid]Builderland - The Story of Melba (1990)(Loriciel)[cr Empire]Builderland - The Story of Melba (1990)(Loriciel)[cr Empire][m Fun Soft]Builderland - The Story of Melba (1990)(Loriciel)[cr Empire][t]Bully's Sporting Darts (1993) (Alternative Software)[cr Atarilegend]Bumpy (1991)(Loriciel)(fr)Bumpy (1991)(Loriciel)(fr)[cr MCA]Bumpy (1991)(Loriciel)(fr)[cr MCA][a]Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy (1992)(Loriciel)[cr ICS]Bundesliga Manager Professional (1992)(Software 2000)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS]Bundesliga Manager Professional (1992)(Software 2000)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS]Bundesliga Manager v1.3 (2000)(Software Agency)(de)Bundesliga Manager v1.3 (2000)(Software Agency)(de)[a]Bunny Bricks (1993)(Silmarils)[cr ICS]Bunny Bricks (1993)(Silmarils)[cr ICS][a]Burger Time (1991)(Byte Back)[cr Elite][t]Busqueda, La (1989)(Aventuras AD)(es)Butcher Hill (1989)(Gremlin)CAB v1.0a (1995-12)(Clauss, Alexander)(STE)(FW)CAB v1.0a (1995-12)(Clauss, Alexander)(STE)(FW)[a]CAB v2.0 (19xx)(-)(de)CAB v2.7 (19xx)(-)(de)Cabal (1988)(Ocean)[cr Empire][t]Cabal (1988)(Ocean)[cr Empire][t][a]CAD-3D v2.02 (1987)(Exclusive Distribution)CAD-3D v2.02 (1987)(Exclusive Distribution)[b]Cadaver - Gate House (demo-playable) (1990)(TOS)Cadaver - Gate House (demo-playable) (1990)(TOS)[a]Cadaver - Temple (demo-playable) (1990)(Zero Magazine)Cadaver - Temple (demo-playable) (1990)(Zero Magazine)[a]Cadaver - The Last Supper (1991)(Zero Magazine)Cadaver - The Last Supper (1991)(Zero Magazine)[a]Cadaver - The Last Supper (1991)(Zero Magazine)[a2]Cadaver - The Pay Off (1991)(Renegade)(M3)[cr Elite]Cadaver - The Pay Off (1991)(Renegade)(M3)[cr Elite][data disk]Cadaver - The Pay Off (1991)(Renegade)(M3)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][data disk]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire][t]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire][t][a]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire][t][b]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][a]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][a2]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)(Level)[b]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)(Level)[cr Empire][t]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)(Level)[cr Empire][t][a]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)(Level)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)(Level)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][b]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Cadaver (1990)(Image Works)[cr Empire][one disk]Caesar (1992)(Impressions)(M3)[cr FMC Connexion]Caesar (1992)(Impressions)(M3)[cr FMC Connexion][a]Caesar (1992)(Impressions)(M3)[cr FMC Connexion][a2]Calamus Data Disk 1 (19xx)(-)Calamus Data Disk 2 (19xx)(-)Calamus Font Show v1.1 (1990)(Stoklasek, Thomas)(SW)[Bitz 198]Calamus Golden Disk 1 (19xx)(-)Calamus Golden Disk 2 (19xx)(-)Calamus Modules (1994-11-02)(Adequat Systems)Calamus Modules (1994-11-02)(Adequat Systems)[a]Calamus SL (1993-07-16)(DMC)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)Calamus SL (1993-07-16)(DMC)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)Calamus SL (1993-07-16)(DMC)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)Calamus SL (1993-07)(DMC)[cr IAAD Group]Calamus SL (demo-playable) (1991-08-12)(DMC)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)Calamus SL (demo-playable) (1991-08-12)(DMC)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)Calamus v1.01.8 (1988)(DMC)(de)Calcomat 2 v6.14 (1988-02-22)(Micro-Application)(fr)Calcomat 2 v6.20 (1988-03-31)(Micro-Application)(fr)Calendar - Appointment Book - Phone Book v1.22 (1992)(Atari Corp.)California Games (1989)(Epyx - U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)California Games (1989)(Epyx - U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)California Games (1989)(Epyx - U.S. Gold)[cr Bad Brew Crew]California Games (1989)(Epyx - U.S. Gold)[cr V8]California Games II (1992)(Epyx)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Tristar]California Games II (1992)(Epyx)(Disk 1 of 2)[protected]California Games II (1992)(Epyx)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Tristar]California Games II (1992)(Epyx)(Disk 2 of 2)[protected]California Games II (1992)(Epyx)[cr FMC Connexion]California Goldrush (19xx)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk 1 and 2)[cr Bladerunners]California Goldrush (19xx)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk 3 and 4)[cr Bladerunners]Calligrapher (1991)(Working Title)Calligrapher vPR2.10COPY (1990)(Eclectron)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)Calligrapher vPR2.10COPY (1990)(Eclectron)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)Campaign (1993)(Empire)(fr)[cr Crackin'Machine - Replicants]Campaign (1993)(Empire)(M5)[cr Section One]Candyman (1996)(Xtream)(PD)Cannon Fodder (1994)(Virgin)Cannon Fodder (1994)(Virgin)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Cynix]Cannon Fodder (1994)(Virgin)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Cynix]Cannon Fodder (1994)(Virgin)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Cynix]Cannon Fodder (1994)(Virgin)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)Cannon Fodder (1994)(Virgin)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)Cannon Fodder (1994)(Virgin)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)Cannon Fodder II (demo-playable) (19xx)(Sensible Software)[cr Supremacy]Cap'n'Carnage (19xx)(Energize)[cr Awesome]Captain America Defies the Doom Tube (1988)(Go!)Captain Blood (1988)(ERE)(Disk 1 of 2)Captain Blood (1988)(ERE)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Captain Blood (1988)(ERE)(Disk 2 of 2)Captain Blood (1988)(ERE)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Captain Blood (1988)(ERE)(ST)[cr 42-Crew][one disk]Captain Dynamo (1992)(Codemasters)[cr Elite][t]Captain Fizz (1989)(Psyclapse)(M3)Captain Fizz (1989)(Psyclapse)(M3)[!]Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1991)(TBS Productions)[cr Factory][t]Captive (1990)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 2)Captive (1990)(Mindscape)(Disk 2 of 2)Captive (1990)(Mindscape)[b]Captive v1.2 (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Atarilegend][t]Cards v2.0 (1986)(Factory Programming)Carl Lewis Challenge, The (1992)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)Carl Lewis Challenge, The (1992)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][m EMT]Carl Lewis Challenge, The (1992)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS]Carl Lewis Challenge, The (1992)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)Carl Lewis Challenge, The (1992)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][m EMT]Carl Lewis Challenge, The (1992)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS]Carrier Command (1988)(Rainbird)Carrier Command (1988)(Rainbird)(M3)[cr Bladerunners]Carrier Command (1988)(Rainbird)(M3)[cr Exceptions]Carrier Command (1988)(Rainbird)(M3)[protected]Carrier Command (1988)(Rainbird)[a]Cars (1989)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)Cars (1989)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)Cartoon Capers (1990)(Mandarin Software)Cartoon Capers (1990)(Mandarin Software)[cr Replicants]CarVup (1990)(Core Design)[cr Replicants]CarVup (1990)(Core Design)[cr Replicants][t +2]CarVup (1990)(Core Design)[cr Replicants][t +2][a]Casino Craps (1986)(Avila Associates)[b]Castle Master (1990)(Domark)(M3)Castle Master (1990)(Domark)(M3)[cr Empire]Castle Master (1990)(Domark)[cr Replicants]Castle Master II - The Crypt (1990)(New Dimensions)Castle Warrior (1989)(Delphine)[cr Number Six]Castles (1991)(Interplay)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants]Castles (1991)(Interplay)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]Castles (1991)(Interplay)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)Castles (1991)(Interplay)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)Castles (1991)(Interplay)[cr Cynix]Castles (1991)(Interplay)[cr Elite]Catch 23 (1987)(Martech)[cr BOSS]Caveman (19xx)(Atlantis)[cr XCS]Cbzone v0.2 (1993-12-29)(Givan, Roland)[monochrome]CD-Player STE (1990)(Light)CD-Recorder v2.36 (1998)(Sound Pool)CD-ROM-ROM (1994)(Compo - Overscan)(de)[!]CD-Tools v1.04 (1994-03-12)(Hard&Soft)Celica GT Rally (1990)(Gremlin)[cr Replicants]Centerfold Squares (1988)(Artworx Software)[b]Centerfold Squares (1988)(Artworx Software)[cr Bladerunners]Centipede (1992)(Sinister Developments)(SW)Centipede (1992)(Sinister Developments)(SW)[a]Certificate Maker v1.0 (1987-04-22)(Springboard)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr BOSS]Certificate Maker v1.0 (1987-04-22)(Springboard)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr BOSS]Chain Reaction (1991)(Taylor, Stephen - Whitehead, Colin)(SW)Challenge Foot Junior (19xx)(Generation 5)[cr ICS]Challenge Golf (1991)(On-Line Entertainment)[cr Elite]Challenge Golf (1991)(On-Line Entertainment)[cr Fantasy Cracker]Chambers of Shaolin (1989)(Grandslam)Chambers of Shaolin (1989)(Grandslam)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Chambers of Shaolin (1989)(Grandslam)(Disk 1 of 2)[a][!]Chambers of Shaolin (1989)(Grandslam)(Disk 1 of 2)[a2]Chambers of Shaolin (1989)(Grandslam)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire]Chambers of Shaolin (1989)(Grandslam)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Chambers of Shaolin (1989)(Grandslam)(Disk 2 of 2)[a][!]Chambers of Shaolin (1989)(Grandslam)(Disk 2 of 2)[a2]Chambers of Shaolin (1989)(Grandslam)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Empire]Chambers of Shaolin (1989)(Grandslam)[cr Superior]Chameleon Universal Patch Librarian v1.1 (1989)(Keynote Music Software)Chameleon Universal Patch Librarian v1.1 (1989)(Keynote Music Software)[cr MCA]Chamonix Challenge (1987)(Infogrames)Chamonix Challenge (1987)(Infogrames)(de)[cr Cleaner][aka Bivouac]Champion of the Raj (1991)(MirrorSoft)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Empire]Champion of the Raj (1991)(MirrorSoft)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Empire][a]Champion of the Raj (1991)(MirrorSoft)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Empire]Champion of the Raj (1991)(MirrorSoft)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Empire][a]Championship Baseball (1987)(Activision)[!]Championship Cricket (1988)(Crysys)Championship Cricket (1988)(Crysys)[a]Championship Manager (1992)(Domark)[cr ICS]Championship Manager End of Season 1994 (1994)(Domark)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Atarilegend]Championship Manager End of Season 1994 (1994)(Domark)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr]Championship Manager End of Season 1994 (1994)(Domark)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Atarilegend]Championship Manager End of Season 1994 (1994)(Domark)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr]Championship Manager End of Season 1994 (1994)(Domark)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Atarilegend]Championship Manager End of Season 1994 (1994)(Domark)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr]Championship Run (19xx)(Vector)[cr Empire]Championship Wrestling (1986)(Epyx)Championship Wrestling (1986)(Epyx)[!]Championship Wrestling (1986)(Epyx)[cr BOSS]Chaos Engine, The - One Level Demo Mix (1993)(Renegade)Chaos Engine, The - One Level Demo Mix (1993)(Renegade)[a]Chaos Engine, The (1993)(Renegade)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix]Chaos Engine, The (1993)(Renegade)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix][a]Chaos Engine, The (1993)(Renegade)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix][a2]Chaos Engine, The (1993)(Renegade)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix][t]Chaos Engine, The (1993)(Renegade)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix][t][a]Chaos Engine, The (1993)(Renegade)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Cynix]Chaos Engine, The (1993)(Renegade)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Cynix][t][a]Chaos Engine, The (1993)(Renegade)[cr Cynix][f ram-disk & hard-drive version][m Superior][t][one disk]Chaos Strikes Back Savegame Disk (1991)(FTL)Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1989)(FTL)(Disk 1 of 2)(Game Disk)[!]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1989)(FTL)(Disk 1 of 2)(Game Disk)[a][!]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1989)(FTL)(Disk 1 of 2)(Game Disk)[a2]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1989)(FTL)(Disk 2 of 2)(Utility Disk)[!]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1989)(FTL)(Disk 2 of 2)(Utility Disk)[a][!]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1991)(FTL)(Disk 1 of 2)(Game Disk)[cr Replicants]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1991)(FTL)(Disk 1 of 2)(Game Disk)[cr Replicants][a]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1991)(FTL)(Disk 1 of 2)(Game Disk)[f hard disk version]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1991)(FTL)(Disk 2 of 2)(Utility Disk)[cr Replicants]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1991)(FTL)(Disk 2 of 2)(Utility Disk)[cr Replicants][a]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1991)(FTL)(Disk 2 of 2)(Utility Disk)[f hard disk version]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1991)(FTL)[cr ICB][one disk]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1991)(FTL)[cr Replicants][b]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1991)(FTL)[cr TDA][m EMT][one disk]Chaos Strikes Back v2.0 (1991)(FTL)[cr Was -Not Was-][one disk]Chaos Strikes Back v2.1 (1989)(FTL)(Disk 1 of 2)(Game Disk)[!]Chaos Strikes Back v2.1 (1989)(FTL)(Disk 2 of 2)(Game Disk)[!]Chaos Strikes Back v2.1 (1991)(FTL)(Disk 1 of 2)(Game Disk)[cr Atarilegend][t]Chaos v1.1 (1992)(Brownlow, Martin)(PD)Chaos v1.1 (1992)(Brownlow, Martin)(PD)[a]Chaos v1.1 (1992)(Brownlow, Martin)(PD)[a2]Chaos v1.1 (1992)(Brownlow, Martin)(PD)[a3]Chaos v1.1 (1992)(Brownlow, Martin)(PD)[a4]Charge of the Light Brigade (1991)(Impressions)(M6)Charge of the Light Brigade (1991)(Impressions)(M6)[a]Chariots of Wrath (1989)(Impressions)Chariots of Wrath (1989)(Impressions)[cr MCA]Chariots of Wrath (1989)(Impressions)[cr Overlanders]Chariots of Wrath (1989)(Impressions)[cr Voyager]Chariots of Wrath v1.00 (1989)(Impressions)(beta)[cr MCA]Charly Image v2.00 (1992)(Mikroelektronik, Wilhelm)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)Charly Image v2.00 (1992)(Mikroelektronik, Wilhelm)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)Chartpak ST (1987)(Wainwright, R.C.)Chase (1988)(Barker, T.)Chase (1988)(Barker, T.)[a]Chase (1988)(Barker, T.)[a2]Chase HQ (1989)(Ocean)Chase HQ (1989)(Ocean)Chase HQ (1989)(Ocean)[a]Chase HQ (1989)(Ocean)[a2]Chase HQ (1989)(Ocean)[cr Replicants]Chase HQ II (1990)(Ocean)[cr CCC]Chemcalc v2.0 (19xx)(Buchen, Lothar)(de)Chess Player 2150 (1989)(Oxford)Chess Player 2150 (1989)(Oxford)(fr)[protected]Chess Player 2150 (1989)(Oxford)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)Chess Player 2150 (1989)(Oxford)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)Chess Player 2150 (1989)(Oxford)(NTSC)Chess Player 2150 (1989)(Oxford)[a]Chess Player 2150 (1989)(Oxford)[cr KC Slim - Revolution- HRFH]Chess Simulator (1990)(Infogrames)[cr Empire]ChessBase (19xx)(-)(de)Chessmaster 2000 (1987)(Software Toolworks)Chessmaster 2000 (1987)(Software Toolworks)(Disk 1 of 2)Chessmaster 2000 (1987)(Software Toolworks)(Disk 2 of 2)Chessmaster 2000 (1987)(Software Toolworks)[cr 42-Crew]Chessmaster 2000 (demo-playable) (1987)(Software Toolworks)(Disk 1 of 2)Chessmaster 2000 (demo-playable) (1987)(Software Toolworks)(Disk 2 of 2)Chicago 90 (1989)(Microids)Chicago 90 (1989)(Microids)[cr Empire]Chicago 90 (1989)(Microids)[cr Replicants]Chinese Karate (1989)(Turtle Byte)Chinese Karate (1989)(Turtle Byte)[a]Chipmon II (1993)(Synergy)Chips Challenge (1990)(Epyx)[cr Hotline]Chips Challenge (1990)(Epyx)[cr Replicants][b]Chrono Quest (1988)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr SCC]Chrono Quest (1988)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr SCC]Chrono Quest (1988)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr SCC][a]Chrono Quest II (1988)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 3)Chrono Quest II (1988)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 3)Chrono Quest II (1988)(Psygnosis)(Disk 3 of 3)Chronos 3D Key Frame Animator v1.0 (1991-04-15)(Dana, Paul)(Disk 1 of 4)[b]Chronos 3D Key Frame Animator v1.0 (1991-04-15)(Dana, Paul)(Disk 2 of 4)[b]Chronos 3D Key Frame Animator v1.0 (1991-04-15)(Dana, Paul)(Disk 3 of 4)[b]Chronos 3D Key Frame Animator v1.0 (1991-04-15)(Dana, Paul)(Disk 4 of 4)[b]Chronos v1.54 (1994)(Roth, Daniel)(de)(SW)Chu Chu Rocket (2001)(Reservoir Gods)(FW)Chubby Christle (1988)(Grandslam)Chubby Christle (1988)(Grandslam)[cr Bladerunners]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 2)Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Hotline][t +2]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][m Mad Vision]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][m Mad Vision][b]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Vmax][t]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 2 of 2)Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Hotline][t +2]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][m Mad Vision]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][m Mad Vision][b]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Vmax][t]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)[cr Empire][t][one disk]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)[cr Medway Boys][t][a][one disk]Chuck Rock (1991)(Core Design)[cr Medway Boys][t][one disk]Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (1990)(Lerner, Edward)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire]Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (1990)(Lerner, Edward)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Empire]Circinus v1.1D (1991-09-08)(Rabich, Dietmar)(de)(PD)Circinus v1.1D (1991-09-08)(Rabich, Dietmar)(de)(PD)[a]Circus Attractions (1988)(Golden Goblins)Circus Games (1988)(Tynesoft)Circus Games (1988)(Tynesoft)[a]Circus Games (1988)(Tynesoft)[a2]Cisco Heat (1991)(Jaleco)Cisco Heat (1991)(Jaleco)[cr Elite][t]Cisco Heat (1991)(Jaleco)[cr Vmax][b]City out of Bounds (1987-11-05)(Bozocom)(FW)Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 2)[b]Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 4)(Disk 0)Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 4)(Disk 0)Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 4)(Disk 0)[a]Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 4)(Disk 0)[cr ICS]Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 4)(Disk A)Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 4)(Disk A)Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 4)(Disk A)[a]Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 4)(Disk A)[cr ICS]Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 3 of 4)(Disk B)Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 3 of 4)(Disk B)Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 3 of 4)(Disk B)[a]Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 3 of 4)(Disk B)[cr ICS]Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 4 of 4)(Disk C)Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 4 of 4)(Disk C)Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 4 of 4)(Disk C)[a]Civilization (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 4 of 4)(Disk C)[cr ICS]Civilization v2.59beta (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Vectronix]Civilization v2.59beta (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Vectronix][a]Civilization v2.59beta (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Vectronix]Civilization v2.59beta (1993)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Vectronix][a]CLA Logic v1.0 (1992-06-01)(Data Uncertain Software)(SW)[monochrome]Clarity (19xx)(-)[cr Elite][Falcon only]Clipart Disk 1 (19xx)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)[!]Clocky v2.37 (19xx)(Stehlik, Petr)Clocky v3.00 (19xx)(Stehlik, Petr)Clocky v3.02F (19xx)(Stehlik, Petr)Clogged Up (2005)(Reservoir Gods)Cobra II (1992)(Loriciel)[cr Replicants]Cocktails (1987)(Bernard, Michel)(fr)Coco Coq dans la Base de Grostesteing v1.0.2 (2002)(Gravel, Robin)(fr)Coco Coq in Grostesteing's Base v1.0.3 (2004)(Gravel, Robin)Code Route (1989)(Loriciel)(fr)[cr Spyman]Codename Iceman v1.041 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Local Lamers Club]Codename Iceman v1.041 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Local Lamers Club][a]Codename Iceman v1.041 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Local Lamers Club]Codename Iceman v1.041 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Local Lamers Club][a]Codename Iceman v1.041 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Local Lamers Club]Codename Iceman v1.041 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Local Lamers Club][a]Codename Iceman v1.041 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Local Lamers Club]Codename Iceman v1.041 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Local Lamers Club][a]Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Delight]Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Delight][a]Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)[protected]Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Delight]Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Delight][a]Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)[protected]Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Delight]Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)[protected]Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Delight]Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Delight][a]Colonel's Bequest, The (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)[protected]Colonial Conquest (1987)(SSI)Colonial Conquest (1987)(SSI)[a]Colonial Conquest (1987)(SSI)[a2]Colonial Conquest (1987)(SSI)[b]Colorado (1990)(Silmarils)Colorado (1990)(Silmarils)(de-en)[!]Colorado (1990)(Silmarils)[cr Big 4 - Replicants - ST Amigos]Colossus Chess X (1989)(CDS)(de)[cr Bladerunners]COMA v2.00 (1994-04-30)(Softbaer GbR)(de-en)(SW)COMA v2.50 (1994-10-20)(Softbaer GbR)(de-en)(SW)COMA v2.70 (1995-02-23)(Softbaer GbR)(de-en)(SW)COMA v2.80 (1995-04-14)(Softbaer GbR)(de-en)(SW)COMA v3.10 (1995-12-01)(Softbaer GbR)(de-en)(SW)COMA v4.0.1 (1997-05-16)(Softbaer GbR)(de-en)(SW)COMA v4.50 (1998-04-25)(Softbaer GbR)(de-en)(SW)COMA v5.3.2 (2003-02-05)(Softbaer GbR)(de)(SW)COMA v5.3.2 (2003-02-05)(Softbaer GbR)(SW)Combo Racer (1990)(Gremlin)[cr Empire]Combo Racer (1990)(Gremlin)[m]Commando (1989)(Elite)[cr Replicants][t]Compila (2002-09-24)(MJJ-Prod)(STE)CompoScript v1.0 (1991)(Compo Software - Lincoln)(Disk 1 of 4)CompoScript v1.0 (1991)(Compo Software - Lincoln)(Disk 2 of 4)CompoScript v1.0 (1991)(Compo Software - Lincoln)(Disk 3 of 4)CompoScript v1.0 (1991)(Compo Software - Lincoln)(Disk 4 of 4)Compta, La v1.01 (1986)(Beaumont Gestion - Memsoft)(fr)Compte Cheque v3 (1993)(Esat Software)(fr)[cr Replicants]Computer Origami (demo-playable) (1991)(Remsoft)Computer Patience (1990-08)(Chapman, Eric)(PD)Computer Scrabble (1988)(Leisure Genius)Computer Scrabble (1988)(Leisure Genius)[b]Computereyes v1.12 (1987)(Digital Vision)Conflict Europe (1989)(PSS)Conflict Europe (1989)(PSS)(Disk 1 of 2)Conflict Europe (1989)(PSS)(Disk 2 of 2)Conflict Europe (1989)(PSS)[cr Delight]Conqueror (1989)(Rainbow Arts)[!]Conquests of Camelot (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)Conquests of Camelot (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)Conquests of Camelot (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)Conquests of Camelot (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)Continental Circus (1989)(Sales Curve)[!]Continental Circus (1989)(Sales Curve)[cr Medway Boys][a][one disk]Continental Circus (1989)(Sales Curve)[cr Medway Boys][a2][one disk]Continental Circus (1989)(Sales Curve)[cr Medway Boys][one disk]Continental Circus (1989)(Sales Curve)[cr Replicants][a][one disk]Continental Circus (1989)(Sales Curve)[cr Replicants][one disk]ConXBOOT v1.01 (2000-11-27)(Stehlik, Petr)(FW)Cookbook-On-Disk (1986)(CDA Electronic Publishing)[American and French Recipes]Cookbook-On-Disk (1986)(CDA Electronic Publishing)[American Recipes]Cookbook-On-Disk (1986)(CDA Electronic Publishing)[Chinese and Mexican Recipes]Cookbook-On-Disk (1986)(CDA Electronic Publishing)[Italian Recipes]Cookbook-On-Disk (1986)(CDA Electronic Publishing)[Italian Recipes]Cool Croc Twins (1991)(Empire)[cr Elite]Cool Croc Twins (1991)(Empire)[cr Elite][a]Cool Croc Twins (1991)(Empire)[cr Elite][a2]Cool World (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr EMT]Cool World (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS]Cool World (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Vmax]Cool World (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr EMT]Cool World (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Vmax]Copiers 1 (19xx)(Misc)Copiers 2 (19xx)(Misc)Copiers 3 (19xx)(Misc)Copiers 4 (19xx)(Misc)Cops and Robbers (1991)(Outland Quest)Cops and Robbers (1991)(Outland Quest)[a]Cops and Robbers Chess (2005)(Outland Quest)(FW)Cops and Robbers Too! (1992)(Outland Quest)Cops and Robbers Too! (1992)(Outland Quest)[a]Corona Magica, La (1990)(OMK)(es)Corporation, The (1990)(Core Design)[!]Corporation, The (1990)(Core Design)[cr Empire]Corporation, The (1990)(Core Design)[cr Empire][a]Corporation, The (1990)(Core Design)[cr Empire][a2]Corrupt (19xx)(G22 Software)(es)Cosmic Pirate (1989)(Palace)[cr Replicants][t]Cougar Force (1990)(CVS)(Disk 1 of 3)Cougar Force (1990)(CVS)(Disk 2 of 3)Cougar Force (1990)(CVS)(Disk 3 of 3)Cougar Force (1990)(CVS)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Empire]Cougar Force (1990)(CVS)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Empire]Cougar Force (1990)(CVS)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Empire]Crack Art (1991-10-20)(Borchers, Jan - Ruttger, Detlef)(SW)Crack Art (demo) (1992)(Borchers, Jan - Ruttger, Detlef)Crack'ed (1987)(Atari Corp.)Crack'ed (1987)(Atari Corp.)[a]Crackdown (1990)(U.S. Gold)Crackdown (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Big 4 - Replicants - ST Amigos][t][one disk]Crafton et Xunk - L'ange de Cristal (1988)(ERE)(M4)Crash Garrett (1987)(ERE)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[don't work with TOS 1.06 or later][!]Crash Garrett (1987)(ERE)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Crash Garrett (1987)(ERE)(fr)[a][one disk]Crash Garrett (1987)(ERE)(fr)[cr A.C.B.S.][one disk]Crash Garrett (1987)(ERE)(fr)[one disk]Crash Garrett (1987)(ERE)[one disk]Crazy Cars (1987)(Titus)Crazy Cars (1987)(Titus)[b]Crazy Cars II - F40 Pursuit Simulator (1989)(Titus)[b]Crazy Cars II - F40 Pursuit Simulator (1989)(Titus)[b]Crazy Cars II - F40 Pursuit Simulator (1989)(Titus)[b][a]Crazy Cars III (1992)(Titus)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Crazy Cars III (1992)(Titus)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS]Crazy Cars III (1992)(Titus)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS][t][a]Crazy Cars III (1992)(Titus)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS][t][a2]Crazy Cars III (1992)(Titus)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Crazy Cars III (1992)(Titus)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS]Crazy Cars III (1992)(Titus)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS][t][a]Crazy Cars III (1992)(Titus)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS][t][a2]Crazy Cars III (1992)(Titus)[cr Replicants][t]Crazy Shot (1989)(Loriciel)[cr Empire]Crazy Sounds v1.23 (1992)(Maxon)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)Crazy Sounds v1.23 (1992)(Maxon)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)Crazy Sounds v2.00c (1994)(Maxon)Creation Musical v1.2 (19xx)(-)Creator v1.3 (1988)(C-Lab)[cr Ten Crew]Creator, The (1989-03-17)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Creator, The (1989-03-17)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Creator, The (1990-02-07)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)[!]Creator, The (1990-02-07)(Application Systems Heidelberg)[monochrome]Creatures (1992)(Thalamus)[cr Cynix]Creatures (1992)(Thalamus)[cr Cynix][a]Creepy (1991)(Atlantis)[cr Imperator]Cricket Captain (19xx)(D&H Games)Cricket Captain (19xx)(D&H Games)Crime City (1991)(If)[cr Elite]Crime City (1991)(If)[cr Elite][m EMT]Crime does not Pay (1991)(Titus)(M5)Crime does not pay (1991)(Titus)(M5)[cr Replicants]Crime does not pay (1991)(Titus)(M5)[cr Replicants][a]Crime Wave (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants]Crime Wave (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][u]Crime Wave (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]Crime Wave (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][a]Crimson Crown (1985)(Penguin)Critical Path v1.10 (demo) (1990)(Schwane Software)Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 1 of 5)[!][protected]Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 2 of 5)[!][protected]Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 3 of 5)[!][protected]Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 4 of 5)[!][protected]Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(Delphine)(fr)(Disk 5 of 5)[!][protected]Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(U.S. Gold)(fr)(Disk 1 of 5)Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(U.S. Gold)(fr)(Disk 1 of 5)[a]Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(U.S. Gold)(fr)(Disk 1 of 5)[cr Replicants]Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(U.S. Gold)(fr)(Disk 2 of 5)Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(U.S. Gold)(fr)(Disk 3 of 5)Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(U.S. Gold)(fr)(Disk 4 of 5)Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(U.S. Gold)(fr)(Disk 4 of 5)[a]Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(U.S. Gold)(fr)(Disk 4 of 5)[a2]Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(U.S. Gold)(fr)(Disk 5 of 5)Croisiere pour un Cadavre (1991)(U.S. Gold)(fr)(Disk 5 of 5)[a]Cromo (1990)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)Crossbow, The Legend of Wilhelm Tell (1989)(Intelligent Design)Crown (1990)(Starbyte)[cr Superior]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 5)[b]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 5)[cr Elite]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 5)[cr Elite][a]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 5)[b]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 5)[cr Elite]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 5)[cr Elite][a]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 3 of 5)[b]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 3 of 5)[cr Elite]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 3 of 5)[cr Elite][a]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 4 of 5)[b]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 4 of 5)[cr Elite]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 4 of 5)[cr Elite][a]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 5 of 5)[b]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 5 of 5)[cr Elite]Cruise for a Corpse (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 5 of 5)[cr Elite][a]Crystal Castles (1986)(Atari Corp.)Crystal Castles (1986)(Atari Corp.)[a]Crystals of Arborea (1990)(Silmarils)(fr)Crystals of Arborea (1990)(Silmarils)(fr)[b]Crystals of Arborea (1990)(Silmarils)(fr)[cr Empire]Crystals of Arborea (1990)(Silmarils)(fr)[cr Empire][a]Crystals of Arborea (1990)(Silmarils)(fr)[cr Empire][a2]CS-TeX v4.0 (1992)(Strunk, Christoph)(de-en)(Disk 1 of 8)CS-TeX v4.0 (1992)(Strunk, Christoph)(de-en)(Disk 2 of 8)CS-TeX v4.0 (1992)(Strunk, Christoph)(de-en)(Disk 3 of 8)CS-TeX v4.0 (1992)(Strunk, Christoph)(de-en)(Disk 4 of 8)CS-TeX v4.0 (1992)(Strunk, Christoph)(de-en)(Disk 5 of 8)CS-TeX v4.0 (1992)(Strunk, Christoph)(de-en)(Disk 6 of 8)CS-TeX v4.0 (1992)(Strunk, Christoph)(de-en)(Disk 7 of 8)CS-TeX v4.0 (1992)(Strunk, Christoph)(de-en)(Disk 8 of 8)Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v1.51 (1989)(Steinberg)[cr MCA]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v1.51 (1989)(Steinberg)[cr MCA][a]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v1.51 (1989)(Steinberg)[cr MCA][a2]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 1 of 2)Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA][a]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA][a2]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA][a3]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA][a4]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 2 of 2)Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr MCA]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr MCA][a]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr MCA][a2]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr MCA][a3]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr MCA][a4]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v2.0 (1989)(Steinberg)[cr MCA]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v3.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr MCA]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v3.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr MCA]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v3.0 (1989)(Steinberg)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr MCA]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v3.0 (1989)(Steinberg)[cr SCC]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v3.01 (1992)(Steinberg)(Disk 1 of 3)[a]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v3.01 (1992)(Steinberg)(Disk 2 of 3)[a]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v3.01 (1992)(Steinberg)(Disk 3 of 3)[a]Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v3.01 (19xx)(Steinberg)(Disk 1 of 3)Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v3.01 (19xx)(Steinberg)(Disk 2 of 3)Cubase - Desktop Midi Recording System v3.01 (19xx)(Steinberg)(Disk 3 of 3)Cubase Tutorial Disk (1989)(Steinberg)Cubase Utility Disk (19xx)(Steinberg)Cuisine, La (1991)(Hexagone)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]Cuisine, La (1991)(Hexagone)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]Cuisine, La (1991)(Hexagone)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]Cuisine, La v1.50 (1991)(Hexagone)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[monochrome]Cuisine, La v1.50 (1991)(Hexagone)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[monochrome]Cuisine, La v1.50 (1991)(Hexagone)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[monochrome]Curse of Ra, The (1990)(Rainbow Arts)[cr Empire]Curse of Ra, The (1990)(Rainbow Arts)[cr Empire][a]Cyber Assault (1992)(Trojan)[cr Replicants][t]Cyber Assault (1992)(Trojan)[cr Replicants][t][b]Cyber Cop (1991)(Energize)[cr Quartex]Cyber Sculpt 3D Modeling Package v1.0 (1988)(Antic)Cyber Snake (1992)(Bombout Brothers)(SW)Cyber Snake (1992)(Bombout Brothers)(SW)[a]Cyberball (1990)(Domark)[cr BBC]Cybercon III (1991)(U.S. Gold)Cybercon III (1991)(U.S. Gold)[cr Elite]Cyberdrome (1993)(Rhea FX)[cr ICS]Cyberdrome (1993)(Rhea FX)[cr ICS][a]Cyberdrome (demo) (1993)(Rhea FX)Cybernoid (1988)(Hewson)Cybernoid (1988)(Hewson)[a]Cybernoid II (1989)(Hewson)[cr Neil of Cor Blimey][t]Cyberpaint v2.00 (1988)(Antic)CyberTexture (1989)(Antic)CZ Andruid Source (19xx)(Abyss)CZ-Rider Editor-Librarian v3.00 (1990)(Caged Artist)D-Day (1992)(Futura)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr MCA]D-Day (1992)(Futura)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr MCA][m ICS]D-Day (1992)(Futura)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr MCA]D-Day (1992)(Futura)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr MCA]D-Day (1992)(Futura)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr MCA]D-Desk Soundeditor (1988)(Borst Pauwels, J.J.F.)[cr Elite]D-Generation (1991)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 2)D-Generation (1991)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]D-Generation (1991)(Mindscape)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]D-Generation (1991)(Mindscape)[cr Elite][one disk]D-Generation (1991)(Mindscape)[cr ICS][one disk]D.A.R.C. - Defensive Alien Remoting Command (1996)(Stargate)(FW)D.A.R.C. 2 (1996)(Stargate)(FW)D50 Editor (19xx)(-)[b]Da Capo v1.22 (1995-07-15)(Dr. Francisco Mendez)(de)(SW)Da Capo v1.22a (1995-09-06)(Dr. Francisco Mendez)[cr Phoenix]Da Capo v1.23 (1996-06-17)(Dr. Francisco Mendez)(de)[cr Vectronix]DA's Vektor Pro v2.0 (1993-09-28)(Digital Arts)(Disk 1 of 2)DA's Vektor Pro v2.0 (1993-09-28)(Digital Arts)(Disk 2 of 2)DA's Vektor v1.2 (1993-01-24)(Digital Arts)(de)(Disk 1 of 7)DA's Vektor v1.2 (1993-01-24)(Digital Arts)(de)(Disk 2 of 7)DA's Vektor v1.2 (1993-01-24)(Digital Arts)(de)(Disk 3 of 7)DA's Vektor v1.2 (1993-01-24)(Digital Arts)(de)(Disk 4 of 7)DA's Vektor v1.2 (1993-01-24)(Digital Arts)(de)(Disk 5 of 7)DA's Vektor v1.2 (1993-01-24)(Digital Arts)(de)(Disk 6 of 7)DA's Vektor v1.2 (1993-01-24)(Digital Arts)(de)(Disk 7 of 7)DAATAscan Professional v2.40 (1991)(PML)Dachemore 3 (1993-10-01)(-)Daily Mail v1.21 (1989)(Applications Systems)(fr)[monochrome]DakAr - Das kleine Autorennen (1988)(Hauth, Sven)(de)(PD)Dal'X (19xx)(Mediagogo)(fr)[cr Elite]Dal'X (19xx)(Mediagogo)(fr)[cr Elite][a]Dal'X (19xx)(Mediagogo)(fr)[cr Elite][b]Daleks v1.0 (1986)(Bloom County Software)(SW)Dali Light (1989)(ACM)Dali v3.01 (1989)(ACM)(Disk 1 of 2)[b]Dali v3.01 (1989)(ACM)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]Dali v4 (1990)(ALM)(Disk 1 of 2)[m Zorro II]Dali v4 (1990)(ALM)(Disk 2 of 2)[m Zorro II]Dallas (1987)(Kundmueller, Jan)(de)(PD)Dam v1.1 (1988)(Jetten, Harm)(nl)Dames Grand-Maitre (1988)(Cobra Soft)(fr)[cr Genesis]Dames Grand-Maitre (1988)(Cobra Soft)(fr)[cr Genesis][a]Dames Simulator (1990)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr MCA]Dan Dare III - The Escape (1989)(Probe Software)[cr Replicants][t]Dan Dare III - The Escape (1989)(Probe Software)[cr Replicants][t][a]Dangimere - The Awakening (1993)(Integral Systems)(Disk 1 of 2)Dangimere - The Awakening (1993)(Integral Systems)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Dangimere - The Awakening (1993)(Integral Systems)(Disk 1 of 2)[a2]Dangimere - The Awakening (1993)(Integral Systems)(Disk 2 of 2)Dangimere - The Awakening (1993)(Integral Systems)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Dangimere II - The Dungeon (preview) (1994-03-06)(Billger, Jeffrey)Darius + (1989)(The Edge)[cr MCA]Dark Castle (1987)(Three-Sixty)Dark Castle (1987)(Three-Sixty)(Disk 1 of 3)Dark Castle (1987)(Three-Sixty)(Disk 1 of 3)Dark Castle (1987)(Three-Sixty)(Disk 2 of 3)Dark Castle (1987)(Three-Sixty)(Disk 2 of 3)Dark Castle (1987)(Three-Sixty)(Disk 3 of 3)Dark Castle (1987)(Three-Sixty)(Disk 3 of 3)Dark Century (1990)(Titus)Dark Century (1990)(Titus)[cr Equinox]Dark Side (1989)(Cinemaware)Dark-Sat (1990)(Loriciel)[cr V8]Darklyte (1993)(Tilley, Howard)(SW)Darkman (1991)(Ocean)[cr Elite][t +6]Darkman (1991)(Ocean)[cr Elite][t +6][a]Darkman (1991)(Ocean)[cr Ramsess Soft]Darts (1987-04-12)(Budgie UK)(LW)Dashiki, Episode 1 - Lost (19xx)(-)Data Manager Professional v1.1a (1988)(Talent Computer Systems)Datachess II (1994-01-03)(Micromagic)(Disk 1 of 2)Datachess II (1994-01-03)(Micromagic)(Disk 2 of 2)Datequest (2001)(Kool Productions)DatiST (19xx)(-)[b]Day of the Viper (1989)(Accolade)Day of the Viper (1989)(Accolade)[cr Empire][t]Day of the Viper (1989)(Accolade)[cr Replicants][t]Days of Thunder (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Empire]Days of Thunder (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]DB Man v2.02g (1995)(Versasoft)[b]DC Click me v1.0 (1991)(Double Click Software)(FW)[monochrome]Deadland (1995)(Ward, Justin)Deadland (1996-01-06)(Loftsoft)(SW)Death Sword (1987)(Palace)(M5)[cr Atarilegend][t][aka Barbarian]Death Sword (1987)(Palace)[aka Barbarian][!]Death Sword (1987)(Palace)[aka Barbarian][a]Death Trap (1990)(Anco)Death Trap (1990)(Anco)[b]Death Trap (1990)(Anco)[cr Empire][t]Deathbringer - The Sword of Abaddon (1991)(Empire)(Disk 1 of 2)Deathbringer - The Sword of Abaddon (1991)(Empire)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t]Deathbringer - The Sword of Abaddon (1991)(Empire)(Disk 2 of 2)Deathbringer - The Sword of Abaddon (1991)(Empire)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t]Deathbringer - The Sword of Abaddon (1991)(Empire)[cr TBE][one disk]Debut v1.05 (1991)(Image Art)[m][one disk]Decoder v1.0 (1988-09-29)(Chiou, Andrew - Chan, Lye Ngit)(PD)Deep Lair (1990)(Kingfisher Software)(PD)Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr BOSS]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr BOSS]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)[a][one disk]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)[cr BOSS][a][one disk]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)[cr BOSS][a2][one disk]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)[cr BOSS][a3][one disk]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)[cr BOSS][m EMT][one disk]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)[cr BOSS][one disk]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)[one disk]Defender of the Crown (1987)(Cinemaware)[tr fr partial][one disk]Defenders of Earth (1990)(Enigma Variations)(en-fr)[cr Empire][t]Deflektor (1988)(Gremlin)[h Splatterass]Degas Elite v1.0 (1986)(Batteries Included)Degas Elite v1.0 (1986)(Batteries Included)[a]Degas Elite v1.0 (1986)(Batteries Included)[a2]Degas Elite v1.0 (1986)(Batteries Included)[a3]Degas Elite v1.1 (1986)(Batteries Included)Degas Elite v1.1 (1986)(Batteries Included)[!]Degas Elite v1.1 (1986)(Batteries Included)[a]Degasart Part 1 v3.1 (1994)(Markotek)[b]Degasart Part 2 v3.1 (1994)(Markotek)Degasart Part 3 v3.2 (1994)(Markotek)Deja Vu (1987)(ICOM Simulations)Deja Vu (1987)(ICOM Simulations)(Disk 1 of 2)[don't work with TOS 1.06 or later][!]Deja Vu (1987)(ICOM Simulations)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Deja Vu II (1989)(ICOM Simulations)[cr Delight][Blue Software Gamedisk 382]Deja Vu II (1989)(ICOM Simulations)[cr MCA]Delirious Source Disk (19xx)(-)Deliverance (19xx)(21st Century Entertainment)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix][t]Deliverance (19xx)(21st Century Entertainment)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Cynix][t]Deluxe Fontmaster ST v2.0 (1987)(Schiffler, Eckhard)(PD)Deluxe Fontmaster ST v2.0 (1987)(Schiffler, Eckhard)(PD)[a]Deluxe Invaders (19xx)(Munsie, Dave)(FW)Deluxe Paint Animation Converter v1.0 (1990)(ArtisTech Development)Deluxe Paint Animation Converter v1.0 (1990)(ArtisTech Development)Deluxe Paint ST Viewer v1.0 (1990)(Electronic Arts)Deluxe Paint ST Viewer v1.0 (1990)(Electronic Arts)Deluxe Paint v1.0 (1990)(Electronic Arts)Deluxe Paint v1.0 (1990)(Electronic Arts)Deluxe Paint v1.0 (1990)(Electronic Arts)[a]Deluxe Paint v1.0 (1990)(Electronic Arts)[a2]Deluxe Paint v1.0 (1990)(Electronic Arts)[m Noid]Deluxe Piano (1986-03-21)(Intersect)(PD)Demenage Man (1988)(Microvideo)Deminer, The (19xx)(IEBC Design Concept)(PD)[monochrome]Demo Construction Kit (1991)(Eurosoft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite][m Megatari]Demo Construction Kit (1991)(Eurosoft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite][m Megatari]Demo Construction Kit (1991)(Eurosoft)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][m Megatari]Demo Construction Kit (1992)(Eurosoft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)Demo Construction Kit (1992)(Eurosoft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[a]Demo Construction Kit (1992)(Eurosoft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[a2]Demo Construction Kit (1992)(Eurosoft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)Demo Construction Kit (1992)(Eurosoft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[a]Demo Construction Kit (1992)(Eurosoft)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)Demo Construction Kit (1992)(Eurosoft)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[a]Demo Construction Kit (demo) (1991)(Eurosoft)(en-fr)[cr Elite]Demolition Man v2.0 (1991)(Walnum, Clayton)(SW)[monochrome]Demoniak (1991)(Palace)Demox (1994)(Ingenium-Software)(de)(FW)Denker (1988-11)(Duffner, Torsten)(PD)[monochrome]Desassembleur 68000 v1.0 (1986-10)(Loriciels)(fr)Deskpic v1.00 (1992)(Marschalleck, Norbert)(de)(FW)Deskpic v1.05 (199x)(Marschalleck, Norbert)(de)(FW)Desktop (19xx)(Clasen, Peter)(de)Desolator (1986)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)Desolator (1986)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)Desolator (1986)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Desolator (1986)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)Desolator (1986)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)Desolator (1986)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Destruction Imminent (1996)(Cunning and Devious Games)Destruction Imminent (demo-playable) (1996)(Cunning and Devious Games)Destruction Imminent (demo-playable) (1996)(Cunning and Devious Games)[a]Destruction Imminent (demo-playable) (1996)(Cunning and Devious Games)[a2]Detonator (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)Deuce (19xx)(Undersoft)Deuteros (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Deuteros (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][Falcon only]Deuteros (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants]Deuteros (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][a]Deuteros (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][a2]Deuteros (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)Deuteros (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]Deuteros (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][Falcon only]Deuteros (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]Deuteros (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][a]Deuteros (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][a2]Deuteros v1.0 (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)(Game disk)Deuteros v1.0 (1991)(Activision)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)(Data disk)Devious Designs (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t]Devious Designs (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 2 of 2)(Data)[cr Elite][t]Devon Aire - The Hidden Diamond Caper (1988)(Softek)[!]Devon Aire - The Hidden Diamond Caper (1988)(Softek)[a]Devpac Assembler v3 (19xx)(Atari ST Application Center)Devpac TT v3.02 (1991-08-06)(HiSoft)Devpac v3.0 (1992)(HiSoft)Devpac v3.0 (1992)(HiSoft)[compressed archive]Devpac v3.10 (1992)(HiSoft)Devpac v3.10 (1992)(HiSoft)[a]DFBoot 2 v2.20 (1999-08)(Floch, Denis)(fr)Diamond Back II v2.50 (1992)(Oregon Research)Diamond Back II v2.50 (1992)(Oregon Research)[a]Diamond Edge v2.04 (1994)(Oregon Research)[registered]Diamond Ice (1996)(Stosser)(PD)Diamond Ice (1996)(Stosser)(PD)[a]Diamond Mine v1.91 (19xx)(Hollfelder, Juergen)(PD)[a][monochrome]Diamond Mine v1.91 (19xx)(Hollfelder, Juergen)(PD)[monochrome]Dice II (19xx)(McNaughton, Ross)(PD)Dice v0.9 (1996)(Samuelsson, Dan)(se)(FW)Dick Tracy (1990)(Titus)(Disk 2 of 2)Dideldum (19xx)(Computeritis)(de)(FW)Didot Professional v3.129 (1991)(3K Computerbild)(de)(Disk 1 of 3)[copy to harddisk]Didot Professional v3.129 (1991)(3K Computerbild)(de)(Disk 2 of 3)[copy to harddisk]Didot Professional v3.129 (1991)(3K Computerbild)(de)(Disk 3 of 3)[copy to harddisk]Didot Professional v4.141 (1991)(3K Computerbild)(M3)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite][copy to harddisk]Didot Professional v4.141 (1991)(3K Computerbild)(M3)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite][copy to harddisk]Didot Professional v4.141 (1991)(3K Computerbild)(M3)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][copy to harddisk]Die Alien Blob (1990)(Farrell, M.I.)Die Grosse Flut v1.01 (19xx)(Kirchner, Alexander)(de)[monochrome]Die Hard 2 (1992)(Grandslam)[cr Cynix]Die Hard 2 (1992)(Grandslam)[cr Cynix][a]Digger (1987)(Stone-Castle)DIGI-SOUND Construction Kit v3.02 (1989)(Czaputa, Claus)(de)(PD)Digit Tracker (1992)(Galactic)(Disk 1 of 3)Digit Tracker (1992)(Galactic)(Disk 2 of 3)Digit Tracker (1992)(Galactic)(Disk 3 of 3)Digital Song Teaser MOD Player (19xx)(Overlanders)Digital v2.0 (1988)(Heim-Verlag Darmstadt-Eberstadt)(de)[monochrome]DigiTape v1.04 (demo-playable) (1993)(TradeIt)[Falcon only]Dinkum v2.13 (1993-03-03)(Allen, Gary A.)[monochrome]Diosa de Cozumel (1990)(Aventuras AD)(es)Dips v1.1 (1990-08)(Puch, Armin)(de)(FW)Disc (1990)(Loriciel)Disc (1990)(Loriciel)[a]Disc (1990)(Loriciel)[cr Exo-7]Disc (1990)(Loriciel)[cr Exo-7][a]Disc (1990)(Loriciel)[cr Exo-7][a2]Disc (1990)(Loriciel)[cr Exo-7][a3]Disciples of Steel (1991)(Megasoft)(Disk 1 of 3)(Intro)[cr Elite]Disciples of Steel (1991)(Megasoft)(Disk 1 of 3)(Intro)[cr Elite][a]Disciples of Steel (1991)(Megasoft)(Disk 2 of 3)(Boot)[cr Elite]Disciples of Steel (1991)(Megasoft)(Disk 2 of 3)(Boot)[cr Elite][a]Disciples of Steel (1991)(Megasoft)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite]Disciples of Steel (1991)(Megasoft)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][a]Disciples of Steel (1991)(Megasoft)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][a2]Disco Scopie ST v3.00 (1990)(Esat Software)(fr)Discovery (1995)(Impressions)(M5)Discovery (1995)(Impressions)(M5)[cr ICS]Discovery Cartridge Tools (1988)(Happy Computer)Discovery Cartridge Tools (1988)(Happy Computer)[a]Discovery Cartridge Tools (1988)(Happy Computer)[a2]Discovery Cartridge Tools (1988)(Happy Computer)[a3]Discovery Cartridge Tools (1988)(Happy Computer)[a4]Discovery Cartridge Tools (1988)(Happy Computer)[a5]Disector ST (1988)(Softcell)Disector v5.0 (19xx)(Evesham Micros)Disector v5.0 (19xx)(Evesham Micros)[a]Diskstar (19xx)(Maxon)(de)Diskus v3.32 (1995)(Creative Computer Design)[cr Superior]Diskus v3.32 (1995)(Creative Computer Design)[cr Superior][a]Diskzine Construction Kit (1995)(Stosser)Dive Bomber (1988)(ACME)Dive Bomber (1988)(ACME)(Disk 2 of 2)[disk 1 in Games STX]Dive Bomber (1988)(ACME)[cr Union]Dive Bomber (1988)(Gremlin)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Dive Bomber (1988)(Gremlin)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Dive Bomber (1988)(Gremlin)(Disk 2 of 2)Division One 92 (19xx)(-)Dizzy Lizzy (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)Dizzy Lizzy II - A Winters Tale (1991)(Budgie UK)(LW)Dizzy Lizzy II - A Winters Tale (1991)(Budgie UK)(LW)[a]Dizzy Panic (1992)(Codemasters)Dizzy Wizard (1987)(Tommy)[cr Cobra][b]Dizzy Wizard (1987)(Tommy)[cr Cobra][b][a]Dizzy's excellent Adventure Disk I (1992)(Codemasters)[cr Cynix]Dizzy's excellent Adventure Disk II (1992)(Codemasters)[cr Cynix]Dizzy's Fun Time Disk 2 (1991)(Pollysoft)(SW)Do! Run Run (1990)(Electrocoin)[!]Doctor Doom's Revenge (1989)(Paragon Software)Doctor Doom's Revenge (1989)(Paragon Software)(Disk 1 of 2)Doctor Doom's Revenge (1989)(Paragon Software)(Disk 2 of 2)Doctor Drum (1991-08)(Heavenly Music)(Disk 1 of 2)Doctor Drum (1991-08)(Heavenly Music)(Disk 2 of 2)Doctorin' the House (1988)(An Cool)Dodg'em 2 v2.0 (1992-04-01)(Thomas, Eckhard)(SW)Dodg'em v1.42 (19xx)(Eckhardt, Thomas)(SW)[monochrome]Dogfight (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)Dogfight (1993)(MicroProse)(M4)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix]Dogfight (1993)(MicroProse)(M4)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix][a]Dogfight (1993)(MicroProse)(M4)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Cynix]Dogfight (1993)(MicroProse)(M4)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Cynix][a]Dogfight v1.10 (1992)(Slayer Soft)Dogs of War (1989)(Elite)Dogs of War (1989)(Elite)[cr Mister Gay][t +2]Dogs of War (1989)(Elite)[cr Mister Gay][t +2][a]Dogs of War (1989)(Elite)[cr Mister Gay][t +2][a2]Dogs of War (1989)(Elite)[cr Replicants][t]Domination (1990)(Magic Bytes)[cr Replicants]Dominium (1992)(Microids)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)Dominium (1992)(Microids)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Dominium (1992)(Microids)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][a]Dominium (1992)(Microids)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)Dominium (1992)(Microids)(fr)[cr Replicants][one disk]Dominium (1992)(Microids)(fr)[cr]Dominizer (demo-playable) (1994-06-14)(Nebula Entertainment)(SW)Dominoes (demo-playable) (1993)(Nebula Entertainment)(SW)Don't bank on it v1.0 (1990)(Sunderland, Ruth)(PD)Don't worry, be happy v2.0 (1996-04-11)(Hagedorn, Dirk)(SW)[monochrome]Donald Duck's Playground (1986)(Sierra)Donald Duck's Playground (1986)(Sierra)[!]Donkey Island (demo-playable) (1997-03-21)(Cleveland, Ed)(PD)Doodle Bug (1993)(Core Design)[cr ICS][t]Doodle Bug (1993)(Core Design)[cr ICS][t][a]Dopewars V2 Beta (2000)(Divine Inspiration)(PD)Doppy & Pru's Summer Holiday (1989)(Doppelganger Adventures Incorporated)(PD)[monochrome]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)(Disk 1 of 2)[a2]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)(Disk 1 of 2)[a3]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)(Disk 2 of 2)[a2]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)(Disk 2 of 2)[a3]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)[a]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)[cr 42-Crew]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)[cr 42-Crew][a]Double Dragon (1988)(Tradewest)[cr 42-Crew][m EMT]Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (1991)(Technos)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire][t]Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (1991)(Technos)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire][t][a]Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (1991)(Technos)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Vmax][t]Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (1991)(Technos)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Empire][t]Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (1991)(Technos)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Empire][t][a]Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (1991)(Technos)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Vmax][t]Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (1991)(Technos)[cr Elite][b]Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (1991)(Technos)[cr Elite][t MCA]Double Dragon II - The Revenge (1989)(Tradewest)(Disk 1 of 2)Double Dragon II - The Revenge (1989)(Tradewest)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Double Dragon II - The Revenge (1989)(Tradewest)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Medway Boys]Double Dragon II - The Revenge (1989)(Tradewest)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants]Double Dragon II - The Revenge (1989)(Tradewest)(Disk 2 of 2)Double Dragon II - The Revenge (1989)(Tradewest)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Double Dragon II - The Revenge (1989)(Tradewest)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Medway Boys]Double Dragon II - The Revenge (1989)(Tradewest)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]Double Dragon II - The Revenge (1989)(Tradewest)[cr Vapour]Double Juggle Vegatabobble (2002)(Reservoir Gods)(FW)Double Take (1998)(Clarke, Howard)Douglas Rockmoor (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)Douglas Rockmoor (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)[a]Down Fall (1992)(ST Format)Down Fall (1992)(ST Format)[a]Dozer (1990)(Gerhard, G.)[monochrome]Dr. Who - Dalek Attack (1992)(Admiral Software)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA][t]Dr. Who - Dalek Attack (1992)(Admiral Software)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr MCA][t]Drachen v2.0 (19xx)(Woitha, Dirk)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Drachen von Laas, Die (1991)(Attic)(de)Dragon Breed (1989)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)Dragon Breed (1989)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)Dragon Breed (1989)(Activision)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon Breed (1989)(Activision)[cr Replicants][t][a]Dragon Maze v1.02 (1986)(Pack, Terry)(PD)Dragon Ninja (1988)(Imagine)[a]Dragon Ninja (1988)(Imagine)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon Ninja (1988)(Imagine)[cr Replicants][t][a]Dragon Ninja (1988)(Imagine)[don't work with TOS 1.06 or later][!]Dragon Spirit (1989)(Domark)[cr Replicants]Dragon Spirit (1989)(Domark)[cr Replicants][a]Dragon Spirit (1989)(Domark)[cr Replicants][a2]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 1 of 4)Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 1 of 5)(Disk 0)[cr Atarilegend][t]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 1 of 7)(Disk 0)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 1 of 7)(Disk 0)[cr Replicants][t][a]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 2 of 4)Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 2 of 5)(Disk 1)[cr Atarilegend][t]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 2 of 7)(Disk 1)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 3 of 4)Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 3 of 5)(Disk 2)[cr Atarilegend][t]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 3 of 7)(Disk 2)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 4 of 4)Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 4 of 5)(Disk 3)[cr Atarilegend][t]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 4 of 7)(Disk 3)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 5 of 5)(Disk 4)[cr Atarilegend][t]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 5 of 7)(Disk 4)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 6 of 7)(Disk 5)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle (1989)(Ready Soft)(Disk 7 of 7)(Disk 6)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair II (1990)(Ready Soft)(Disk 1 of 7)(Disk 0)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair II (1990)(Ready Soft)(Disk 2 of 7)(Disk 1)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair II (1990)(Ready Soft)(Disk 3 of 7)(Disk 2)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair II (1990)(Ready Soft)(Disk 4 of 7)(Disk 3)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair II (1990)(Ready Soft)(Disk 5 of 7)(Disk 4)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair II (1990)(Ready Soft)(Disk 6 of 7)(Disk 5)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair II (1990)(Ready Soft)(Disk 7 of 7)(Disk 6)[cr Replicants][t]Dragon's Lair III (1992)(Ready Soft)(Disk 1 of 8)(Disk 0)[cr ICS][t]Dragon's Lair III (1992)(Ready Soft)(Disk 2 of 8)(Disk 1)[cr ICS][t]Dragon's Lair III (1992)(Ready Soft)(Disk 3 of 8)(Disk 2)[cr ICS][t]Dragon's Lair III (1992)(Ready Soft)(Disk 4 of 8)(Disk 3)[cr ICS][t]Dragon's Lair III (1992)(Ready Soft)(Disk 5 of 8)(Disk 4)[cr ICS][t]Dragon's Lair III (1992)(Ready Soft)(Disk 6 of 8)(Disk 5)[cr ICS][t]Dragon's Lair III (1992)(Ready Soft)(Disk 7 of 8)(Disk 6)[cr ICS][t]Dragon's Lair III (1992)(Ready Soft)(Disk 8 of 8)(Disk 7)[cr ICS][t]Dragonflight (1990)(Thalion)(Backupdisk B)Dragonflight (1990)(Thalion)(de)(Backupdisk B)[!]Dragonflight (1990)(Thalion)(de)(Disk 1 of 3)(Disk A)[!]Dragonflight (1990)(Thalion)(de)(Disk 2 of 3)(Disk B - C)[!]Dragonflight (1990)(Thalion)(de)(Disk 3 of 3)(Disk C)[!]Dragonflight (1990)(Thalion)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk A)[cr Atarilegend][t]Dragonflight (1990)(Thalion)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk A)[cr Atarilegend][t][a]Dragonflight (1990)(Thalion)(Disk 1 of 3)(Disk A)Dragonflight (1990)(Thalion)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B - C)[cr Atarilegend][t]Dragonflight (1990)(Thalion)(Disk 2 of 3)(Disk B - C)Dragonflight (1990)(Thalion)(Disk 3 of 3)(Disk C)Dragonlord (1989)(Thy & Jo)Dragons Breath (1990)(Palace)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire]Dragons Breath (1990)(Palace)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Empire]Dragons Breath (1990)(Palace)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[protected]Dragons Breath (1990)(Palace)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[protected]Dragons Breath (1990)(Palace)[cr Empire][one disk]Dragons of Flame (1989)(U.S. Gold)Dragonscape (1989)(Software Horizons)[cr Automation]Dragonscape (1989)(Software Horizons)[cr Automation][a]Drakkhen (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 1 of 4)Drakkhen (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 1 of 4)[a]Drakkhen (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 2 of 4)Drakkhen (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 3 of 4)Drakkhen (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 3 of 4)[a]Drakkhen (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 4 of 4)Drakkhen (1989)(Infogrames)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[!]Drakkhen (1989)(Infogrames)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[!]Drakkhen (1989)(Infogrames)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[!]Drakkhen v1.1 (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 1 of 3)Drakkhen v1.1 (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 1 of 3)[a]Drakkhen v1.1 (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 2 of 3)Drakkhen v1.1 (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 2 of 3)[a]Drakkhen v1.1 (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 3 of 3)Drakkhen v1.1 (1989)(Infogrames)(Disk 3 of 3)[a]Draw Poker v2.01 (1988)(Hughes, Jeffery K.)(SW)Dreadnoughts (1992)(Turcan Research Systems)Dreadnoughts (1992)(Turcan Research Systems)[cr Synchro Man]Dreissig (1987)(Sonnabend, Frank)(FW)(de)[monochrome]Driller (1988)(Incentive Software)Driller (1988)(Incentive Software)[cr CSM]Drivin' Force (1990)(Digital Magic)Drivin' Force (1990)(Digital Magic)[cr BBC]Droid (1991)(M.P. Lord)Droid (1991)(M.P. Lord)[a]Droid 2 (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)Droid 2 (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)[a]Droid 3 (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)Droid 3 (1989)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)[a]Droidz (1994)(Spiral Mile)Droogs from Hell (19xx)(Jason Sodergren)Drops (1998)(Motelsoft)(de)(PD)Duck Dash (1992)(Kingfisher Software)Duck Tales - The Quest for Gold (1990)(Disney Software)(en-fr)[cr Empire][m A.C.S.][t]Duck Tales - The Quest for Gold (1990)(Disney Software)(en-fr)[cr Empire][t]Duck Tales - The Quest for Gold (1990)(Disney Software)(en-fr)[cr Empire][t][a]Duck Tales - The Quest for Gold (1990)(Disney Software)(en-fr)[cr Empire][t][a2]Duck Tales - The Quest for Gold (1990)(Disney Software)(en-fr)[cr Empire][t][a3]Duckula II (1992)(Alternative Productions)[cr Cynix]Duckula II (1992)(Alternative Productions)[cr Cynix][h EMT]Dugger (1988)(LinEL)Dugger (1988)(LinEL)[a]Dungeon (1991)(Taylor, Ian Lance)(PD)Dungeon Adventure (1988)(Aces High)Dungeon Lord (1992)(Maidorn, Patrick)(SW)Dungeon Lord (1992)(Maidorn, Patrick)(SW)[a]Dungeon Lord (1992)(Maidorn, Patrick)[cr Atarilegend]Dungeon Master - The Grave of King Millias (1999)(FTL)[cr Atarilegend]Dungeon Master (1987)(FTL)(fr)[b]Dungeon Master (1987)(FTL)[!]Dungeon Master (1987)(FTL)[cr 42-Crew]Dungeon Master (1987)(FTL)[cr 42-Crew][a]Dungeon Master (1987)(FTL)[cr Lord]Dungeon Master 2 - Legend of Skulldeep (19xx)(FTL)[cr Atarilegend]Dungeon Master Data Disk 1 - Kids Dungeon (19xx)(FTL)[cr Atarilegend]Dungeon Master Data Disk 1 - Kids Dungeon (19xx)(FTL)[cr Atarilegend][a]Dungeon Master Data Disk 2 - The Tomb of King Hissssa (2003)(FTL)[cr Atarilegend]Dungeon Master Data Disk 3 - Beastmaster (2005)(FTL)[cr Atarilegend]Dungeon master Data Disk 4 - Bennis Dungeon 1 - The Lair of Chaos (2000)(FTL)[cr Elite]Dungeon Master Data Disk 5 - Conan and the Mountain of Tor Al'Kiir (1999)(FTL)[cr Elite]Dungeon master Data Disk 6 - Conflux v1.11 (2002)(FTL)[cr Elite]Dungeon master Data Disk 6 - Conflux v1.11 Docs (2002)(FTL)Dungeon Master Editor, The v2.20 (1988)(Softex)Dungeon Master Savegame (19xx)(-)Dungeon Master Savegame (19xx)(-)[b]Dungeon Master v1.1 (1987)(FTL)Dungeon Master v1.1 (1987)(FTL)[f hard disk version]Dungeon Master v1.1 (1987)(FTL)[f hard disk version][a]Dungeon Master V1.2 (1987)(FTL)(de)[a][!]Dungeon Master v1.2 (1987)(FTL)(de)[cr Atarilegend]Dungeon Master v1.2 (1987)(FTL)(de)[cr Atarilegend][t]Dungeon Master V1.2 (1987)(FTL)(en)[!]Dungeon Master v1.2 (1988)(FTL)(de)[!]Dungeon Master v1.3 (1987)(FTL)(fr)[!]Dungeon Master V1.3 (1987)(FTL)(fr)[a][!]Dungeon Master v1.3 (1987)(FTL)(fr)[cr Atarilegend]Dungeon Master v1.3 (1987)(FTL)(fr)[Protected]Dungeonz (1990)(Ben Clark)(PD)Dynablaster (1992)(Hudson Soft)[cr XCS][t]Dynabusters + (1994-07-15)(TSCC)(STE)(SW)Dynabusters + (1994-08)(TSCC)(STE)Dynamite Dux (1989)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 2)Dynamite Dux (1989)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Dynamite Dux (1989)(Core Design)(Disk 2 of 2)Dynamite Dux (1989)(Core Design)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Dynamite Dux (1989)(Core Design)[b]Dynamite Dux (1989)(Core Design)[cr Equinox]Dynamite Dux (1989)(Core Design)[cr MCA][t]Dynamite Dux (1989)(Core Design)[cr Medway Boys]Dynamo (19xx)(Codemasters)[cr ICS]Dynamo (19xx)(Codemasters)[cr ICS][a]Dynasty Wars (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)Dynasty Wars (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)Dynasty Wars (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Medway Boys]Dynasty Wars (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Medway Boys][a]Dysprosm (1993-02-28)(Team Brindlebeast)(FW)Dyter-07 (19xx)(ReLINE Software)[cr MCA]E-Motion (1990)(U.S. Gold)[!]E-Motion (1990)(U.S. Gold)[a]E-Motion (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Empire][t]E-Motion (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]E-Swat - Cyber Police (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)E-Swat - Cyber Police (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][t]E-Swat - Cyber Police (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)E-Swat - Cyber Police (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][t]Eagle's Rider (1990)(Microids)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk A)[cr Empire]Eagle's Rider (1990)(Microids)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk A)[cr MCA][t]Eagle's Rider (1990)(Microids)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B)[cr Empire]Eagle's Rider (1990)(Microids)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B)[cr MCA][t]Eagles Intro Maker v1.0 (19xx)(J.P.S.)(Disk 1 of 2)Eagles Intro Maker v1.0 (19xx)(J.P.S.)(Disk 2 of 2)Eaglestar (19xx)(Graven Image)(PD)Ease v3.0 (1993-10-15)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)[!]Ease v3.5 (1993)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)Ease v4.0 (1993)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)Easy Text (19xx)(-)[u]Easy Text Professional v1.06 (1992)(zzSoft)Easy-Draw v2.01 (1986)(Migraph)[m Zorro II]Easyshell v2.00 (19xx)(Braunstein, Armin)(de)[password on disk]Eat your Words (1991)(Groves, Robert)Eco (1987)(Ocean)[cr Axel Follet]Eco (1987)(Ocean)[cr Mr. Atari]Eco Phantoms (1990)(Electronic Zoo)[cr Superior]Eco Phantoms (1990)(Electronic Zoo)[cr Superior][a]Edith (1994)(ZFC)Edith Pro v1.221 (1996-05-10)(ZFC)Effead'ed File Restorer Unpacker (19xx)(-)Egerie, L' (1993)(Coulon, Francois)(fr)(PD)(Disk 1 of 2)Egerie, L' (1993)(Coulon, Francois)(fr)(PD)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Egerie, L' (1993)(Coulon, Francois)(fr)(PD)(Disk 2 of 2)Egerie, L' (1993)(Coulon, Francois)(fr)(PD)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Eikona v2.04 (1993-10-06)(Marichal, B.)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)Eikona v2.04 (1993-10-06)(Marichal, B.)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)Einstein (1990)(Budgie UK)(FW)Einstein 3 (1990)(Budgie UK)(FW)Eiskalt (19xx)(Gollub, Udo)(de)(SW)[monochrome]Eiskalt II (19xx)(Gollub, Udo)(de)(SW)[monochrome]Electronic Pool (198x)(FranceImageLogiciel)Electronicien, L' v1.1 (1989)(Miotti, Luc)(fr)Elemental (1988)(Lankhor)(fr)[b]Elemental (1988)(Lankhor)(M3)[cr Replicants]Elemental (1988)(Lankhor)(M3)[cr Replicants][a]Elf (1991)(Ocean)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t +3]Elf (1991)(Ocean)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t +3][a]Elf (1991)(Ocean)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t +3][a2]Elf (1991)(Ocean)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t +5]Elf (1991)(Ocean)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t +3]Elf (1991)(Ocean)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t +3][a]Elf (1991)(Ocean)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t +3][a2]Elf (1991)(Ocean)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t +5]Eliminator (1987)(Hewson)Elite (1988)(Firebird)Elite (1988)(Firebird)[a]Elite (1988)(Firebird)[a2]Elite (1988)(Firebird)[a3]Elite (1988)(Firebird)[cr]Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1990)(Accolade)(Disk 1 of 5)(Disk A)Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1990)(Accolade)(Disk 1 of 5)(Disk A)[cr Hotline][t]Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1990)(Accolade)(Disk 2 of 5)(Disk B)Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1990)(Accolade)(Disk 2 of 5)(Disk B)[cr Hotline][t]Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1990)(Accolade)(Disk 3 of 5)(Disk C)Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1990)(Accolade)(Disk 3 of 5)(Disk C)[cr Hotline][t]Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1990)(Accolade)(Disk 4 of 5)(Disk D)Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1990)(Accolade)(Disk 4 of 5)(Disk D)[cr Hotline][t]Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1990)(Accolade)(Disk 5 of 5)(Disk E)Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1990)(Accolade)(Disk 5 of 5)(Disk E)[cr Hotline][t]Elvira - The Arcade Game (1991)(Flair)(M5)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS][t]Elvira - The Arcade Game (1991)(Flair)(M5)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS][t][a]Elvira - The Arcade Game (1991)(Flair)(M5)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS][t][b]Elvira - The Arcade Game (1991)(Flair)(M5)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][t]Elvira - The Arcade Game (1991)(Flair)(M5)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS][t]Elvira - The Arcade Game (1991)(Flair)(M5)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS][t][a]Elvira - The Arcade Game (1991)(Flair)(M5)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS][t][b]Elvira - The Arcade Game (1991)(Flair)(M5)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][t]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 1 of 7)(Disk A)[cr ICS]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 1 of 7)(Disk A)[cr ICS][a]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 1 of 7)(Disk A)[cr ICS][a2]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 1 of 7)(Disk A)[cr ICS][a3]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 1 of 7)(Disk A)[cr ICS][m Atariforce]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 2 of 7)(Disk B)[cr ICS]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 2 of 7)(Disk B)[cr ICS][a]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 2 of 7)(Disk B)[cr ICS][a2]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 2 of 7)(Disk B)[cr ICS][a3]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 2 of 7)(Disk B)[cr ICS][m Atariforce]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 3 of 7)(Disk C)[cr ICS]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 3 of 7)(Disk C)[cr ICS][a]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 3 of 7)(Disk C)[cr ICS][a2]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 3 of 7)(Disk C)[cr ICS][a3]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 3 of 7)(Disk C)[cr ICS][m Atariforce]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 4 of 7)(Disk D)[cr ICS]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 4 of 7)(Disk D)[cr ICS][a]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 4 of 7)(Disk D)[cr ICS][a2]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 4 of 7)(Disk D)[cr ICS][a3]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 4 of 7)(Disk D)[cr ICS][m Atariforce]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 5 of 7)(Disk E)[cr ICS]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 5 of 7)(Disk E)[cr ICS][a]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 5 of 7)(Disk E)[cr ICS][a2]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 5 of 7)(Disk E)[cr ICS][a3]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 5 of 7)(Disk E)[cr ICS][m Atariforce]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 6 of 7)(Disk F)[cr ICS]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 6 of 7)(Disk F)[cr ICS][a]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 6 of 7)(Disk F)[cr ICS][a2]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 6 of 7)(Disk F)[cr ICS][a3]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 6 of 7)(Disk F)[cr ICS][m Atariforce]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 7 of 7)(Disk G)[cr ICS]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 7 of 7)(Disk G)[cr ICS][a]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 7 of 7)(Disk G)[cr ICS][a2]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 7 of 7)(Disk G)[cr ICS][a3]Elvira II - The Jaws of Cerberus (1992)(Accolade)(Disk 7 of 7)(Disk G)[cr ICS][m Atariforce]Emlyn Hughes Arcade Quiz (1990)(Bonus Bonus)[cr Medway Boys]Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (1990)(Audiogenic)Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (1990)(Audiogenic)[cr Medway Boys]Emmanuelle (1989)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)Emmanuelle (1989)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)Emmanuelle (1989)(Coktel Vision)[cr Medway Boys]Emperor (1992)(Ashwanden, Christoph)(de)(PD)Emperor v1.03 (1994-11-30)(Joe Soft)(SW)[monochrome]Emulcom v3.20 (1989-03)(Atari France)(fr)EmuTOS - First beta (2002-01-31)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(de)[b]EmuTOS - First beta (2002-01-31)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(en)[b]EmuTOS - First beta (2002-01-31)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(fr)[b]EmuTOS - First beta (2002-01-31)(EmuTOS Development Team)[Falcon only]EmuTOS v0.6 (2003-02-22)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)EmuTOS v0.6 (2003-02-22)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(cz)EmuTOS v0.6 (2003-02-22)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(de)EmuTOS v0.6 (2003-02-22)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(fr)EmuTOS v0.6 (2003-02-22)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)EmuTOS v0.6 (2003-02-22)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(cz)EmuTOS v0.6 (2003-02-22)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(de)EmuTOS v0.6 (2003-02-22)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(fr)EmuTOS v0.6 (2003-02-22)(EmuTOS Development Team)[Falcon only]EmuTOS v0.7 (2003-06-02)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)EmuTOS v0.7 (2003-06-02)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(cz)EmuTOS v0.7 (2003-06-02)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(de)EmuTOS v0.7 (2003-06-02)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(fr)EmuTOS v0.7 (2003-06-02)(EmuTOS Development Team)[Falcon only]EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(cz)EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(de)EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(es)EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(fr)EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(cz)EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(de)EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(es)EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(fr)EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(gr)EmuTOS v0.8 (2005-05-30)(EmuTOS Development Team)[Falcon only]EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(cz)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(de)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(es)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(fi)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(fr)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(ST)(se)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(cz)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(de)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(es)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(fi)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(fr)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(gr)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)(STE)(se)EmuTOS v0.81 (2005-09-18)(EmuTOS Development Team)[Falcon only]Enchanted Land (1990)(Thalion)Enchanted Land (1990)(Thalion)[cr Empire]Enchanted Land (1990)(Thalion)[cr Empire][a]Enchanted Land (1990)(Thalion)[cr Hotline - MCA]Enchanted Land (1990)(Thalion)[cr Vmax][b]Enchanted Realm I (19xx)(Ure, John A.)(PD)Enchanter (1985)(Infocom)[!]Encore v1.35 (1990)(Passport Designs)(Disk 1 of 3)Encore v1.35 (1990)(Passport Designs)(Disk 2 of 3)Encore v1.35 (1990)(Passport Designs)(Disk 3 of 3)Endurance (1994)(Oz)(FW)Enduro Racer (1987)(Activision)[b]Enduro Racer (1987)(Activision)[cr Axel Follet]Enemy War (19xx)(-)[Falcon only]Enemy War Source Code (19xx)(-)[Falcon only]England Championship Special (1991)(Grandslam)[cr Elite]England Championship Special (1991)(Grandslam)[cr Elite][a]England Team Manager (1990)(Advent Software)English Sixteen Puzzle v1.1 (1991-11-01)(Pentagramm Software)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Entombed (1991)(Concannon, Nick)Entombed (1991)(Concannon, Nick)[a]Entombed (1991)(Concannon, Nick)[cr MugUK]Entombed (1991)(Concannon, Nick)[m Noid]EOS v1.42 (1992)(System Solutions)Epic (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)Epic (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Epic (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][a]Epic (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)Epic (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]Epic (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][a]Er was eens... (19xx)(-)[cr MCA]Ergon (1993)(Serious Software)Errettung von Mandria (19xx)(Schlindwein, Harald)(de)(SW)[a][monochrome]Errettung von Mandria (19xx)(Schlindwein, Harald)(de)(SW)[monochrome]Escape (1992)(Fire-Soft)(SW)Escape (1992)(Fire-Soft)(SW)[a]Escape (1992)(Fire-Soft)(SW)[a2]Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (1990)(Domark)Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (1990)(Domark)[cr Hotline][t]Escape Quest (demo-playable) (1998)(Temple, Rainer de)Eskimo Games (1989)(Magic Bytes)(Disk 1 of 2)Eskimo Games (1989)(Magic Bytes)(Disk 2 of 2)Eskimo Games (1989)(Magic Bytes)[one disk]ESLA League Manager III (19xx)(Solution Software)(en-de)(Disk 1 of 2)ESLA League Manager III (19xx)(Solution Software)(en-de)(Disk 2 of 2)Espacial (1990)(Aventuras AD)(es)Esprit (1989)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Esprit (1989)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)[monochrome]Esprit (1989)(Application Systems Heidelberg)[b]Esprit (1989)(Application Systems Heidelberg)[m EMT][b]Euchre (1990)(The Databasement)(SW)Eureka v4.04 (1987-02)(Archimedium)European Champions (1994)(Ocean)[cr Elite]European Championship 1992 (1992)(Tecmo)(M6)[cr Elite]European Football Champ (1992)(Domark)[cr ICS]European Football Champ (1992)(Domark)[cr ICS][a]European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)(Disk 1 of 3)European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)(Disk 2 of 3)European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)(Disk 3 of 3)European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)[a]European Space Simulator (19xx)(Tomahawk)(M5)[cr Empire][m EMT]Eurosoccer '88 (1988)(Grandslam)Evader v1.3 (1993-07)(DSA)(PD)Evasion (1992)(The Ghost)(SW)Evolution (19xx)(Data Becker)(de)(PD)Exile (1991)(Audiogenic)[cr Elite][b]Exile (1991)(Audiogenic)[cr Factory]Exodrom (19xx)(Kowalski, Martin)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Exolon (1987)(Hewson)Exolon (1987)(Hewson)Exolon (1987)(Hewson)[a]Exolon (1987)(Hewson)[a2]Exorcist Pro (1991)(Caledonia)Exorcist Pro (1991)(Caledonia)[cr]Explode (19xx)(Hibbs, Peter D.)(PD)Explora - Time run (1987)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 4)[!][protected]Explora - Time run (1987)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 4)[a][!][protected]Explora - Time run (1987)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 4)[!][protected]Explora - Time run (1987)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 4)[a][!][protected]Explora - Time run (1987)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 3 of 4)[!][protected]Explora - Time run (1987)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 3 of 4)[a][!][protected]Explora - Time run (1987)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 4 of 4)[!][protected]Explora - Time run (1987)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 4 of 4)[a][!][protected]Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(Disk 1 of 4)Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(Disk 2 of 4)Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(Disk 3 of 4)Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(Disk 4 of 4)Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[m Tom Pouce][Disk 1 and 2]Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Atarilegend]Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of x)Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[m Tom Pouce][Disk 3 and 4]Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Atarilegend]Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Atarilegend]Explora - Time run (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Atarilegend]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[a]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[a2]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 6)[a][protected]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 6)[protected]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[a]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[a2]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 6)[a][protected]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 6)[protected]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[a]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 3 of 6)[a][protected]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 3 of 6)[protected]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 4 of 6)[a][protected]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 4 of 6)[protected]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 5 of 6)[a][protected]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 5 of 6)[protected]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 6 of 6)[a][protected]Explora II (1988)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 6 of 6)[protected]Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[a]Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[a2]Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants]Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants]Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)Explora III - Sous le Signe du Serpent (1990)(Infomedia)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants]Extase (1990)(Virgin)Extase (1990)(Virgin)[cr Replicants]ExtenDOS Pro v2.4 (1996)(Burrows, Roger)Extensor (19xx)(Golden Software)Exterminator (1990)(Audiogenic)[cr Empire]Eye of Horus, The (1989)(Logotron)[b]Eye of Horus, The (1989)(Logotron)[cr MCA][t]Eye of Horus, The (1989)(Logotron)[cr Replicants][t]Eyestrain! (1996)(Clarke, Howard)(FW)EZ-Score Plus v1.0 (1987)(Hybrid Arts)[b]EZ-Score Plus v1.0 (1987)(Hybrid Arts)[cr SDI]EZ-Score Plus v1.1 (2000-05)(Bajoras, Tom)(FW)EZ-Track Plus ST (1988-04-22)(Hybrid Arts)EZ-Track ST (demo-playable) (1986-07-17)(Hybrid Arts)F-15 Strike Eagle (19xx)(MicroProse)F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Superior][b]F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Superior][f Elite][b]F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr]F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 2)[protected]F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Superior][b]F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Superior][f Elite][b]F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr]F-15 Strike Eagle 2 (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)[protected]F-16 Combat Pilot (1989)(Digital Integration)F-16 Combat Pilot (1989)(Digital Integration)(Disk 1 of 2)F-16 Combat Pilot (1989)(Digital Integration)(Disk 2 of 2)F-16 Combat Pilot (1989)(Digital Integration)[cr Delight]F-29 Retaliator (1989)(Ocean)[b]F-29 Retaliator (1989)(Ocean)[cr Empire]F-29 Retaliator (1989)(Ocean)[cr Empire][a]F1 Manager (1990)(Simulmondo)[cr Elite]F1 Tornado (1992)(Zeppelin)[cr Quartex]Faaast Print for Signum Files (19xx)(Ingo Sprick)(de)Faaast Print for Signum Files (19xx)(Ingo Sprick)(de)[a]Face Off (1988)(Anco)[cr Medway Boys]Face Off (1988)(Anco)[cr Medway Boys][m EMT]Fahrenheit 451 (1984)(Telarium)(Disk 1 of 2)Fahrenheit 451 (1984)(Telarium)(Disk 2 of 2)Falcon Language Disk (1992)(Atari Corp.)Falcon Mission Disk Volume I v1.1 (1989)(Sphere Inc.)[cr V8][needs Falcon Disk 2]Fallen Angel (1989)(Emerald Software)[cr Elite][t]Fallen Angel (1989)(Emerald Software)[cr Elite][t][a]Fallers (1992)(Suresoft)(SW)Family Tree Data (19xx)(-)Fang die Ratte (19xx)(Kirchhoff, Bobby)(de)(PD)Fang die Ratte (19xx)(Kirchhoff, Bobby)(de)(PD)[a]FANSI v1.00 (19xx)(-)[b]Fantastic World (1994)(Huth, Thomas)(de)(FW)Fantastic World 2 v4 (1997)(Huth, Thomas)(de)(FW)Fantasy World Dizzy (19xx)(Codemasters)Fantisoft Fluglotsen Simulation (19xx)(Fantisoft)(PD)[monochrome]Fanwor - The Legend of Gemda (2000)(Huth, Thomas)(PD)Fanwor - The Legend of Gemda (2000)(Huth, Thomas)(PD)[b][monochrome]Fascination (1991)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Pompey Pirates]Fascination (1991)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Pompey Pirates][a]Fascination (1991)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Pompey Pirates]Fascination (1991)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Pompey Pirates][a]Fascination (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)Fascination (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)Fascination (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)Fascination (1991)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)Fast Food Dizzy (19xx)(Codemasters)Fast Freddy (19xx)(Atkinson, Michael)Fastcopy III (1990-01-13)(Backschat, Martin)(FW)[m AtariCD]FastCopy Pro v1.2 (1994)(ICD)Fastlife (1994)(Mr. Ni - Dr. Zweistein)(FW)[monochrome]Fate - Gates of Dawn (1991)(ReLINE Software)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)Fate - Gates of Dawn (1991)(ReLINE Software)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)(Fate1)Fate - Gates of Dawn (1991)(ReLINE Software)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)(Fate1)[a]Fate - Gates of Dawn (1991)(ReLINE Software)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)Fate - Gates of Dawn (1991)(ReLINE Software)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)(Fate1)[a]Fate - Gates of Dawn (1991)(ReLINE Software)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)(Fate2)Fate - Gates of Dawn (1991)(ReLINE Software)(Disk 1 of 2)Fate - Gates of Dawn (1991)(ReLINE Software)(Disk 2 of 2)Fate Master (1992)(Animal Soft)(SW)Federation of free Traders (1989)(Gremlin)[cr Spectre]Federation Quest I - B.S.S. Jane Seymour (1990)(Gremlin)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr BBC]Federation Quest I - B.S.S. Jane Seymour (1990)(Gremlin)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants]Federation Quest I - B.S.S. Jane Seymour (1990)(Gremlin)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr]Feeling Partner v1.6 (1992-03-29)(Dubois, JC)Fernandez Must Die (1988)(Image Works)Fernandez Must Die (1988)(Image Works)[a]Fernandez Must Die (1988)(Image Works)[cr Axel Follet]Ferrari Formula One (1989)(Electronic Arts)[cr Medway Boys]Fetiche Maya, Le (1989)(Silmarils)(fr)[b]Fetiche Maya, Le (1989)(Silmarils)(fr)[cr Replicants]Fetiche Maya, Le (1989)(Silmarils)(fr)[cr Replicants][b]Feudal Lords (1989)(Impressions)[cr Hotline - MCA]Fiendish Freddy's Big Top 'O Fun (1990)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Pompey Pirates]Fiendish Freddy's Big Top 'O Fun (1990)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants]Fiendish Freddy's Big Top 'O Fun (1990)(Mindscape)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Pompey Pirates]Fiendish Freddy's Big Top 'O Fun (1990)(Mindscape)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants]Fiendish Freddy's Big Top 'O Fun (1990)(Mindscape)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Pompey Pirates]Fiendish Freddy's Big Top 'O Fun (1990)(Mindscape)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants]Fiffikus - Das Frage- und Antwortspiel (1990)(Ruminski, G. - Witt, H.J.)(de)(Disk 1 of 4)Fiffikus - Das Frage- und Antwortspiel (1990)(Ruminski, G. - Witt, H.J.)(de)(Disk 2 of 4)Fiffikus - Das Frage- und Antwortspiel (1990)(Ruminski, G. - Witt, H.J.)(de)(Disk 3 of 4)Fiffikus - Das Frage- und Antwortspiel (1990)(Ruminski, G. - Witt, H.J.)(de)(Disk 4 of 4)Fighter Bomber (1989)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants]Fighter Bomber (1989)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][a]Fighter Bomber (1989)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][m TC-Soft]Fighter Bomber (1989)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]Fighter Bomber (1989)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][a]Fighter Bomber (1989)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][m TC-Soft]Fighter Command (1991)(Impressions)(M6)[cr Elite]Fighting Soccer (1989)(Activision)[!]Fighting Soccer (1989)(Activision)[a]Film Director (1988)(Epyx)Final Assault (1988)(Epyx)Final Battle (1990)(Mirrorsoft)(fr)Final Blow (1991)(Storm)Final Blow (1991)(Storm)[cr Elite][t]Final Blow (1991)(Storm)[cr Elite][t][a]Final Command (1990)(UBI Soft)Final Day, The (1990)(Computer Verlag Germany)Final Day, The (1990)(Computer Verlag Germany)[a]Final Day, The (1990)(Computer Verlag Germany)[cr Vapour]Final Day, The (1990)(Computer Verlag Germany)[cr Vapour][a]Final Fight (1991)(Capcom)(Disk 1 of 2)Final Fight (1991)(Capcom)(Disk 1 of 2)[a][TOS 1.06]Final Fight (1991)(Capcom)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][m Chaos Lords][t]Final Fight (1991)(Capcom)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t]Final Fight (1991)(Capcom)(Disk 1 of 2)[TOS 1.06]Final Fight (1991)(Capcom)(Disk 2 of 2)Final Fight (1991)(Capcom)(Disk 2 of 2)[a][TOS 1.06]Final Fight (1991)(Capcom)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][m Chaos Lords][t]Final Fight (1991)(Capcom)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t]Final Fight (1991)(Capcom)(Disk 2 of 2)[TOS 1.06]Find 50 v0.3 (1991)(Wiz-Tek DK)(FW)[monochrome]Finest Hour, The (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr TCA][m EMT][b]Finest Hour, The (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr TCA][m EMT][b]Fire (1989)(New Deal Productions)[m Fred Fred]Fire (2002)(LCD Revival Games)Fire and Brimstones (1990)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 2)Fire and Brimstones (1990)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)Fire and Brimstones (1990)(MicroProse)[cr Replicants][t]Fire and Forget (1989)(Titus)Fire and Forget (1989)(Titus)[cr Bladerunners]Fire and Forget (1989)(Titus)[cr Replicants]Fire and Forget II - The Death Convoy (1990)(Titus)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]Fire and Forget II - The Death Convoy (1990)(Titus)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t][a]Fire and Forget II - The Death Convoy (1990)(Titus)[cr Replicants][a]Fire and Ice (1992)(Graftgold)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix]Fire and Ice (1992)(Graftgold)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS]Fire and Ice (1992)(Graftgold)(Disk 2 of 2)Fire and Ice (1992)(Graftgold)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Cynix]Fire and Ice (1992)(Graftgold)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS]Fire Brigade v1.11 (1990-02-07)(Panther Games)Fire Brigade v1.11 (1990-02-07)(Panther Games)Fire Mission (19xx)(-)[cr The Legion]Fire Rescue (19xx)(16-32 Editions)(fr)[cr MCA]Fire Snare (1993-02)(Phenix Software)Firestar (1991)(Trojan)Firestorm (1985)(Inner Fire Software)Firezone (1988)(PSS)Firezone (1988)(PSS)(fr)First Contact (1989)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants]First Contact (1989)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]First Person Pinball (1989)(Tynesoft)First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 1 of 2)First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t]First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t][a]First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t][a2]First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 2 of 2)First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t]First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t][a]First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t][a2]First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)[cr Elite][t][one disk]First Samurai, The (1991)(Image Works)[t][one disk]Fish! v1.00 (1988)(Rainbird)[!]Flash v1.12 (1986)(Antic)Flash v1.12 (1986)(Antic)[a]Flash v1.60 (1986)(Antic)Fleas (19xx)(Gower, Andrew)Fleet Street Madness (19xx)(Advent Software)FlexiDisc v1.2 (1988-07-07)(Application Systems Paris)(fr)Flexidumb color v3.00 (1989)(Zitasoft)Flexidumb color v3.03 (1990)(Zitasoft)(Disk 1 of 2)Flexidumb color v3.03 (1990)(Zitasoft)(Disk 2 of 2)Flight Levels (19xx)(ST Log)Flight of the Intruder (1991)(Spectrum Holobyte)[cr H-Soft]Flight of the Intruder (1991)(Spectrum Holobyte)[cr Pompey Pirates]Flight of the Intruder (1991)(Spectrum Holobyte)[cr Pompey Pirates][a]Flight of the Intruder (1991)(Spectrum Holobyte)[cr Pompey Pirates][a2]Flight Simulator II - Scenery Disk 7 (1986)(Sublogic)Flight Simulator II - Scenery Disk 7 (1987)(Sublogic)[!]Flight Simulator II - Scenery Disk Japan (1986)(Sublogic)Flight Simulator II - Scenery Disk USA (1986)(Sublogic)Flight Simulator II - Scenery Disk Western Europe (1986)(Sublogic)Flight Simulator II (1986)(Sublogic)[b]Flight Simulator II (1986)(Sublogic)[cr BOSS - Pet]Flight Simulator II (1986)(Sublogic)[cr BOSS - Pet][a]Flight Simulator II (1987)(Sublogic)Flight Simulator II (1987)(Sublogic)Flight Simulator II (1987)(Sublogic)[cr DMA]Flight Simulator II v1.1 (1987-08-27)(Sublogic)Flight Simulator II v1.1 (1987-08-27)(Sublogic)Flight Simulator II v1.1 (1987)(Sublogic)(fr)Flight Simulator II v1.1 (1987)(Sublogic)(fr)Flimbo's Quest (1990)(System 3 Software)[!]Flimbo's Quest (1990)(System 3 Software)[a]Flimbo's Quest (1990)(System 3)[cr Empire][m][t +3]Flimbo's Quest (1990)(System 3)[cr Empire][t +3]Flimbo's Quest (1990)(System 3)[cr Empire][t +3][b]Flip It and Magnose (19xx)(Image Works)[!]Flip it! (19xx)(-)Flip-Flop (1986)(Kingsoft)Flipside v1.1 (1985)(MichTron)Flood (1990)(Bullfrog)(M4)[cr Hotline - MCA][t]Flood (1990)(Bullfrog)(M4)[cr Hotline - MCA][t][a]Flood (1990)(Bullfrog)(M4)[cr Hotline - MCA][t][a2]Flood (1990)(Bullfrog)(M4)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]Flood (1990)(Bullfrog)(M4)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t][a]Flood (1990)(Bullfrog)[protected]Flugsimulator II (1987)(Sublogic)(de)Flugsimulator II (1987)(Sublogic)(de)[a]Flugsimulator II (1988)(Sub Logic)(de)[!]Fly Robin fly (19xx)(Reisoft)Flying Shark (1988)(Firebird)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Mac - Dos][b]Flying Shark (1988)(Firebird)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Mac - Dos][b][a]Flying Shark (1988)(Firebird)[cr Bladerunners][one disk]Flying Shark (1988)(Firebird)[h][a][one disk]Flying Shark (1988)(Firebird)[h][a2][one disk]Flying Shark (1988)(Firebird)[h][one disk]FM Melody Maker (1989-10-01)(Richard Watts Associates - Upgrade Editions)(fr)Font Disk 2 (1992-10-03)(Germs)Font Disk 2 (19xx)(Lord of Doom)Font Selector (19xx)(Budgie UK)(LW)FontGDOS (1992-05-28)(Atari Corp.)FontGDOS (1992-05-28)(Atari Corp.)[a]Foot Manager 2 (1991)(Addictive)(fr)Foot Manager 2 (1991)(Addictive)[!]Football (1986-09)(Parkhurst, Jeff)(FW)Football Champ (19xx)(Simulmondo)(M4)(Disk 1 of 2)Football Champ (19xx)(Simulmondo)(M4)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS]Football Champ (19xx)(Simulmondo)(M4)(Disk 2 of 2)Football Champ (19xx)(Simulmondo)(M4)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS]Football Director II v2 (1991)(D&H Games)(M5)[cr Elite]Football Director II v2 (1991)(D&H Games)(M5)[cr Elite][a]Football Manager Worldcup Edition (1990)(Addictive)(fr)Footballer of the Year 2 (1989)(Gremlin)[cr Empire]FoReM ST v2.2 (1988)(Singer, Matthew R.)Forgotten Worlds (1988)(U.S. Gold)[b]Forgotten Worlds (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr Replicants][one disk]Forgotten Worlds (1989)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Forgotten Worlds (1989)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Forgotten Worlds (1989)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Forgotten Worlds (1989)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Formel 1 - Manager (1987)(Mayer, Frank)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 4)[b]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr MJF]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 4)[b]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr MJF]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 3 of 4)[b]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr MJF]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Bastards]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Ultimate]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Elite]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 1 of 4)[protected]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Bastards]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Ultimate]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Elite]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 2 of 4)[protected]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Elite]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 3 of 4)[protected]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Elite]Formula One Grand Prix (1991)(MicroProse)(M3)(Disk 4 of 4)[protected]Formula One World Championship (1993)(Domark)[cr Superior]Formula v2.0 (19xx)(Maxon)(fr)[cr Bad Boys - Replicants]Fort Apachie (1992)(Impressions)[cr Factory]Foundation's Waste (1988)(Exocet Software)[b]Foundation's Waste (1988)(Exocet Software)[b][a]Foundation's Waste (1988)(Exocet Software)[b][a2]Foundation's Waste (1988)(Exocet Software)[cr Dom][h Axel Follet][b]Foundation's Waste (1988)(Exocet Software)[cr Was -Not Was-]Four-F (2005)(Fruitware)(FW)Four-F (2005)(Fruitware)(FW)[a]Frankenstein (1992)(Zeppelin)Frantick (1995)(Munsie, Dave)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)Frantick (1995)(Munsie, Dave)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)Freaked Out (1993)(Sharp, Chris)(PD)Fred (1990)(UBI Soft)Fred (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Big 4 - Replicants - ST Amigos]Fred (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Empire]Fred (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Empire][a]Fred (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr V8]Fred (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr V8][m EMT]Fred (demo-playable) (1990)(UBI Soft)Fred the Frisky Flea (1989)(Bjoerk, Frederik)(PD)Fred the Frisky Flea (1989)(Bjoerk, Frederik)(PD)[a]Fred's Find Game & Editor (1993)(RIGamortis)Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan (19xx)(Dinamic)Freedom - Les Guerriers de l'Ombre (1988)(Coktel Vision)(fr)[cr Bladerunners][m Atariforce]Freedom - Les Guerriers de l'Ombre (1988)(Coktel Vision)(fr)[protected]Freedom v1.00 (1995-01-06)(Krueger, Christian - Kolja Koischwitz)(de)Freedom v1.14a (19xx)(-)[b]Freedom v1.15d (19xx)(-)[b]Freedom v1.15e (demo-playable) (1995-10-28)(Krueger, Christian - Kolja Koischwitz)Freedrum v2.0 (19xx)(RL)FreeMiNT v1.14 Beta (1996-09-21)(Istari Software)Freestyle (1993-08-22)(Sound Pool)Freestyle Pro (1992-01-09)(Sound Pool)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Freestyle Pro (1992-01-09)(Sound Pool)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]Frenetic (1991)(Core Design)Frenetic (1991)(Core Design)[cr Elite][t +3]Friendish Freddy's Big Top o'Fun (1989)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants][disk 1 and 2]Friendish Freddy's Big Top o'Fun (1989)(Mindscape)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants][disk 3 and 4]Friendish Freddy's Big Top o'Fun (1989)(Mindscape)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants][disk 5]Frogger (1993)(Munsie, Dave)(SW)Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Frontier Developments)(SW)Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)(Disk 1 of 2)Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)(Disk 2 of 2)Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)(fr)Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)(fr)[a]Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)(fr)[a2]Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)(fr)[a3]Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)[cr Cynix]Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)[cr Cynix][a]Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)[cr Cynix][a2]Frontier - Elite II (1993)(Gametek - Konami)[cr Cynix][m Vectronix]Frontline (1990)(CCS)Fruit Pursuit (1992)(Digital Dimension)(SW)Fuck Quest (1998)(Eter, Richard)(PD)Fuerst der Finsternis, Der (1992-12-30)(Kutbay, Emre)(de)(PD)[a][monochrome]Fuerst der Finsternis, Der (1992-12-30)(Kutbay, Emre)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Fugger, Die (1988)(Bomico)(de)Fugger, Die (1988)(Bomico)(de)[a]Fugger, Die (1988)(Bomico)(de)[a2]Fugger, Die (1988)(Bomico)(de)[protected]Full Metal Planete (1989)(HiTEC Software)Full Metal Planete (1989)(HiTEC Software)[b]Full Metal Planete (1989)(HiTEC Software)[b2]Full Screen Construction Kit (19xx)(FMC)Full Screen Construction Kit (19xx)(FMC)[a]Fulltron v1.0 (19xx)(Criz)Funface v1.1e (1989)(Compo)(de)Funface v1.1f (1989-07-25)(-)(fr)Funface v1.1f (1989-07-25)(-)(fr)[a]Funface v1.1f (1989-07-25)(-)(fr)[a2]Fussball-ST plus v1.8 (19xx)(Duda, Rainer)(PD)Fussball-ST plus v1.8 (19xx)(Duda, Rainer)(PD)[a]Fussball-ST plus v1.9 (19xx)(Duda, Rainer)(PD)Future Basketball (1990)(Hewson)[cr Replicants]Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Delight]Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Delight][a]Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Delight][m EMT]Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Medway Boys][f Tos 1.40]Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Delight]Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Delight][a]Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Delight][m EMT]Future Wars - Time Travellers (1989)(Delphine)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Medway Boys][f Tos 1.40]Fuzzball (1987)(Budgie UK)(PD)Fuzzball (1987)(Methodic Solutions)Fuzzball (1987)(Methodic Solutions)[a]G-Loc (1992)(Sega)[cr ICS]G.Nius (1988)(Lankhor)[cr Baiseur Masque][b]G.Nius (1988)(Lankhor)[cr Delight][b]Gaia - Die Befreiung (1994-09-01)(Misereable Soft)(de)(PD)[b]Gaia - Die Befreiung (1994-09-28)(Misereable Soft)(de)(PD)Galactic Conqueror (1989)(Titus)[a][protected]Galactic Conqueror (1989)(Titus)[protected]Galactic Empire (1990)(Coktel Vision)(de-fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[protected]Galactic Empire (1990)(Coktel Vision)(de-fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[protected]Galactic Empire (1990)(Coktel Vision)(de-fr)[cr Empire]Galactic Empire (1990)(Coktel Vision)(de-fr)[cr Empire][a]Galactic Ranger (1987-10)(Duncan, James Dale)(SW)Galaxia (19xx)(Budgie UK)(LW)Galaxian (1993)(Sinister Developments)(M5)(SW)Galaxian (1993)(Sinister Developments)(M5)(SW)[a]Galaxy Force II (1989)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)Galaxy Force II (1989)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr V8][b]Galaxy Force II (1989)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)Galaxy Force II (1989)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr V8][b]Game Cracker Version III (19xx)(Medway Boys)Game Over II (1988)(Dinamic)Game Over II (1988)(Dinamic)[cr Bladerunners]Games - Winter Edition, The (1988)(Epyx)[cr Replicants]Games, Espana '92, The (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr ICS][don't run on Steem]Games, Espana '92, The (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr ICS][don't run on Steem]Games, Espana '92, The (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr ICS][don't run on Steem]Games, Espana '92, The (1992)(Ocean)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr ICS][don't run on Steem]Games, The - Summer Edition (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)Games, The - Summer Edition (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)(cr Hawks)Games, The - Summer Edition (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Games, The - Summer Edition (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)[a2]Games, The - Summer Edition (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)Games, The - Summer Edition (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)(cr Hawks)Games, The - Summer Edition (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Games, The - Summer Edition (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)[a2]Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (1988)(Softek)[b]Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (1988)(Softek)[cr STC][m EMT]Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (1988)(Softek)[cr]Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (1988)(Softek)[cr][a]Garfield - Winter's Tale (1989)(Softek)[cr Delight]Garfield Winter'sTail (1989)(Softek)(Disk 1 of 2)[don't work with TOS 1.06 or later][!]Garfield Winter'sTail (1989)(Softek)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Gary Lineker's Hot-shot! (1990)(Gremlin)Gary Lineker's Super Skills (1987)(Gremlin)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk A)Gary Lineker's Super Skills (1987)(Gremlin)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B and C)Gato - WWII Submarine Simulator (1986)(Spectrum Holobyte)Gauntlet (1985)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]Gauntlet (1987)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Gauntlet (1987)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Gauntlet (1987)(Mindscape)(Disk 2 of 2)Gauntlet II (1986)(Atari Corp.)(Disk 1 of 2)Gauntlet II (1986)(Atari Corp.)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Gauntlet II (1986)(Atari Corp.)(Disk 1 of 2)[a2]Gauntlet II (1986)(Atari Corp.)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Tsunoo Rhilty][b]Gauntlet II (1986)(Atari Corp.)(Disk 2 of 2)Gauntlet II (1986)(Atari Corp.)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Gauntlet II (1986)(Atari Corp.)(Disk 2 of 2)[a2]Gauntlet II (1986)(Atari Corp.)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Tsunoo Rhilty][b]Gauntlet II (1986)(Atari Corp.)[cr Medway Boys][t][a][one disk]Gauntlet II (1986)(Atari Corp.)[cr Medway Boys][t][one disk]Gauntlet III - The final Quest (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr ICS]Gauntlet III - The final Quest (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr ICS][a]Gauntlet III - The final Quest (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr ICS]Gauntlet III - The final Quest (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr ICS][a]Gauntlet III - The final Quest (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr ICS]Gauntlet III - The final Quest (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr ICS][a]Gdos (19xx)(-)(Disk 1 of 6)Gdos (19xx)(-)(Disk 2 of 6)Gdos (19xx)(-)(Disk 3 of 6)Gdos (19xx)(-)(Disk 4 of 6)Gdos (19xx)(-)(Disk 5 of 6)Gdos (19xx)(-)(Disk 6 of 6)GDPS (1991)(TMS)(de)Geisha (1990)(Coktel Vision)(en-de)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Debug Boys]Geisha (1990)(Coktel Vision)(en-de)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Debug Boys]GEM - CALC plus v3.60 (1992)(Maxon)(de)[b]GEM Amigo v1.0 (19xx)(Allison, Warwick)(PD)[monochrome]Gem Manager v0.89 (19xx)(Glauser, Ivan)(FW)[monochrome]GEM View v2.13 (1992-12-02)(Fiebelkorn, Dieter)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)GEM View v2.13 (1992-12-02)(Fiebelkorn, Dieter)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)Gem'X (1991)(Kaiko)[cr ICS][t +2]Gemar v3.06 (1996-11-29)(Engel, Steffen)(de)(SW)Gemcell v1.00 (19xx)(Weets, Holger)(PD)[monochrome]Gemini v1.1 (1990-04-11)(Eissing, Stefan - Gereon Steffens)(SW)Gemini v1.1 (1990-04-11)(Eissing, Stefan - Gereon Steffens)(SW)[b]Gemini v1.999e (1994-12-21)(Eissing, Stefan)(de)(SW)Gemini v1.999e (1994-12-21)(Eissing, Stefan)(de)(SW)[a]Gemini vx.x (1989)(Eissing, Stefan - Gereon Steffens)(SW)[b]Gemini Wings (1989)(Tecmo)Gemory (19xx)(Holtkamp, Juergen)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Gems (19xx)(Brownlow, Martin)(ST)(PD)Gemstone Legend (1990)(Loriciel)[cr Empire]Gemstone Legend (1990)(Loriciel)[cr Empire][b]GemThor v3.36 (19xx)(Miche, Jean-Jacques)(fr)(SW)Gemtrek v1.1 (1996-04-20)(Holtkamp, Uwe und Juergen)(de)(FW)[monochrome]Gemtrek v1.1 (1996-04-20)(Holtkamp, Uwe und Juergen)(FW)[monochrome]General (1990)(Vogel, Michael)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Geneva (1991)(Gribnif)Geneva 3 (1991)(Gribnif)Geneva 4 (1991)(Gribnif)(Disk 1 of 2)Geneva 4 (1991)(Gribnif)(Disk 2 of 2)Geneva Neodesk (1993)(Gribnif)Geneva v1.03 (1993-12-31)(Gribnif)Genocide - Extermination of a Nation (demo-playable) (1995)(Paradise)(STE)Genos (1992-02)(Pressimage)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[monochrome]Genos (1992-02)(Pressimage)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[monochrome]GenPatch ST MIDI Librarian (1986)(Hybrid Arts)GenPatch ST MIDI Librarian (1986)(Hybrid Arts)[a]Geo_Monde v1.41 (1993-12)(Broder, Pascal)(fr)(SW)Geocad (1996-11)(Stratmann, Benedikt)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)Geocad (1996-11)(Stratmann, Benedikt)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)Geometrie v1.1 (1987)(Hirtzler, Michel)(fr)Germ Crazy v1.5 (1991)(Open Mind)[cr Empire]Germ Crazy v1.5 (1991)(Open Mind)[cr Empire][a]Geschicklichkeitsflitzer v2.0 (1990)(Austriain Gold)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Gess v1b (1995-06-05)(Doucet, Jean-Etienne)(FW)Get it there v0.3 (1991)(Pitt PD Soft)(PD)[monochrome]Get Slide (1994-03-20)(Shlien, Seymour)(PD)Gettysburg (1990)(Atari)Gettysburg (1990)(Atari)[a]GFA Artist (1987)(GFA Systemtechnik)[TOS 1.02]GFA Assembleur (1989)(GFA Systemtechnik)(fr)[m Atariforce]GFA Basic Companion (1987)(MichTron)GFA Basic v1.0 (1986)(GFA Systemtechnik) & Logo (19xx)(Atari Corp.)GFA Basic v2.02 (1987-09-15)(GFA Systemtechnik)GFA Basic v3.02 (19xx)(GFA Systemtechnik)GFA Basic v3.07 (19xx)(GFA Systemtechnik)(fr)GFA Basic v3.07 (19xx)(GFA Systemtechnik)(fr)[a]GFA Basic v3.5 (19xx)(GFA Systemtechnik)GFA Basic v3.5 (19xx)(GFA Systemtechnik)[a]GFA Basic v3.51 (19xx)(GFA Systemtechnik)GFA Basic v3.6 (1991-04-18)(GFA Systemtechnik)(de)GFA Basic v3.6 (1991-05-06)(GFA Systemtechnik)GFA Basic v3.6 (1991-05-06)(GFA Systemtechnik)[a]GFA Basic v3.6 (1991-05-06)(GFA Systemtechnik)[a2]GFA Basic v3.6TT (19xx)(GFA Systemtechnik)GFA Basic v3.6TT (19xx)(GFA Systemtechnik)[b]GFA Draft v2.0 (1986)(GFA Systemtechnik)(fr)GFA Expert (1990)(Kempen, Han)GFA Expert (1990)(Kempen, Han)[a]GFA Song-Editor (1992-09-13)(IDL Software GmbH)(de)(PD)GFA Tutorial (1988-07-15)(Hayslett, Tom)GFA-Draft plus v3.13 (1988)(Kress - Magengast)GFL Championship Football (1987)(Activision)[!]Ghost Battle (1991)(Thalion)[cr Elite][t +5]Ghost Battle (1991)(Thalion)[cr Elite][t +5][a]Ghost Chaser (19xx)(Byte Back)Ghost Mine (1990)(Baggetta, Albert)(SW)Ghostbusters II (1991)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Delight][t][2 disks version]Ghostbusters II (1991)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Delight][t][a][2 disks version]Ghostbusters II (1991)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire][2 disks version]Ghostbusters II (1991)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Delight][t][2 disks version]Ghostbusters II (1991)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Delight][t][a][2 disks version]Ghostbusters II (1991)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Empire][2 disks version]Ghostbusters II (19xx)(Activision)(Disk 1 of 4)Ghostbusters II (19xx)(Activision)(Disk 2 of 4)Ghostbusters II (19xx)(Activision)(Disk 3 of 4)Ghostbusters II (19xx)(Activision)(Disk 4 of 4)Ghosts 'n' Goblins (1990)(Elite)[!]Ghosts 'n' Goblins (1990)(Elite)[a][!]Ghosts 'n' Goblins (1990)(Elite)[cr Empire][t]Ghosts 'n' Goblins (1990)(Elite)[cr Replicants][m EMT][t][b]Ghosts 'n' Goblins (1990)(Elite)[cr Replicants][t]Ghosts 'n' Goblins (1990)(Elite)[cr][t +3]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr Alien][t +2][one disk]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr Empire][a][one disk]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr Empire][a2][one disk]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr Empire][one disk]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA][b][one disk]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA][t][a][one disk]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA][t][a2][one disk]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA][t][a3][one disk]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr MCA][t][one disk]Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (1988)(U.S. Gold)[cr ST Chaos][b][one disk]Gilbert - Escape from Drill (19xx)(Enigma Variations)[cr Medway Boys][a][one disk]Gilbert - Escape from Drill (19xx)(Enigma Variations)[cr Medway Boys][a2][one disk]Gilbert - Escape from Drill (19xx)(Enigma Variations)[cr Medway Boys][one disk]Gilbert (demo-playable) (1997)(Rogala, Adam)Gilgalad (1986)(Dheus, Markus)(PD)[monochrome]Gin Rummy (1996)(Deano)(PD)Glad - Killing Impact (19xx)(-)(Disk 1 of 2)[uncertain]Glad - Killing Impact (19xx)(-)(Disk 2 of 2)[uncertain]Gladiators (19xx)(Smash 16)Gladiators (19xx)(Smash 16)[a]Glaeserne Schwert, Das (19xx)(Schnarr, Stefan)(de)(PD)Glaeserne Schwert, Das (19xx)(Schnarr, Stefan)(de)(PD)[a]Glass Buttog of Targ v1.0, The (1993)(Grandadsoft - Caledonia PDL)Glass Buttog of Targ v1.0, The (1993)(Grandadsoft - Caledonia PDL)(SW)[a]Gluecksrad (1992)(Gametek)[cr Wondersoft]Gluecksrad ST (1990)(Pesch, Heinrich)(de)(PD)Gmines v1.0 (1992)(Setzepfand, Bernd)(PD)GNCipher - Challenges from the Crypto (1990)(The Good News Software)(SW)GNU Chess v3.5 (1994-10-26)(Black Knight)(PD)[monochrome]GNU Chess v4 (19xx)(Black Knight)(PD)[monochrome]GNU Go v1.1 (1989-01-03)(Free Software Foundation)(PD)[monochrome]Go Board v4.0 (1990)(Sente Software)(SW)Go-Moku (1986-09-27)(B.E.ware)(PD)Go-Up v0.0 (1987)(Wurth, Ruediger)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Go-Up v1.0 (1989)(Wurth, Ruediger)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Goal! (1993)(Virgin)(M6)[cr Cynix]Goal! (1993)(Virgin)(M6)[cr Vectronix]Goal! (1993)(Virgin)(M6)[cr Vectronix][a]Goal! (1993)(Virgin)(M6)[cr Vectronix][a2]Gobang v3.1 (19xx)(Ori-Soft)(FW)Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite][a]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite][m EMT]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr MCA]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Vmax]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 1 of 3)[protected]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite][a]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite][m EMT]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr MCA]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Vmax]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 2 of 3)[protected]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][a]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][m EMT]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr MCA]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Vmax]Gobliiins (1991)(CVS)(M5)(Disk 3 of 3)[protected]Gobliiins II (1992)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)Gobliiins II (1992)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr ICS]Gobliiins II (1992)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)Gobliiins II (1992)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr ICS]Gobliiins II (1992)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)Gobliiins II (1992)(Coktel Vision)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr ICS]Gobliiins II (1992)(Coktel Vision)(M5)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants][b]Gobliiins II (1992)(Coktel Vision)(M5)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants][b]Gobliiins II (1992)(Coktel Vision)(M5)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants][b]Gobliiins II v1.02 (1992)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr ICS]Gobliiins II v1.02 (1992)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr ICS][a]Gobliiins II v1.02 (1992)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr ICS]Gobliiins II v1.02 (1992)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr ICS][a]Gobliiins II v1.02 (1992)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr ICS]Gobliiins II v1.02 (1992)(Coktel Vision)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr ICS][a]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Elite]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 6)[cr ICS]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Elite]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 6)[cr ICS]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Elite]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 3 of 6)[cr ICS]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Elite]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 4 of 6)[cr ICS]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 5 of 6)[cr Elite]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 5 of 6)[cr ICS]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 6 of 6)[cr Elite]Godfather, The (1991)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 6 of 6)[cr ICS]Godpey (2002)(Reservoir Gods)(FW)Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 1 of 2)Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t +3]Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite][t +3][a]Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Medway Boys][t]Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][t]Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][t][a]Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 2 of 2)Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t +3]Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite][t +3][a]Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Medway Boys][t]Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][t]Gods (1991)(Renegade)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][t][a]Gods (1991)(Renegade)[cr Vmax][t +2][one disk]Gogo ST v5.0 (1992)(Cawthon, Mark)(SW)Goin' Down with the Captain (1995)(King, T.A.)(FW)Goin' Down with the Captain (1995)(King, T.A.)(FW)[a]Gold of the Aztecs,The (1990)(Kinetica)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire]Gold of the Aztecs,The (1990)(Kinetica)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Empire][a]Gold of the Aztecs,The (1990)(Kinetica)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Empire]Gold of the Aztecs,The (1990)(Kinetica)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Empire][a]Gold of the Realm (1988)(Magnetic Images)Gold Rush (1987-11)(Budgie UK)(PD)Gold Seeker v2.0 (1992-02)(Henry, David M.)(FW)Golden Axe (1989)(Virgin)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]Golden Axe (1989)(Virgin)[cr Replicants][t]Golden Axe (1990)(Virgin)[cr Empire][t]Golden Path (1996)(Malogic)Goldrunner (1987)(Microdeal)[cr 42-Crew]Goldrunner (1987)(Microdeal)[cr Axel Follet][t Sumo]Goldrunner (1987)(Microdeal)[cr Diskbuster]Goldrunner II - Scenery Disk 1 (1988)(Microdeal)Goldrunner II (1988)(Microdeal)(Disk 1 of 2)Goldrunner II (1988)(Microdeal)(Disk 1 of 2)Goldrunner II (1988)(Microdeal)(Disk 2 of 2)(Data)Goldrunner II (1988)(Microdeal)(Disk 2 of 2)(Data)Goldrunner II (1988)(Microdeal)[cr Pompey Pirates][t][one disk][three data disks included]Gomoku and Renju (1988)(Bray Researech)[monochrome]Gorf's Laby (1988)(Motelsoft)(de)(FW)[a]Gorf's Laby (1988)(Motelsoft)(FW)Gortet v2.0 (19xx)(Cowtan, Kevin - Powty, Rob)[cr Genesis]GPPD v1.0 (1992)(Meyer, Christian)(PD)[monochrome]Graal Base v1 (1989)(Editions Profil)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)Graal Base v1 (1989)(Editions Profil)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)Grab von Manuleos, Das - Tomb of Manuleos (1994-04-06)(Kirchner, Alexander)(en-de)(PD)Grab von Manuleos, Das - Tomb of Manuleos (1994-04-06)(Kirchner, Alexander)(en-de)(PD)[a]Grab von Manuleos, Das - Tomb of Manuleos (1994-04-06)(Kirchner, Alexander)(en-de)(PD)[a2][monochrome]Grafix (demo-playable) (19xx)(Goodmans International)Graham Gooch World Class Cricket (1993)(Audiogenic)Graham Taylor Soccer Challenge (1992)(Krisalis Software)(M5)[cr Elite]Graham Taylor Soccer Challenge (1992)(Krisalis Software)(M5)[cr Elite][a]Grampa Howard Mysteries (1990)(Hafner, Carl J.)(SW)Gran-Prix (19xx)(-)Grand Prix 500 2 (19xx)(Microids)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr]Grand Prix 500 2 (19xx)(Microids)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr]Grand Prix 500cc (1987)(Microids)(fr)Grand Prix 500cc (1987)(Microids)(fr)[cr CGC]Grand Prix 500cc (1987)(Microids)(fr)[cr Steak Frites - CGC][a2]Grand Prix 500cc (1987)(Microids)(fr)[cr Steak Frites - CGC][a3]Grand Prix 500cc (1987)(Microids)(fr)[cr STeak Frites][b]Grandad 2 - In Search of Sandwiches (1994-03-08)(Scott, Ian)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix]Grandad 2 - In Search of Sandwiches (1994-03-08)(Scott, Ian)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Cynix]Grandad 2 - In Search of Sandwiches v1.0 (1993-07)(Grandadsoft - Caledonia PDL)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)Grandad 2 - In Search of Sandwiches v1.0 (1993-07)(Grandadsoft - Caledonia PDL)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)Grandad and The Quest for The Holey Vest (1992)(Scott, Ian)(SW)Grandad and The Quest for The Holey Vest (1992)(Scott, Ian)(SW)[a]Grandad and The Quest for The Holey Vest Cheat Program (1993)(MugUK)(PD)Grannies Garden (1994)(-)Graphico v2.0 (1990-10)(Kopp, Gabriel)[monochrome]Graphologue, Le (1991)(Uranie Software)(fr)Graphologue, Le (1991)(Uranie Software)(fr)[monochrome]Grateful Dead Game, The (19xx)(Collier, John)Grav (19xx)(Brownlow, Martin)(ST)(FW)Grav 2 (19xx)(Brownlow, Martin)(SW)Grav 2 (19xx)(Brownlow, Martin)(SW)[a]Gravex Boot v2.0 (1991)(DNT Crew - Pips)Graveyard (1994)(Spiral Mine Software)(SW) & Hoog (demo-playable) (1994)(M.P.Lord)(SW)Gravity (1990)(Image Works)[cr Replicants]Gravity (1990)(Image Works)[cr Replicants][m EMT]Greame Souness Soccer Manager (1992)(Zeppelin)Greame Souness Soccer Manager (1992)(Zeppelin)[cr Quartex]Greame Souness Soccer Manager (1992)(Zeppelin)[cr Quartex][a]Greame Souness Vector Soccer (1991)(Impulze)[cr Elite]Great Courts (1989)(UBI Soft)Great Courts (1989)(UBI Soft)[a]Great Courts 2 (1990)(UBI Soft)Great Courts 2 (1990)(UBI Soft)[a]Great Courts 2 (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Hotline]Great Courts 2 (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr]Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr Atariking][50-60 hz]Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr Bladerunners]Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr BOSS][b]Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr BOSS][m EMT][t +4]Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr BOSS][t +3]Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr BOSS][t +3][a]Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr BOSS][t +3][a2]Great Giana Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr BOSS][t +4]Great Giana-Sisters, The (1988)(Time Warp)[cr Bladerunners][a]Great Napoleonic Battles (1991)(Impressions)(M6)[cr Atarilegend]Great Napoleonic Battles Game (19xx)(Impressions)(Disk 1 of 2)Great Napoleonic Battles Game (19xx)(Impressions)(Disk 2 of 2)Greed v2.0c (19xx)(Day, Matthew D.)[monochrome]Greg Norman Ultimate Golf (1990)(Gremlin)[b]Greg Norman Ultimate Golf (1990)(Gremlin)[b][a]Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (1990)(Elite)[cr Hotline][t]Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (1990)(Elite)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (1990)(Elite)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t][a]Gridcross (1993)(Greenwood, Tony)(PD)Gridiron (1986)(Bethasda Softworks)[a][codes on Disk]Gridiron (1986)(Bethasda Softworks)[codes on Disk]Grosse deutsche Ballerspiel 2, Das (19xx)(Rieck, Michael - Ehlers, Thomas)(PD)Grosse deutsche Ballerspiel 2, Das (19xx)(Rieck, Michael - Ehlers, Thomas)(PD)[a]Grosse deutsche Ballerspiel, Das (19xx)(Rieck, Michael - Ehlers, Thomas)(PD)[monochrome]Grosse deutsche Ballerspiel, Das v2.0 (19xx)(Rieck, Michael - Ehlers, Thomas)(PD)[monochrome]Grosse Flut, Die v1.01 (1991)(Kirchner, Alexander)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Grosses Tetes, Les (19xx)(Pressimage)(fr)GThor v2 (1991-10-05)(Quin, Sylvain)(fr)(FW)[monochrome]Guardians (1992)(Loriciel)[cr Fuzion][t +2]Guardians (1992)(Loriciel)[cr Replicants][b]Guardians (1992)(Loriciel)[cr Vmax]Guess-A-Sketch (1989)(Creative Images)(SW)Guild of Thieves, The (1987)(Magnetic Scrolls)[!]Guild of Thieves, The v1.0 (1987)(Magnetic Scrolls)[cr 42-Crew]Gulp v1.2 (19xx)(Hoevener, Markus)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Gunship (1987)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 2)[!][protected]Gunship (1987)(MicroProse)(Disk 1 of 2)[a][protected]Gunship (1987)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)[!][protected]Gunship (1987)(MicroProse)(Disk 2 of 2)[a][protected]Gunship (1987)(MicroProse)[cr Angels of Darkness][one disk]Gunship (1987)(MicroProse)[cr STCS][one disk]Guy Spy (1993)(Ready Soft)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk 0)[cr ICS]Guy Spy (1993)(Ready Soft)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk 1)[cr ICS]H-MEC '93 (1993)(Breakpoint)[GW]H-MEC (1993)(Breakpoint Software)(STE)(PD)H.E.R.O. - Human Extraction & Rescue Operation (1995-7-23)(Greenwood, Tony - Goodfellow, Bob)(FW)H.E.R.O. - Human Extraction & Rescue Operation (1997-08)(Greenwood, Tony - Goodfellow, Bob)(STE)(FW)(Disk 1 of 3)[4MB][re-release]H.E.R.O. - Human Extraction & Rescue Operation (1997-08)(Greenwood, Tony - Goodfellow, Bob)(STE)(FW)(Disk 2 of 3)[4MB][re-release]H.E.R.O. - Human Extraction & Rescue Operation (1997-08)(Greenwood, Tony - Goodfellow, Bob)(STE)(FW)(Disk 3 of 3)[4MB][re-release]Haba View v1.0 (1986)(Williams, Woody)Hack (19xx)(-)[monochrome]Hacker (1985)(Activision)Hacker (1985)(Activision)[a]Hacker 2 (1988)(Activision)Hacker 2 (1988)(Activision)[a]Hacman 2 v1.14 (1991-02-14)(Kinetic Alchemists)(PD)Hacman 2 v1.14 (1991-02-14)(Kinetic Alchemists)(PD)[a]Hades Nebula (1987)(Nexus Software)[cr 42-Crew][t]Halma v1.0 (1991-12-02)(Meyer, Joachim)(de)(PD)Hammer Boy (1990)(Dinamic)Hammerfist (1990)(Vivid Image)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]Handy-Painter v2.0 (1989-03-08)(Cameron)(fr)Handy-Reader v3.01 (1989-03-04)(Cameron)(M3)Hang Man (1988-11)(Copland, Sean)Hangabout (19xx)(-)Hangman (19xx)(Magro, Bill)[monochrome]Hank's Quest - Victim Of Society (2001)(Femo Duo Entertainment)(PD)Hanse (1986)(Ariolasoft)(de)[a][TOS 1.0]Hanse (1986)(Ariolasoft)(de)[TOS 1.0]Happy Days Bingo (19xx)(Hanson, O.Wendell)(FW)Happy Music v1.0 (19xx)(Steinberg)[monochrome]Happy Worm (19xx)(Happy Fish Software)Hard 'n' Heavy (1989)(ReLINE Software)Hard 'n' Heavy (1989)(ReLINE Software)[cr Jabba][t Axe +2]Hard Drivin' (1989)(Domark)[b] & Paperboy (1989)(Elite)[cr MCA]Hard Drivin' (1989)(Domark)[cr Corporation]Hard Drivin' (1989)(Domark)[cr Mad]Hard Drivin' (1989)(Domark)[cr Replicants]Hard Drivin' II - Drive Harder (1991)(Domark)[cr Empire]Hard Drivin' II - Drive Harder (1991)(Domark)[cr Hotline]Hard Drivin' II - Drive Harder (1991)(Domark)[cr Hotline][a]Hard Nova (1991)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 1 of 4)(Disk Earth)[cr Elite]Hard Nova (1991)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Elite]Hard Nova (1991)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 3 of 4)(Disk Uranus)[cr Elite]Hard Nova (1991)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Elite]Hardball (1987)(Accolade)Hardball (1987)(Accolade)Hardcore (demo-playable) (1992-05)(Llamasoft)(SW)Harddisk Treiber v4.0 (1995)(Seimet, Uwe)Harddisk Treiber v4.13 (1991)(Digital Data Deicke)(de)Harddisk Treiber v7.51 (1998)(Seimet, Uwe)Harddisk Treiber v8.13 (2003)(Seimet, Uwe)(de)Harddisk Treiber v8.13 (2003)(Seimet, Uwe)(de)[a]Harddisk Treiber v8.13 (2003)(Seimet, Uwe)(de)[a2]Harddiskdriver v5.3.0 (1991)(ICD)(de)Harddiskdriver v5.5.0 (1991)(ICD)(de)[a]Harlekin III (1993-03-12)(HiSoft)Harlekin III (1993-03-12)(HiSoft)[a]Harlequin (1992)(Gremlin)[cr Elite]Harlequin (1992)(Gremlin)[cr Elite][a]Harlequin (1992)(Gremlin)[cr Elite][a2]Harley Davidson (1990)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 2)[protected]Harley Davidson (1990)(Mindscape)(Disk 2 of 2)[protected]Harley Davidson (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Gors Soft]Harley Davidson (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]Harley Davidson (1990)(Mindscape)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][b]Harricana (1990)(Loriciel)(fr)[cr Big 4 - Replicants - ST Amigos]Harrier Strike Mission (1986)(Novic Game)Haunted House (demo-playable) (19xx)(Eidersoft)(PD)Hawkeye + (1989)(Thalamus)[cr Medway Boys][t]Haywire (19xx)(Hodskinson, John)(PD)Hdp Stack (1995-03)(Heyer - Neumann)Hdp Stack v1.02 (demo-playable) (1995-03-27)(Heyer - Neumann)(de)Head Over Heels (1987)(Ocean)Headlong (1992)(Wheaton, Gary)(SW)Hearbell v3 (1991-07)(Budgie UK)(PD)Heartland (1996-09)(Stosser Software)(PD)Heat Wave (1990)(Accolade)[cr Hotline]Heavy Bunch, The v1.03 (1992)(Deano)Heavy Metal (1990)(Access)Hector vs. the mutant Vampire Tomatoes from Hell (1993)(Whitby, Pete J.)Hector vs. the mutant Vampire Tomatoes from Hell (1993)(Whitby, Pete J.)[a]Heimdall (1992)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 4)[b]Heimdall (1992)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Cynix]Heimdall (1992)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Pompey Pirates]Heimdall (1992)(Core Design)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Pompey Pirates]Heimdall (1992)(Core Design)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Pompey Pirates]Heimdall (1992)(Core Design)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Cynix]Heimdall (1992)(Core Design)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Pompey Pirates]Hellbent (1988)(Novagen)Hellgate v1.50b (demo-playable) (1998-04-18)(Smartsoft)[a][unregistered]Hellgate v1.50b (demo-playable) (1998-04-18)(Smartsoft)[unregistered]Hellowoon - Das Geheimnis des Zauberstabs (1987)(Ariolasoft)(de)Hellowoon - Das Geheimnis des Zauberstabs v0.4 (1987)(Ariolasoft)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Hellowoon - Das Geheimnis des Zauberstabs v0.4 (1987)(Ariolasoft)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Hellraiser (1988)(Exocet Software)(Disk 1 of 2)Hellraiser (1988)(Exocet Software)(Disk 2 of 2)Hellraiser (1988)(Exocet Software)[cr MCA]Hellraiser (1988)(Exocet Software)[cr MCA][a]Helter Skelter (1990)(Audiogenic)Helter Skelter (1990)(Audiogenic)[a]Helter Skelter (1990)(Audiogenic)[a2]Herewith the Clues (1990)(CRL)(Disk 1 of 2)Herewith the Clues (1990)(CRL)(Disk 2 of 2)Herman (1994)(Thompson, Paul)Hero Quest (1991)(Gremlin)(M5)[b]Hero Quest (1991)(Gremlin)(M5)[cr Empire]Hero Quest (1991)(Gremlin)(M5)[cr Empire][t]Hero Quest (1991)(Gremlin)(M5)[protected]Hero Quest Extension Pack - Court of the Witchlord (19xx)(Gremlin)(M5)[cr Alien]Hero! (1994)(Winslow, Dan)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Berlin Elite]Hero! (1994)(Winslow, Dan)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Berlin Elite]Hero! v1.0 (1988)(Winslow, Dan)(SW)Hero! v1.0 (1988)(Winslow, Dan)(SW)[a]Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)[a]Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)[m Medway Boys]Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)[a]Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)[m Medway Boys]Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)[a]Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)[m Medway Boys]Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)[a]Hero's Quest v1.137 (1990)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)[m Medway Boys]Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Bladerunners][Disk A]Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 1 of 2)[Disk A]Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 1 of 3)Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Bladerunners][a][disks B and C]Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Bladerunners][disks B and C]Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 2 of 2)[disks B and C]Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 2 of 3)Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 3 of 3)Heroes of the Lance v1.1 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk A)[protected]Heroes of the Lance v1.1 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B and C)[protected]Herschel - l'atlas du ciel v2.7 (19xx)(Bailly, D.)(fr)[high res only]Hexapawn (19xx)(Erictronics)High Roller (1986)(Mirrorsoft)(Disk 1 of 2)High Roller (1986)(Mirrorsoft)(Disk 2 of 2)High Roller (1992-01)(Budgie UK)(PD)High Steel (1989)(7 Screen)High Steel (1989)(7 Screen)[cr Flame of Finland][t]Highly Side (demo-playable) (19xx)(Cobalt System)(STE)(Disk 1 of 2)Highly Side (demo-playable) (19xx)(Cobalt System)(STE)(Disk 2 of 2)HighSpeed Pascal v1.13 (1990)(Fihl, Christen - D-House)(Disk 1 of 2)HighSpeed Pascal v1.13 (1990)(Fihl, Christen - D-House)(Disk 2 of 2)Highway Patrol II (1990)(Titus)(fr)[!]Hill Street Blues (1991)(Krisalis Software)[b]Hillsfar v1.0 (1989)(SSI)(de)Hillsfar v1.0 (1989)(SSI)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Hillsfar v1.0 (1989)(SSI)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Hillsfar v1.0 (1989)(SSI)(fr)[m Atariforce]Hillsfar v1.0 (1989)(SSI)[cr MCA][a][one disk]Hillsfar v1.0 (1989)(SSI)[cr MCA][one disk]HiSoft Basic v2.10 (1992)(HiSoft)(Disk 1 of 3)HiSoft Basic v2.10 (1992)(HiSoft)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite]HiSoft Basic v2.10 (1992)(HiSoft)(Disk 2 of 3)HiSoft Basic v2.10 (1992)(HiSoft)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite]HiSoft Basic v2.10 (1992)(HiSoft)(Disk 3 of 3)HiSoft Basic v2.10 (1992)(HiSoft)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite]HMS Cobra - Convoi pour Mourmansk (1987)(Cobra)(fr)Hodgepodge (19xx)(Pesch, Heinrich)(de)(PD)Hollywood Hijinx (1986)(Infocom)Hollywood Hijinx (1986)(Infocom)[a]Hollywood Hustler (1995)(Desert Star)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite]Hollywood Hustler (1995)(Desert Star)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite][a]Hollywood Hustler (1995)(Desert Star)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite][a2]Hollywood Hustler (1995)(Desert Star)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite]Hollywood Hustler (1995)(Desert Star)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite][a]Hollywood Hustler (1995)(Desert Star)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite][a2]Hollywood Hustler (1995)(Desert Star)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite]Hollywood Hustler (1995)(Desert Star)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][a]Hollywood Hustler (1995)(Desert Star)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][a2]Hollywood Poker Pro (1989)(ReLINE Software)[cr CSS]Hollywood Poker Pro (1989)(ReLINE Software)[cr Delight]Hollywood Poker Pro (1989)(ReLINE Software)[cr Delight][a]Hollywood Poker Pro (1989)(ReLINE Software)[cr Delight][a2]Hollywood Poker Pro (1989)(ReLINE Software)[cr Delight][a3]Hollywood Poker Pro (1989)(ReLINE Software)[cr Delight][a4]Hollywood Poker Pro (1989)(ReLINE Software)[cr Delight][m EMT]Holocaust (1994)(ST Format)Home Publisher v1.2 (1987)(Hitec)Honda RVF (1989)(Micro Style)[cr Medway Boys]Honda RVF (1989)(Micro Style)[cr TDA][m EMT]Hong Kong Phooey (1990)(HiTEC Software)[a]Hong Kong Phooey (1990)(HiTEC Software)[m]Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants]Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][a]Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)(Disk 1 of 3)Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Cynix]Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants]Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][a]Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)(Disk 2 of 3)Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Cynix]Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)(Disk 3 of 3)Hook (1991)(Ocean)(en-fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Cynix]Hop! (1992-05)(Young, I.)(SW)Horror Schloss (1988)(Heyduk, Michael)(de)(PD)Horror Zombies from the Crypt (1990)(Astralvision)[cr Hotline][t]Horse Racing Simulator (1990)(Budgie UK)(LW)Hostages (1988)(Infogrames)Hostages (1988)(Infogrames)(Disk 1 of 2)[b]Hostages (1988)(Infogrames)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]Hostages (1988)(Infogrames)[a]Hostile Reception (1990)(Budgie UK)(PD)Hot Rubber (1991)(Palace)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Hot Rubber (1991)(Palace)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Pompey Pirates]Hot Rubber (1991)(Palace)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]Hot Rubber (1991)(Palace)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Pompey Pirates]Hot Wheels (1991)(ST User)Hot-Dog (19xx)(-)(PD)[b]Hotball (1988)(Satory)[cr Hobbits Brothers Reims]Hotshot Checkers v1.8 (1988-01-11)(Middleton, Don)(PD)Hound of Shadow, The (1989)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Delight][b]Hound of Shadow, The (1989)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Delight][h EMT][b]Hound of Shadow, The (1989)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Equinox]Hound of Shadow, The (1989)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Equinox]House of the Rising Sun, The (1989)(B&B Software)[cr Imperator]House Quest, The - The Search for the lost Amtmann v2.03 (1992-03-10)(Megaventures)(de)(PD)Hover Sprint (1992)(Codemasters)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Hover Sprint (1992)(Codemasters)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Pompey Pirates]Hover Sprint (1992)(Codemasters)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]Hover Sprint (1992)(Codemasters)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Pompey Pirates]Hoyle Book of Games - Volume 2 - Solitaire v1.001.017 (1988)(Sierra)Hoyle Book of Games - Volume 2 - Solitaire v1.001.017 (1988)(Sierra)[a]Hoyle's Volume 1 v1.000.104 (1988)(Sierra)Hoyle's Volume 1 v1.000.118 (1988)(Sierra)[cr MCA]HP48sx Emulator (19xx)(Aura)(FW)Huang Shi (1990-08-20)(Soft Artists)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Huckleberry Hound in Hollywood Capers (1993)(Hanna-Barbera Productions)[cr Cynix][m Vectronix]Hudson Hawk (1991)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)Hudson Hawk (1991)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)Hudson Hawk (1991)(Ocean)[cr Elite][t]Hudson Hawk (1991)(Ocean)[cr Elite][t][a]Human Killing Machine (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)Human Killing Machine (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)Hunchy 2010 (1993)(Powerfist Productions)(SW)Hunt for Grey November (1991)(Ribbink, Martin)(PD)Hunt for Red October, The (1990)(Grandslam)[cr Empire]Hunt for Red October, The (1990)(Grandslam)[cr Replicants][t]Hunt for Red October, The (19xx)(Ode)Hunt for Red October, The (19xx)(Ode)[a]Hunter (1991)(Activision)[cr Paper Bag]Hunter (1991)(Activision)[cr Replicants][t]Hunter Killer (1990)(Mastertronics)[cr ST Amigos]Hunter Killer v1.01 (1990)(Mastertronics)Hunter Killer v1.01 (1990)(Mastertronics)[cr ST Amigos][a]Hydra (1991)(Domark)[cr Bad Brew Crew]Hyper Force (1989)(Prism Leisure)[cr Empire]Hyper Paint (1988)(Atari Corp.)[needs GDOS]Hyper Paint v2.0 (1990)(Atari Corp.)Hypnotic Land (1992)(Lindasoft)(it)Hysula - Spielraum Saga Part III (1992)(Keysoft)(SW)[a]Hysula (1992)(Keysoft)(SW)I play 3D soccer (1991)(Simulmondo)(M4)[cr Elite][m Replicants]IBS Guardian (1989)(Deto Soft)(SW)IBS Pegasus (1989)(Deta Soft)(SW)IBS Pegasus (1989)(Deto Soft)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]IBS Pegasus (1989)(Deto Soft)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)[a2]IBS Pegasus (1989)(Deto Soft)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]IBS Pegasus (1989)(Deto Soft)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)[a2]IBS Pegasus (19xx)(Deto Soft)(SW)(Disk 1 of 2)IBS Pegasus (19xx)(Deto Soft)(SW)(Disk 2 of 2)IBS Starsearcher (1988)(Deto Soft)(SW)IC Draw v1.41 (1994-05-15)(Dr. Bob)(SW)[Falcon only]IC Draw v1.42 (1994-05-18)(Dr. Bob)(SW)[Falcon only]ICD Pro Festplattentreiber v5.42 (1991)(ICD Inc.)(de)ICD Pro Festplattentreiber v5.50 (1991)(ICD Inc.)(de)ICD Pro Festplattentreiber v6.55 (1994)(ICD Inc.)(de)ICD Pro Festplattentreiber v6.55 (1994)(ICD Inc.)(de)[a]Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)[!]Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)[a]Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)[a]Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)[a2]Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)[m 42-Crew][t]Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)[m Medway Boys]Ikari Warriors (1987)(Elite)[m Noid]Illusion (1987)(FaSTer Disk Magazine)Illusionen (19xx)(ASM)(de)Illusionen (19xx)(ASM)(de)[a]Image Copy v3.52d (demo-playable) (1994-11-20)(FaST Club)Imagecopy v4.0 (1995-06-26)(Fast Club)(Disk 1 of 2)Imagecopy v4.0 (1995-06-26)(Fast Club)(Disk 2 of 2)Imagecopy v4.01 (1996-12-15)(Fast Club)[cr Vectronix][One Disk]Imagecopy v4.01d (demo-playable) (1995-10-03)(FaST Club)Imagic v1.1d (demo-playable) (1988-09-27)(Application Systems Heidelberg)Imagin v4.0a (demo-playable) (1997-09-22)(Meier, Reinhard)(de)Imagin v4.0d (1998-06-11)(Meier, Reinhard)(de)(FW)IMG Mixer v1.10 (1994-05-06)(Wallmann, Matthias)(de)(FW)Immortal, The (1990)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 1 of 2)[m Guess Who]Immortal, The (1990)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 2 of 2)[m Guess Who]Immortal, The (1990)(Electronic Arts)[cr Delight][one disk]Immortal, The (1990)(Electronic Arts)[cr Lethal][one disk]Immortal, The (1990)(Electronic Arts)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][a][one disk]Immortal, The (1990)(Electronic Arts)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][one disk]Impact! (1987)(ASL)Impact! (1987)(ASL)Impact! (1987)(ASL)[a]Impact! (1987)(ASL)[a2]Impact! (1987)(ASL)[b]Impact! (1987)(ASL)[cr]Imperium (1990)(Electronic Arts)[b]Imperium (1990)(Electronic Arts)[cr Hotline - MCA]Impossamole (1990)(Core Design)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Impossamole (1990)(Core Design)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Impossamole (1990)(Core Design)[cr Replicants]Impossamole (1990)(Core Design)[TOS 1.06]Impossible Mission II (1988)(Epyx)Impossible Mission II (1988)(Epyx)(Disk 1 of 2)[b]Impossible Mission II (1988)(Epyx)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]Impossible Mission II (1988)(Epyx)[!]Impossible Mission II (1988)(Epyx)[a]Impossible Mission II (1988)(Epyx)[a2]Impossible Mission II (1988)(Epyx)[cr Axel Follet]Impossible Mission II (1988)(Epyx)[cr]Impulse (1989)(Grainger, Ian)(PD)In 80 Days around the World (1988)(Rainbow Arts)[cr Invisible]Incantation (1987)(FIL)(fr)[cr Ghost House][m Atariforce]Incredible Shrinking Sphere (1988)(Electric Dreams)[cr Fantasy Cracker]Indian Mission (1988)(Coktel Vision)(de)Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992)(LucasArts)[cr ICS]Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992)(LucasArts)[cr ICS][a]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Arcade Game (1989)(LucasFilm Games)[cr Delight]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Arcade Game (1989)(LucasFilm Games)[cr Delight][m EMT][t +6]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Arcade Game (1989)(LucasFilm Games)[cr Replicants][t][a][one disk]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Arcade Game (1989)(LucasFilm Games)[cr Replicants][t][one disk]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Arcade Game (1989)(LucasFilm Games)[cr Tsunoo Crew][t][one disk]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Arcade Game (1989)(LucasFilm Games)[t][one disk]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr MCA][3 disk version]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants][3 disks version]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants][a][3 disks version]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants][b][3 disks version]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr MCA][3 disks version]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants][3 disks version]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants][a][3 disks version]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants][b][3 disks version]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr MCA][3 disks version]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants][3 disks version]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants][a][3 disks version]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants][a2][3 disks version]Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1989)(Mindscape)Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1989)(Mindscape)[a]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[3 disks version]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[a][3 disks version]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[a2][3 disks version]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[a3][3 disks version]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 1 of 6)[!]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 1 of 6)[a]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[3 disks version]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[a][3 disks version]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 2 of 6)[!]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[3 disks version]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[a][3 disks version]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 3 of 6)[!]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 4 of 6)[!]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 5 of 6)[!]Indiana Jones et la Derniere Croisade (1989)(LucasFilm Games)(fr)(Disk 6 of 6)[!]Indianapolis 500 (1989)(Electronic Arts)Indianapolis 500 (1989)(Electronic Arts)[cr Bladerunners]Indigo (19xx)(Brewster, Charley)Indoor Sports Volume 1 (1988)(Mindscape)Indy Heat (1992)(Sales Curve)[!]Indy Heat (1992)(Sales Curve)[cr Elite]Infestation (1990)(Psygnosis)(M3)Infestation (1990)(Psygnosis)(M3)[!]Infestation (1990)(Psygnosis)(M3)[a]Infestation (1990)(Psygnosis)(M3)[b]Infiltration (1991-08-09)(Ball, Robin)(SW)Insect in Space (1990)(Hewson)[cr Empire]Insecticide (1992)(Hague, Peter)(SW)Insectroid v1.0 (1992)(Dytmire, Robert)(SW)[512k version]Insel, Die (1990)(Machens, Christian)(de)(PD)[monochrome]InShape Modeler (demo) (19xx)(-)(Disk 1 of 2)[TT]InShape Modeler (demo) (19xx)(-)(Disk 2 of 2)[TT]Interactive Manual Maker - Extended Version (1991)(P.B. Bloemendaal)Interdigit v1.4 (1988-08-18)(Talmy, Emmanuel)(fr)Interface v2.00 (1992-08)(Shift)(fr)International 3D Tennis (1990)(Palace Software)International Champion Athletics (1991)(Hawk Software)[cr Elite]International Cricket (19xx)(-)(SW)[a][STOS]International Cricket (19xx)(-)(SW)[STOS]International Karate (1986)(System 3)[cr CSS]International Karate (1986)(System 3)[cr]International Karate (1986)(System 3)[cr][a]International Karate + (1988)(System 3)International Karate + (1988)(System 3)International Karate + (1988)(System 3)[b]International Karate + (1988)(System 3)[cr Replicants]International Karate + (1988)(System 3)[cr Replicants][m Atariforce]International Motor Sport (1992)(Thornett, James)(SW)International Ninja Rabbits (19xx)(Micro Value)[cr Cynix]International Ninja Rabbits (19xx)(Micro Value)[cr Cynix][h Absu]International Soccer Challenge (1988)(Micro Style)International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite][m EMT]International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr ICS]International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr ICS][a]International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr ICS][a2]International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite][m EMT]International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr ICS]International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr ICS][a]International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr ICS][a2]International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][m EMT]International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr ICS]International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr ICS][a]International Sports Challenge (1992)(Empire)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr ICS][a2]International Truck Racing (1992)(Zeppelin)[cr Elite]Interphase (1990)(Image Works)Interphase (1990)(Image Works)[a]Interphase (1990)(Image Works)[a2]Into the Eagle's Nest (1987)(Mindscape)[!]Into the Eagle's Nest (1987)(Mindscape)[a]Into the Eagle's Nest (1987)(Pandora)Into the Eagle's Nest (1987)(Pandora)[a]Intrigue a la Renaissance (1989)(Coktel Vision)(fr)[cr Empire]Intro Concept (1990)(Conceptors)(en-fr)(FW)Intro Concept (1990)(Conceptors)(fr)(FW)Intro Construction Set (19xx)(Kyriela)Intro Construction Set, The (19xx)(Lord Grahl)(de)Intruder, The (19xx)(UBI Soft)(fr)[cr Replicants]Invaders (1986-12)(Dheus, Markus)(PD)Invasion (1987)(MichTron)Invasion (1988)(Henderson, Robert)Invers v1.0 (1994-12-16)(Hagedorn, Dirk)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Invest (19xx)(Starbyte)(de)Investigation (1993)(Laser Soft)(Disk 1 of 2)Investigation (1993)(Laser Soft)(Disk 2 of 2)Investigation 2 - A wellard Holiday (19xx)(Laser Soft)(Disk 1 of 2)Investigation 2 - A wellard Holiday (19xx)(Laser Soft)(Disk 2 of 2)Invision Elite v1.13 (1992-08-12)(DMC)[cr ICS]Invision Elite v1.13 (1992-08-12)(DMC)[cr ICS][a]Invision Elite v2.0 (1993-02-01)(DMC)Iraky (1991)(Ronan)Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 1 of 3)Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 1 of 3)[b]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 2 of 3)Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 2 of 3)[b]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 3 of 3)Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(de)(Disk 3 of 3)[b]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[Disk 1]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Overlanders]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)[m Tsunoo Rhilty]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[disks 2 and 3]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Overlanders]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)[m Tsunoo Rhilty]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Overlanders]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)[m Tsunoo Rhilty]Iron Lord (1989)(UBI Soft)[budget}Iron Trackers (19xx)(Microids)(fr)Ironman Ivan Steward's Super Off Road (1990)(Virgin)[cr Empire]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Fuzion]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Fuzion][a]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr MCA][Falcon version]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite][Falcon only]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Fuzion]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Fuzion][a]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite][a][Falcon only]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite][Falcon only]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][a][Falcon only]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite][Falcon only]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants][m Fuzion]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants][m Fuzion]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(M4)(Disk 1 of 2)Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(M4)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(M4)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(M4)(Disk 2 of 2)Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(M4)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (1992)(Silmarils)(M4)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Elite]Ishar 2 - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants][a]Ishar 2 - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants][a]Ishar 2 - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants][a]Ishar II - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite]Ishar II - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Elite][a]Ishar II - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(Disk 1 of 3)[cr Replicants]Ishar II - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Elite]Ishar II - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(Disk 2 of 3)[cr Replicants]Ishar II - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Elite]Ishar II - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(Disk 3 of 3)[cr Replicants]Ishar II - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)Ishar II - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)Ishar II - Messengers of Doom (1993)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)Ishar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (1994)(Silmarils)(de)(Disk 1 of 5)[cr Vectronix]Ishar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (1994)(Silmarils)(de)(Disk 2 of 5)[cr Vectronix]Ishar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (1994)(Silmarils)(de)(Disk 3 of 5)[cr Vectronix]Ishar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (1994)(Silmarils)(de)(Disk 4 of 5)[cr Vectronix]Ishar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (1994)(Silmarils)(de)(Disk 5 of 5)[cr Vectronix]Ishar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (1994)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 1 of 5)[cr Euroswap]Ishar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (1994)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 2 of 5)[cr Euroswap][Fr docs]Ishar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (1994)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 3 of 5)[cr Euroswap]Ishar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (1994)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 4 of 5)[cr Euroswap]Ishar III - The Seven Gates of Infinity (1994)(Silmarils)(fr)(Disk 5 of 5)[cr Euroswap]Ishido (1994-02-10)(Dekker, Martijn)(SW)[monochrome]Island Strike - The ultimate Conflict (1996-05)(Stosser)(PD)Island Strike - The ultimate Conflict (1996-05)(Stosser)(PD)[a]Isola v2.50 (19xx)(Grellier, T.)(PD)It can't be done (demo-playable) (1990)(Psygnosis)It's a Mug's Game (1993-08)(Channel X)(SW)It's a Mug's Game (1993-08)(Channel X)(SW)[a]Italy '90 (1990)(Codemasters)[cr Birdy]Italy '90 (1990)(Codemasters)[cr Hotline]Italy 1990 (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)Italy 1990 (1990)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)Italy 1990 (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Empire]Italy 1990 (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Replicants]Italy 1990 (1990)(U.S. Gold)[cr Replicants][a]Ivanhoe (1989)(Ocean)(Disk 1 of 2)Ivanhoe (1989)(Ocean)(Disk 2 of 2)Ivanhoe (1989)(Ocean)[cr Empire][t]Ivanhoe (1989)(Ocean)[cr Empire][t][a]Ivanhoe (1989)(Ocean)[cr Empire][t][a2]Iznogoud (19xx)(Infogrames)(fr)[!]Iznogoud (19xx)(Infogrames)(fr)[cr]Jabato vs Imperio (1989)(Aventuras AD)(es)(Disk 1 of 2)Jabato vs Imperio (1989)(Aventuras AD)(es)(Disk 2 of 2)Jack Nicklaus Course Disk I (1989)(Accolade)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Hotline]Jack Nicklaus Course Disk I (1989)(Accolade)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Hotline]Jack Nicklaus Golf (1989)(Accolade)[cr Hotline]Jack Nicklaus Greatest 18 Holes of major Championship Golf (1989)(Accolade)(Disk 1 of 3)Jack Nicklaus Greatest 18 Holes of major Championship Golf (1989)(Accolade)(Disk 2 of 3)Jack Nicklaus Greatest 18 Holes of major Championship Golf (1989)(Accolade)(Disk 3 of 3)Jackpot v0.6 (1990)(Wiz-Tek DK)(FW)Jade (1988)(MBC)(fr)Jade (1988)(MBC)(fr)[cr MCS]Jagd auf Roter October (1987)(Argus Press)(de)[cr]Jagd auf Roter October (1987)(Argus Press)(de)[cr][m EMT]Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash (1991)(Krisalis Software)[cr Replicants]Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash (1991)(Krisalis Software)[cr Replicants][a]Jam v1.0 (1990)(Michel, J.)(fr)James Pond - Underwater Agent (1990)(Vectordean)[cr Empire][t]James Pond - Underwater Agent (1990)(Vectordean)[cr Replicants]James Pond II - Codename Robocod (1992)(Vectordean)James Pond II - Codename Robocod (1992)(Vectordean)[a]James Pond II - Codename Robocod (1992)(Vectordean)[cr Elite][t]James Pond II - Codename Robocod (1992)(Vectordean)[cr Elite][t][a]James Pond II - Codename Robocod (1992)(Vectordean)[cr Elite][t][a2]James Pond II - Codename Robocod (1992)(Vectordean)[cr Maniac Cod][t]James Pond II - Codename Robocod (1992)(Vectordean)[cr Vmax]Japlish Assualt Razor (19xx)(Loisa, S.)Jaws (1989)(Intelligent Design)[cr V8]Jay Minesweeper v2.2 (1999-01-23)(Jay Software)(FW)[monochrome]Jay Zebuland v1.30 (2002-07-24)(Jay Software)(SW)Jazz Guitarist v1.0 (1993)(PG Music)(Disk 1 of 3)Jazz Guitarist v1.0 (1993)(PG Music)(Disk 2 of 3)Jazz Guitarist v1.0 (1993)(PG Music)(Disk 3 of 3)Je repare ma Voiture (1988)(Pressimage)(fr)Jeanne d'Arc (1989)(Chip)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[b]Jeanne d'Arc (1989)(Chip)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr K2rboys]Jeanne d'Arc (1989)(Chip)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]Jeanne d'Arc (1989)(Chip)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr K2rboys]Jeanne d'Arc (1989)(Chip)(fr)[cr BCS]Jeanne d'Arc (1989)(Chip)(fr)[cr Bladerunners][m Noid]Jenseits des Flusses (19xx)(Familie Schubert)(de)(PD)[a][monochrome]Jenseits des Flusses (19xx)(Familie Schubert)(de)(PD)[monochrome]Jeopardy v1.0 (1987-06-15)(Salzillo, Vinny)[monochrome]Jeopardy v1.0 (1995)(RegiSoft)(PD)Jet v1.0 (1987)(Sublogic)(fr)Jet v1.01 (1987)(Sublogic)Jet v1.01 (1987)(Sublogic)[m EMT]Jet-Set Willy (1990)(Software Projects)Jet-Set Willy (1990)(Software Projects)[b]Jetpac (1992)(Budgie UK)(LW)Jetsons (1990)(HiTEC Software)[cr Quartex][t]Jetsons (1991)(HiTEC Software)[cr Quartex][t +2][a]Jetsons (1991)(HiTEC Software)[cr Quartex][t +2][a2]Jetsons (1991)(HiTEC Software)[cr Quartex][t +2][a3]Jiggers (1992)(Digital Dimension)(SW)Jiggsy v1.0 (1993-06-08)(B.B.I.W.F. Productions)(FW)Jim Power - Mutant Planet (1992)(Loriciel)(Disk 1 of 2)Jim Power - Mutant Planet (1992)(Loriciel)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr ICS][t +4 ICS]Jim Power - Mutant Planet (1992)(Loriciel)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Vmax]Jim Power - Mutant Planet (1992)(Loriciel)(Disk 2 of 2)Jim Power - Mutant Planet (1992)(Loriciel)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr ICS][t +4 ICS]Jim Power - Mutant Planet (1992)(Loriciel)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Vmax]Jim Power - Mutant Planet (1992)(Loriciel)[cr Replicants][t][one disk]Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (1991)(Virgin)[cr BBC]Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (1991)(Virgin)[cr BBC][a]Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (1991)(Virgin)[cr Elite]Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (1991)(Virgin)[cr Sub Humans in Turkey]Jinnee v1.0 (demo-playable) (1997-07-22)(Application Systems Heidelberg)(de)(PD)Jinxter (1989)(Magnetic Scrolls)[cr Uranus Company][one disk]Joan of Arc (1989)(Chip)(de)[cr CSM]Joan of Arc (1989)(Chip)(de)[cr Mig][m EMT]Joan of Arc (1989)(Chip)(Disk 1 of 2)Joan of Arc (1989)(Chip)(Disk 2 of 2)Joe Blade (1988)(Players)(Disk 1 of 2)Joe Blade (1988)(Players)(Disk 2 of 2)Joe Blade 2 (1988)(Players)Johann's Blackjack Table (1990)(Sozobon)(SW)John Barnes European Football (1992)(Krisalis Software)(M5)[cr ICS]Joker Poker (19xx)(Joker Software)Journey to the Center of the Earth (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)Journey to the Center of the Earth (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Journey to the Center of the Earth (1988)(U.S. Gold)(Disk 2 of 2)Joust (1985)(Atari Corp.)Joust (1985)(Atari Corp.)[a]Joust (1986)(Atari Corp.)[cr LSD]Joust (1987)(Waynwrite, Ken - McCay, John M.)(PD)Joust Collection (19xx)(Atari Corp.)[cr Softrunner]Judge Dredd (1990)(Virgin)[cr Replicants]Judge Dredd (1990)(Virgin)[cr Replicants][a]Jug (1989)(Microdeal)Jumping Ghost (19xx)(Budgie UK)(LW)Jumping Jack Son (1990)(Infogrames)Jumping Jack Son (1990)(Infogrames)[cr Big 4 - Replicants - ST Amigos]Jumping Jack Son (1990)(Infogrames)[cr Big 4 - Replicants][b]Jumping Jack Son (1990)(Infogrames)[cr MCA]Jungle Book (1988)(Coktel Vision)(de-fr)Jungle Book (1988)(Coktel Vision)(de-fr)Jungle Hero (1989-10)(Holliday, Jason)(SW)Jupiter Probe (1987)(Microdeal)Jupiter's Megadrive (1990)(UBI Soft)[cr Replicants]Juppy (1993)(-)(de)(PD)[Falcon only]Just another silly Sports Sim (19xx)(STUG Norway)(en-no)(SW)Kaboom (19xx)(Munsie, Dave)(SW)Kaiser (1987)(CCD)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Vectronix]Kaiser (1987)(CCD)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Vectronix][a]Kaiser (1987)(CCD)(de)(Disk 1 of 3)[!]Kaiser (1987)(CCD)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Vectronix]Kaiser (1987)(CCD)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Vectronix][a]Kaiser (1987)(CCD)(de)(Disk 2 of 3)[!]Kaiser (1987)(CCD)(de)(Disk 3 of 3)[!]Kalhaan (19xx)(-)[cr Big 4 - Replicants - ST Amigos]Kampf um die Krone (1988)(Lifetimes)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)Kampf um die Krone (1988)(Lifetimes)(de)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Kampf um die Krone (1988)(Lifetimes)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)Kampf um die Krone (1988)(Lifetimes)(de)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Kandinsky v1.08 (1993-02-03)(Rossgoderer, Ulrich)(SW)Kaos TOS v1.04 (1990)(Katzschke, Dirk - Kromke, Andreas)(de)Kaos TOS v1.43 (1994)(Katzschke, Dirk - Kromke, Andreas)KAOSDesk v2.0 (1989)(Kromke, Andreas)(de)KAOSDesk v2.01 (1989)(Kromke, Andreas)(de)Kappellmeister v1 (19xx)(-)[b]Karate Champion (1993-05-15)(Leonard, Mark)Karate Kid - Part II, The (1986)(Microdeal)Karate Kid - Part II, The (1986)(Microdeal)[cr 42-Crew]Karate Kid - Part II, The (1986)(Microdeal)[cr 42-Crew][a]Karate King (1987)(Kingsoft)Karateka (1988)(Broderbund)[cr Bladerunners][b]Kasskong (1991)(Le Champion)Kayden Garth (1989)(Goldline)Kelly X (1989)(Virgin)[!]Kennedy Approach (1988)(MicroProse)Kensington v1.2 (1995-07)(Lippert, Manfred)(de)(FW)Kerovna (1989-06-20)(Groener, Harald)(SW)Keyboard controlled Sequencer Level II v4.0 (1990-10-15)(Dr. T's Music Software)(Disk 1 of 2)Keyboard controlled Sequencer Level II v4.0 (1990-10-15)(Dr. T's Music Software)(Disk 2 of 2)Keyboard Controlled Sequencer v4.0 (1990-10-15)(Dr. T's Music Software)Keyboard Controlled Sequencer v4.0 (1990-10-15)(Dr. T's Music Software)[a]Keytext (1989-11)(Pesch, (Heinrich)(PD)[german readme]Khalaan (1990)(Rainbow Arts)(fr)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Khalaan (1990)(Rainbow Arts)(fr)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Khan (1990-05-01)(Budgie UK)(PD)Kick Off - Extra Time (1989)(Anco)[cr Birdy]Kick Off - Extra Time (1989)(Anco)[cr Revolution]Kick Off (1989)(Anco)Kick Off (1989)(Anco)(fr)[!]Kick Off (1989)(Anco)[a]Kick Off (1989)(Anco)[cr Delight]Kick Off (1989)(Anco)[cr Was -Not Was-]Kick Off 2 - Final Whistle (1991)(Anco)Kick Off 2 - Final Whistle (1991)(Anco)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]Kick Off 2 - Final Whistle (1991)(Anco)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][a]Kick Off 2 - Final Whistle (1991)(Anco)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][a2]Kick Off 2 - Player Editor v4.19p (1991)(Douglas, Giles)(SW)Kick Off 2 - Return to Europe (1990)(Anco)Kick Off 2 - Return to Europe (1990)(Anco)[cr Elite]Kick Off 2 - Return to Europe (1990)(Anco)[cr Elite][a]Kick Off 2 (1991)(Anco)Kick Off 2 (1991)(Anco)(fr)Kick Off 2 (1991)(Anco)(fr)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos]Kick Off 2 (1991)(Anco)(fr)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][a]Kick Off 2 (1991)(Anco)(fr)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][a2]Kick Off 2 (1991)(Anco)(fr)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][a3]Kick Off 2 (1991)(Anco)[cr Medway Boys]Kick Off 2 (1991)(Anco)[cr Medway Boys][a]Kick Off 2 (1991)(Anco)[cr Medway Boys][a2]Kick Off 2 (1991)(Anco)[cr Medway Boys][a3]Kicker - Die etwas andere Fussballsimulation v1.82c (1990)(Polarware)(de)(SW)Kicker v1.82 (1990)(PolarSoftware)(de)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)Kicker v1.82 (1990)(PolarSoftware)(de)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)Kid Gloves (19xx)(Millennium)[cr ACF][t]Kid Gloves (19xx)(Millennium)[cr ACF][t][a]Kid Gloves II (1992)(Millennium)[cr Elite][t]Kid Gloves II (1992)(Millennium)[cr ICS][t +2]Kid GP (1992)(Munsie, Dave)(SW)Kid Kong (1992)(Atari ST Review)KidTalk v1.0 (19xx)(First Byte)Kiktris 2D & 3D (1994)(Reverdy, Philippe)(fr)(PD)Killdozers (1988)(Lankhor)Killer v 2.0, The (1990)(Omikron)(fr)Killerball (1991)(Microids)(fr)[cr Elite]Killerball (1991)(Microids)[cr Elite]Killerball (1991)(Microids)[cr Factory]Killerball (1991)(Microids)[t]Killing Cloud, The (1991)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk A)[cr Replicants]Killing Cloud, The (1991)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)(Disk A)[cr Replicants][a]Killing Cloud, The (1991)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B)[cr Replicants]Killing Cloud, The (1991)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B)[cr Replicants][a]Killing Cloud, The (1991)(Image Works)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B)[cr Replicants][a2]Killing Game Show, The (1990)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Hotline][t +3]Killing Game Show, The (1990)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Hotline][t +3][a]Killing Game Show, The (1990)(Psygnosis)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]Killing Game Show, The (1990)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Hotline][t +3]Killing Game Show, The (1990)(Psygnosis)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Replicants - ST Amigos][t]Killing Game Show, The (1990)(Psygnosis)[cr Papy Boom][t +4]Killing Game Show, The (1990)(Psygnosis)[cr Replicants][t +3][one disk]Killing Game Show, The (1990)(Psygnosis)[cr Vmax][t +4]Killing Time (19xx)(Redrum ST-Ware)(FW)KillThings v0.8e (1996)(Digi Tallis)(FW)[Code on disk]King's Quest (1986)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]King's Quest (1986)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 2)[b]King's Quest (1986)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]King's Quest (1986)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]King's Quest (1986)(Sierra)[a][one disk]King's Quest (1986)(Sierra)[cr Cracked]King's Quest 2 - Romancing The Throne (1985)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]King's Quest 2 - Romancing the Throne (1985)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 2)[a][!]King's Quest 2 - Romancing The Throne (1985)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 2)[b]King's Quest 2 - Romancing The Throne (1985)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]King's Quest 2 - Romancing the Throne (1985)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 2)[a][!]King's Quest 2 - Romancing The Throne (1985)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]King's Quest 2 - Romancing The Throne v1.0 (1985)(Sierra)[cr Delight][one disk]King's Quest 3 - To heir is human (1986)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 3)[!]King's Quest 3 - To heir is human (1986)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 3)[!]King's Quest 3 - To heir is human (1986)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 3)[!]King's Quest 3 (1986)(Sierra)[cr Unknown One][one disk]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Delight]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr MCA]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr MCA][a]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Delight]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr MCA]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr MCA][a]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Delight]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr MCA]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr MCA][a]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Delight]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr MCA]King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (1988)(Sierra)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr MCA][a]Kingdom (19xx)(Groves, Robert)(FW)Kingmaker (1993)(U.S. Gold)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)(King1)[cr Cynix]Kingmaker (1993)(U.S. Gold)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)(King2)Kingmaker (1993)(U.S. Gold)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)(King2)[cr Cynix]Kittypuk (19xx)(Groves, Robert)(PD)Klatrix (1991)(Matta)(SW)Klaverjassen v3.1a (1992-11)(Berger, Jeroen)(nl)(PD)[monochrome]Klax (1990)(Atari)Kleisterscheibe v2.33 (1992-04-17)(Brod, Klaus)Kleisterscheibe v2.33 (1992-04-17)(Brod, Klaus)[a]Kleurboek v1.0 (1989-09)(Strike-a-Lite)(nl)Klo-Manager v1.0 (1995-04-14)(Wendtware)(de)(PD)Klomanager Source Code (19xx)(-)KnifeST v1.10 (1991-05-07)(HiSoft)Kniffel (1992)(More Soft)(de)(SW)Knight Force (1989)(Titus)[cr Big 4][t]Knight Force (1989)(Titus)[cr Replicants][t]Knightmare (1991)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 2)Knightmare (1991)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Cynix]Knightmare (1991)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Elite]Knightmare (1991)(Mindscape)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Fuzion]Knightmare (1991)(Mindscape)(Disk 2 of 2)Knightmare (1991)(Mindscape)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Cynix]Knightmare (1991)(Mindscape)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Fuzion]Kokoi (1992-04)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(de)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)Kokoi (1992-04)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(de)(FW)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]Kokoi (1992-04)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(de)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)Kokoi (1992-04)(Motelsoft - Softwave)(de)(FW)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]Krabat Echecs v1.0b (19xx)(Schmidt, Ulf)(fr)Krabat-Schach v0.0a (1986-03-22)(Schmidt, Ulf-E.)(de)(PD)Krabat-Schach v0.0a (1986-03-22)(Schmidt, Ulf-E.)(PD)[tr en]Kreh Orakel, Das (19xx)(-)(de)(FW)[b]Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)(de)(Disk 1 of 4)[!]Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)(de)(Disk 2 of 4)[!]Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)(de)(Disk 3 of 4)[!]Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)(de)(Disk 4 of 4)[!]Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Pompey Pirates][2 Disks Version]Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)(Disk 1 of 4)[cr Pompey Pirates]Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr Pompey Pirates][2 Disks Version]Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)(Disk 2 of 4)[cr Pompey Pirates]Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)(Disk 3 of 4)[cr Pompey Pirates]Kristal, The (1990)(Addictive)(Disk 4 of 4)[cr Pompey Pirates]Krull (1988)(-)[cr Bladerunners][m EMT]Krypton Egg (1989)(Hitsoft)[cr Replicants][m Blue Soft][a][one disk]Krypton Egg (1989)(Hitsoft)[cr Replicants][one disk]Krypton Egg (1989)(Hitsoft)[cr V8][a][one disk]Krypton Egg (1989)(Hitsoft)[cr V8][a2][one disk]Krypton Egg (1989)(Hitsoft)[cr V8][one disk]Kubes (1993)(Digital Dimension)(SW)Kubis '96 (1996-07-30)(Reschke, Julian F.)(de)(FW)Kubysimus (19xx)(-)(de)Kult (1989)(ERE)(M3)(Disk 1 of 2)[!]Kult (1989)(ERE)(M3)(Disk 2 of 2)[!]Kult (1989)(ERE)(M3)[cr Replicants][a][one disk]Kult (1989)(ERE)(M3)[cr Replicants][a2][one disk]Kult (1989)(ERE)(M3)[cr Replicants][a3][one disk]Kult (1989)(ERE)(M3)[cr Replicants][one disk]Kult (1989)(ERE)[cr Public Pirats][one disk]Kuma Spreadsheet v2.19 (1986)(Kuma Computers Limited)Kuma Spreadsheet v4.07 (1990)(Kuma Computers Limited)(fr)(Disk 1 of 3)Kuma Spreadsheet v4.07 (1990)(Kuma Computers Limited)(fr)(Disk 2 of 3)Kuma Spreadsheet v4.07 (1990)(Kuma Computers Limited)(fr)(Disk 3 of 3)Kurztext (1989-11)(Pesch, (Heinrich)(de)(PD)Laborant ST Plus v1 (1988)(Schulz, Jens)(de)(PD)Labotomy Invaders (19xx)(Slaytanic Cult)(STE)(SW)Labyrinth (1987)(Williams, John)Labyrinth der Medusa v2.04 (1993)(Schuster, Uwe)(de)(SW)[monochrome]Labyrinthe d'Anglomania 2, Le (1990)(Retz)(fr)[cr Atarilegend][one disk]Labyrinthe d'Orthophus, Le (1989)(Retz)(fr)[cr Alpha Flight]Lagaf - Les Aventure de Moktar (1991)(Titus)(fr)[cr Elite][t]Lancaster (1989)(CLR)[cr Replicants]Lancelot (1988)(Level 9 - Mandarin Software)Lancelot (1988)(Level 9 - Mandarin Software)[m Atariforce]Lancelot v1.2 (1990)(Wisisoft)(de)(FW)Lancelot v1.2 (1990)(Wisisoft)(FW)Landmine v1.0 (1992-08-12)(Atari Corp.)(de)Landsitz von Morteville, Der (1987)(Kyilkhore)(de)Landsitz von Morteville, Der (1987)(Kyilkhore)(de)[a]Landsitz von Morteville, Der (1987)(Kyilkhore)(de)[a2]Landsitz von Morteville, Der (1987)(Kyilkhore)(de)[a3]Lap of the Gods (1992)(Binder, Harald - Schuberth, Frank)(de)(SW)[monochrome]Laser Squad (1989)(Blade Software)Laser Squad (1989)(Blade Software)[cr Replicants]Laserbrain v1.42 (1992-10-21)(Garms, Klaus - Hansen, Pierre)(de)Laserchess (19xx)(Duppong, Mike M.)Lasergraph Pro v2.40 (1991)(Bonnifet, S. - Guimberteau, P.)(Disk 2 of 6)(Disk Fontagraph)[cr ICS]Lasergraph Pro v2.50 (1991)(Bonnifet, S. - Guimberteau, P.)(Disk 1 of 6)[cr ICS]Lasergraph Pro v2.50 (1991)(Bonnifet, S. - Guimberteau, P.)(Disk 3 of 6)(Disk Imagraph 1)[cr ICS]Lasergraph Pro v2.50 (1991)(Bonnifet, S. - Guimberteau, P.)(Disk 4 of 6)(Disk Imagraph 2)[cr ICS]Lasergraph Pro v2.50 (1991)(Bonnifet, S. - Guimberteau, P.)(Disk 5 of 6)(Disk Imagraph 3)[cr ICS]