Holk rates this game: 3/5As someone who has been playing Zelda games since the original was released on the NES, I feel like I know the series well. That said, The Ocarina of Time is a good game. It isn't the best game ever made, and it isn't even the best Zelda game.
Ocarina suffers from what I call "Final Fantasy VII Disorder". This is when a game in a series is the first that many people played. Since the series in general is well-made, people usually have fond memories of the game that introduced them to said series.
Ocarina has many great things going for it. The dungeons are vast, and boss battles amount to the sum of the skills you've been practicing throughout those dungeons. The game's simple mechanics work so well together that the game is more than the sum of its parts.
It does, however, suffer from the same thing that most games of this nature do. The camera gets in the way, box-pushing puzzles abound, etc.
The game is good, yes, but it isn't perfect. No game is. It is a fun diversion that will last you a few hours. Its just another example of over-hyping. If you like it, I recommend playing A Link to the Past and The Wind Waker.
MdogGamer117 rates this game: 5/5This game is very awesome. The main quest is very suspenseful and full of twists and turns. This game has many side quests that will keep you playing after you beat the main story. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of the best games I've played on the N64 emulator.
Game Hunter III rates this game: 5/5Pretty sweet game. One of the most legendary game ever made, in my opinion. For the most part, it's a puzzle solving game with a few fights along the way to keep you entertained. You play as "Link" (or whatever you choose to name yourself) and set about saving the world, as the usual in games. What makes this game interesting is it's (spoilers, look away) Time traveling feature. You can travel to before evil took over, and after evil took over and set things up for yourself in the past for the future. And remember, if you ever get stuck, you can always cheat by looking up F.A.Q.s online. Which if you've never played a Zelda game, you probably will.
Zelda rates this game: 5/5This is one of the best RPG games ever made by Nintendo, and it also has the best story of all N64 games.
LOZOOT1337 rates this game: 5/5Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time is often acronymed (LOT - OOT). It has been one of the best games ever made, even the Classic Zelda games are still being played! If you have loved the Classic, then you will love this! First of all, Download Project 1.6 or 1.7. Then after that Download this game immediately, I promise you wont regret it. Lastly, Play! You will not regret downloading this ROM. One of the best games can be played on your PC! The game is not modified, unless YOU! Modify it.. with cheats! There are cheats and you can levitate, change tunic color and boots, etc. This makes the game more fun.. if you have beaten the game already. Play this game with Project 1.6 - 1.7 and you will have good times with Cheats and playing the game without cheats. You will not stop playing (I hope.) and you will love it until this game is forgotten.. hopefully not. What a good game.