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List of all Sony Playstation 2 ISOs
[Sorted by User Rating]

Listing titles from 1 to 50
Game Name:Average Rating
Final Fantasy X International (Japan) (En,Ja)4.8931
Final Fantasy XII International - Zodiac Job System (Japan)4.8779
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence (USA) (En,Es) (Disc 1) (Subsistence Disc)4.8557
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance (USA)4.7736
Kidou Senshi Gundam - Meguriai Sora (Japan)4.7518
Final Fantasy XII (Italy)4.7481
Dark Cloud 2 (USA) (v2.00)4.7453
Disgaea 2 - Cursed Memories (USA) (En,Ja)4.7437
Okami (USA)4.7426
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (Japan)4.7409
Radiata Stories (USA)4.7407
X-Files, The - Resist or Serve (Europe)4.7397
Suikoden IV (USA)4.7397
Champions of Norrath (USA)4.7394
Phantasy Star Universe (USA)4.7362
NHL 2004 (USA)4.7339
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus (USA)4.7333
Wild Arms 5 (USA)4.7333
Summoner (Europe)4.7333
Tales of Legendia (USA)4.7331
Star Ocean - Till the End of Time - Director's Cut (Japan) (Disc 2)4.7328
Soulcalibur III (Europe) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It)4.7317
Atelier Iris 3 - Grand Phantasm (USA) (En,Ja)4.7312
Shadow Hearts - Covenant (USA) (Disc 1)4.7309
Dark Cloud (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)4.7307
Kingdom Hearts II (Germany)4.7305
Giants - Citizen Kabuto (Europe)4.7297
Wild Arms 3 (USA)4.7297
Stella Deus - The Gate of Eternity (USA)4.7292
Rogue Galaxy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)4.7288
Dot Hack G.U. Vol. 2 - Reminisce (USA)4.7284
Virtua Fighter 4 (USA)4.7279
Dot Hack Part 2 - Mutation (USA) (En,Ja)4.7273
Onimusha - Warlords (USA) (En,Ja)4.7269
Jade Cocoon 2 (USA)4.7267
Shin Megami Tensei - Persona 3 FES (USA)4.7261
Urban Chaos - Riot Response (USA)4.7254
Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga (USA)4.7252
Final Fantasy XII (Germany)4.7249
Kingdom Hearts II (France)4.7245
Shonen Jump's Shaman King - Power of Spirit (USA)4.7237
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas - Oogie's Revenge (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)4.7233
Steambot Chronicles (USA)4.7220
Driven to Destruction (Europe)4.7218
Drakengard (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)4.7206
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 (USA)4.7197
Super Robot Taisen MX (Japan)4.7196
Colosseum - Road to Freedom (USA)4.7195
Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria (USA)4.7194
Romancing SaGa (USA)4.7191
>> View Next 50

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