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(82 titles found)
C - The Contra Adventure (USA)C-12 - The Final Resistance (USA)Cabela's Ultimate Deer Hunt (USA)Caesar's Palace (USA)Caesar's Palace II (USA)Caesars Palace 2000 (USA)Capcom vs. SNK - Millennium Fight 2000 Pro (USA)Card Games (USA)Cardinal Syn (USA)Carnage Heart (USA)Cart World Series (USA)Casper - Friends Around The World (USA)Casper (USA)Castlevania - Chronicles (USA)Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (USA)Castrol Honda Superbike Racing (USA)Cat in the Hat (USA)Centipede (USA)Championship Bass (USA)Championship Motocross - featuring Ricky Carmichael (USA)Championship Motocross 2001 - Ricky Carmichael (USA)Championship Surfer (USA)Chess (USA)Chessmaster 3D (USA)Chessmaster II (USA)Chicken Run (USA)Chocobo Racing (USA)Chocobo's Magical Dungeon 2 (USA)Chronicles of the Sword (USA)Chrono Cross (USA)Circuit Breakers (USA)City of Lost Children (USA)Civilization II (USA)Cleopatra's Fortune (USA)Clock Tower (USA)Clock Tower 2 - The Struggle within (USA)Codename - Tenka (USA)Colin McRae Rally (USA)Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (USA)College Slam (USA)Colony Wars - Vengeance (USA)Colony Wars (USA)Colony Wars 3 - Red Sun (USA)Command & Conquer - Red Alert (Allies Disc) (USA)Command & Conquer - Red Alert (Soviets Disc) (USA)Command & Conquer - Red Alert Retaliation (Allies Disc) (USA)Command & Conquer - Red Alert Retaliation (Soviets Disc) (USA)Command & Conquer (NOD Disc) (USA)Command & Conquer (USA)Contender (USA)Contender 2 (USA)Contra - Legacy of War (USA)Cool Boarders - Extreme Snowboarding (USA)Cool Boarders 2 (USA)Cool Boarders 2001 (USA)Cool Boarders 3 (USA)Cool Boarders 4 (USA)Countdown Vampires (USA)Courier Crisis (USA)Covert Ops - Nuclear Dawn (USA)Crash Bandicoot (USA)Crash Bandicoot 2 - Cortex Strikes Back (USA)Crash Bandicoot 3 - Warped (USA)Crash Bash (USA)Crash Team Racing (USA)Creatures - Raised in Space (USA)Creatures (USA)Crime Killer (USA)Critical Depth (USA)Criticom (USA)Croc - Legend of the Gobbos (USA)Croc 2 (USA)Crossroad Crisis (USA)Crow The - City of Angels (USA)Crusader - No Remorse (USA)Crusaders of Might & Magic (USA)Crypt Killer (USA)Cubix Robots for Everyone - Race'n Robots (USA)Cyber Speed (USA)Cyberia (USA)Cybersled (USA)CyberTiger Golf (USA)

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