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Listing Strategy games for PSP:

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7 Wonders of the Ancient World (Europe)7 Wonders of the Ancient World (USA)Activision Hits Remixed (Europe)Activision Hits Remixed (USA)Aedis Eclipse - Generation of Chaos (USA)Akatsuki no Amaneka to Aoi Kyojin (Japan)Archer Maclean's Mercury (Europe)Archer Maclean's Mercury (USA)Armored Core - Formula Front (Japan)Armored Core - Formula Front (Korea)Armored Core - Formula Front Extreme Battle (Europe)Armored Core - Formula Front Extreme Battle (USA)Astonishia Story (Europe)Astonishia Story (Japan)Astonishia Story (Korea)Astonishia Story (USA)Beit Hell 2000 (Japan)Beit Hell 2000 (Korea)Blaze Union - Story to Reach the Future (Japan)Blazing Souls - Accelate (Japan)Blazing Souls - Accelate (USA)Bliss Island (Europe)Blood Bowl (Europe)Blood Bowl (USA)Bounty Hounds (China)Bounty Hounds (Japan)Bounty Hounds (USA)Bust-A-Move Deluxe (USA)Capcom Puzzle World (Europe)Capcom Puzzle World (USA)Carnage Heart Portable (Japan)Crush (Europe)Crush (USA)Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Hakai-hen (Japan)Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Saisei-hen (Japan)Daisenryaku Perfect - Senjou no Hasha (Japan)Diner Dash (Europe)Disgaea - Afternoon of Darkness (Europe)Disgaea - Afternoon of Darkness (USA)Disgaea - Afternoon of Darkness (USA)Disgaea 2 - Dark Hero Days (Europe)Disgaea 2 - Dark Hero Days (USA)Disgaea Portable (China)Eiyuu Densetsu - Sora no Kiseki the 3rd (Japan)FIFA 06 (Europe)FIFA 06 (France)FIFA 06 (Germany)FIFA 06 (Italy)FIFA 06 (Japan)FIFA 06 (Korea)FIFA 06 (Spain)FIFA 06 - Soccer (USA)Fat Princess - Fistful of Cake (China)Fat Princess - Fistful of Cake (Europe)Fat Princess - Fistful of Cake (USA)Field Commander (Europe)Field Commander (USA)Final Fantasy Tactics - The War of the Lions (Europe)Final Fantasy Tactics - The War of the Lions (USA)Football Manager Handheld 2010 (Europe)Generation of Chaos (Europe)Generation of Chaos (USA)Gloria Union (Japan)Go! Sudoku (Europe)Go! Sudoku (USA)Gunpey (Europe)Gunpey (USA)Harvest Moon - Hero of Leaf Valley (Europe)Harvest Moon - Hero of Leaf Valley (USA)Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! - What Did I Do To Deserve This (Europe)Invizimals (China)Invizimals (Europe)Invizimals (Korea)Invizimals (USA)Jeanne d'Arc (Japan)Jeanne d'Arc (USA)Lemmings (Europe)Lemmings (Japan)Lemmings (USA)Lord of the Rings - Tactics, The (Europe)Lord of the Rings - Tactics, The (Germany)Lord of the Rings - Tactics, The (USA)Makai Senki DisGaea Portable (Japan)Makai Senki DisGaea Portable (Shokai Genteiban) (Japan)Makai Senki Disgaea 2 Portable (Japan)Marvel Trading Card Game (Europe)Marvel Trading Card Game (USA)Metal Gear Ac!d (Europe)Metal Gear Ac!d (Japan)Metal Gear Ac!d (USA)Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (Europe)Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (Japan)Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (Korea)Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (USA)Metal Gear Solid - Peace Walker (Europe)Metal Gear Solid - Peace Walker (Japan)Metal Gear Solid - Peace Walker (USA)Moe Moe 2-Ji Daisenryaku 2 (Japan)Moe Moe Daisensou - Gendaiban+ (Japan)Monster Hunter Freedom (Europe)Monster Hunter Freedom (USA)Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (Asia) (USA)Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (Europe)Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (USA)Mytran Wars (Europe)Mytran Wars (USA)Online Chess Kingdoms (Europe)Online Chess Kingdoms (USA)Ore no Shikabane o Koete Yuke (Japan)Over the Hedge - Hammy Goes Nuts! (Europe)Over the Hedge - Hammy Goes Nuts! (Europe)Over the Hedge - Hammy Goes Nuts! (USA)Patapon (China)Patapon (Europe)Patapon (Japan)Patapon (Korea)Patapon (USA)Patapon 2 (Europe)Patapon 2 (USA)Patapon 3 (China)Patapon 3 (Europe)Patapon 3 (Japan)Patapon 3 (USA)Phantom Brave - The Hermuda Triangle (USA)Pipe Mania (China)Pipe Mania (Europe)Pipe Mania (USA)PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe (USA)PoPoLoCrois (Europe)PoPoLoCrois (USA)Puyo Pop Fever (Europe)Queen's Blade - Spiral Chaos (Japan)Queen's Gate - Spiral Chaos (Japan)R-Type Command (USA)R-Type Tactics (Europe)R-Type Tactics (Japan)R-Type Tactics (Korea)R-Type Tactics II - Operation Bitter Chocolate (Japan)SD Gundam G Generation Portable (Japan)SD Gundam G Generation World (Japan)SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs - Tactical Strike (Europe)SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs - Tactical Strike (USA)SWAT - Target Liberty (Europe)SWAT - Target Liberty (USA)Sakura Taisen 1 & 2 (Japan)Scarface - Money. Power. Respect. (Europe)Scarface - Money. Power. Respect. (Europe)Scarface - Money. Power. Respect. (Germany)Scarface - Money. Power. Respect. (USA)Sega Genesis Collection (USA)Sengoku Tenka Touitsu (Japan)Senjou No Valkyria 2 - Gallia Ouritsu Shikan Gakkou (Japan)Shanghai (Japan)Shepherd's Crossing (USA)Shining Blade (Japan)Sims 2 - Castaway, The (Europe)Sims 2 - Castaway, The (USA)Sims 2 - Pets, The (China)Sims 2 - Pets, The (Europe)Sims 2 - Pets, The (USA)Sims 2, The (Europe)Sims 2, The (Japan)Sims 2, The (Korea)Sims 2, The (USA)Spectral Souls - Resurrection of the Ethereal Empire (USA)Star Trek - Tactical Assault (Europe)Star Trek - Tactical Assault (USA)Steel Horizon (Europe)Steel Horizon (USA)Tactics Ogre - Let Us Cling Together (Europe)Tactics Ogre - Let Us Cling Together (USA)Thrillville (Europe)Thrillville (USA)Thrillville - Off the Rails (Europe)Thrillville - Off the Rails (Europe)Thrillville - Off the Rails (Europe)Thrillville - Off the Rails (Korea)Thrillville - Off the Rails (USA)Tom Clancy's EndWar (USA)Tom Clancy's EndWar (v2) (Europe)Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Essentials (Europe)Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Essentials (USA)Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Essentials (v2) (Europe)Valkyria Chronicles II (Europe)Valkyria Chronicles II (USA)WTF - Work Time Fun (USA)Warhammer - Battle for Atluma (USA)Warhammer 40,000 - Squad Command (Europe)Warhammer 40,000 - Squad Command (USA)What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord 2 (Europe)What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord! 2 (USA)Wild Arms XF (Europe)Wild Arms XF (USA)World Championship Poker 2 (Europe)World Championship Poker 2 - Featuring Howard Lederer (USA)Worms - Open Warfare (Europe)Worms - Open Warfare (USA)Worms - Open Warfare 2 (Europe)Worms - Open Warfare 2 (USA)Yggdra Union (Japan)Yggdra Union (USA)Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida (Japan)Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida Or 2 (China)Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 (Japan)Zettai Hero Kaizou Keikaku (Japan)

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