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(269 titles found)L - The Prologue to Death Note - Rasen no Wana (J)(6rz)L'Ape Maia (IT)L'Entraineur Cerebral - Kids (FR)(EXiMiUS)L'Entraineur Cerebral - Logique (FR)(EXiMiUS)L'Entraineur Cerebral - Perception (FR)(EXiMiUS)L'Era Glaciale 3 - L'Alba dei Dinosauri (IT)(BAHAMUT)L'Histoire de France Pour les Nuls (F)(Vortex)La Carte au Tresor - Le Jeu Video Officiel (FR)(EXiMiUS)La Culture Generale pour les Nuls (F)(EXiMiUS)La Gang del Bosco (I)(Independent)La Guida in Cucina - Che si Mangia Oggi (I)(EXiMiUS)La Licorne Magique (E)(sUppLeX)Labyrinth (E)(FireX)Labyrinth (E)(SQUiRE)Labyrinth (Ravensburger) (EU)(M2)(DDumpers)Labyrinth (Ravensburger)(v01) (EU)(M4)(BAHAMUT)Labyrinth (U)(SQUiRE)Lalaloopsy - Sew Magical! Sew Cute! (E)Lalaloopsy - Sew Magical! Sew Cute! (U)Lalaloopsy Carnival of Friends (U)(EXiMiUS)Lanfeust of Troy (E)(EXiMiUS)Langenscheidt Basic-Wortenbuch Englisch (E)(SQUiRE)Lapin Malin - J'Apprends a Lire et a Ecrire (F)(DSRP)Last Airbender, The (DSi Enhanced) (E)Last Airbender, The (DSi Enhanced) (U)Last Bullet (JP)(OCARiNA)Last King of Africa (E)(Vortex)Last Window - Mayonaka no Yakusoku (JP)(STORM)Last Window - The Secret of Cape West (E)Layton Gyosu wa Isanghan Maeul (K)(Coolpoint)Layton Kyouju to Akuma no Hako - Friendly Ban (JP)Layton Kyouju to Akuma no Hako (J)(MaxG)Layton Kyouju to Fushigi na Machi (Friendly Edition) (JP)(BAHAMUT)Layton Kyouju to Fushigi na Machi (J)(Caravan)Layton Kyouju to Fushigi na Machi (v02) (J)Layton Kyouju to Majin no Fue (JP)(STORM)Layton Kyouju to Saigo no Jikan Ryokou (J)(Caravan)Lea - Passion Veterinaire (F)(FireX)Learn Chess (U)Learn Geography (US)(M3)(XenoPhobia)Learn Math (US)(M2)(NRP)Learn Science (U)Learn to Play Chess with Fritz & Chesster (E)(SQUiRE)Learning Maths 6-10 (E)(EXiMiUS)Learning to Spell (U)(EXiMiUS)Lecons de Cuisine - Qu'allons-nous Manger Aujourd'hui (F)(EXiMiUS)Lecons de Cuisine - Qu'allons-nous Manger Aujourd'hui (v01) (F)Left Brain Right Brain (U)(Sir VG)Left Brain Right Brain 2 (E)Left Brain, Right Brain 2 (U)(XenoPhobia)Left or Right - Ambidextrous Challenge (E)(XenoPhobia)Legacy of Ys - Books I & II (US)(XenoPhobia)Legend of Kage 2, The (EU)(M5)(BAHAMUT)Legend of Kage 2, The (U)(Venom)Legend of Kay (E)Legend of Kay (U)Legend of Spyro - A New Beginning, The (E)(Supremacy)Legend of Spyro - A New Beginning, The (U)(Legacy)Legend of Spyro - Dawn of the Dragon, The (E)(Vortex)Legend of Spyro - Dawn of the Dragon, The (U)(Micronauts)Legend of Spyro - The Eternal Night, The (E)(EXiMiUS)Legend of Spyro - The Eternal Night, The (U)(XenoPhobia)Legend of the Guardians - The Owls of Ga'Hoole (E)Legend of the Guardians - The Owls of Ga'Hoole (U)Legendary Starfy, The (US)(1 Up)LEGO - Rock Band (EU)(M6)(BAHAMUT)LEGO - Rock Band (US)(M6)(Venom)LEGO Batman - The Videogame (E)(SQUiRE)LEGO Batman - The Videogame (J)(High Road)LEGO Batman - The Videogame (U)(Micronauts)LEGO Batman 2 - DC Super Heroes (E)LEGO Batman 2 - DC Super Heroes (E)LEGO Batman 2 - DC Super Heroes (E)LEGO Batman 2 - DC Super Heroes (U)LEGO Battles - Ninjago (U)LEGO Battles (EU)(M6)(BAHAMUT)LEGO Battles (US)(M3)(XenoPhobia)LEGO Friends (E)(VENOM)LEGO Friends (U)(ABSTRAKT)LEGO Harry Potter - Years 1-4 (E)LEGO Harry Potter - Years 1-4 (U)LEGO Harry Potter - Years 5-7 (E)LEGO Harry Potter - Years 5-7 (U)LEGO Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures (E)(SQUiRE)LEGO Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures (U)(Micronauts)LEGO Indiana Jones 2 - The Adventure Continues (EU)(M6)(SweeTnDs)LEGO Indiana Jones 2 - The Adventure Continues (US)(M3)(XenoPhobia)LEGO Legends of Chima Laval's Journey (E)(EXiMiUS)LEGO Legends of Chima Lavals Journey (E)(EXiMiUS)LEGO Legends of Chima Lavals Journey (German Audio)(E)(ABSTRAKT)LEGO Legends of Chima Lavals Journey (U)(EXiMiUS)LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - Universe in Peril (EU)LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Universe in Peril (E)(ABSTRAKT)LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Universe in Peril (F)(EXiMiUS)LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Universe in Peril (U)(ABSTRAKT)LEGO Ninjago - The Videogame (E)LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean - The Video Game (E)LEGO Pirates of The Caribbean - The Video Game (U)LEGO Star Wars - The Complete Saga (E)(EXiMiUS)LEGO Star Wars - The Complete Saga (U)(Micronauts)LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy (E)(Supremacy)LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy (J)(WRG)LEGO Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy (U)(Legacy)LEGO Star Wars III - The Clone Wars (E)LEGO Star Wars III - The Clone Wars (U)LEGO The Lord of the Rings (E)(EXiMiUS)LEGO The Lord of the Rings (E)(EXiMiUS)LEGO The Lord of the Rings (German Audio)(E)(ABSTRAKT)LEGO The Lord of the Rings (U)(EXiMiUS)Lemuore no Renkinjutsushi (J)(Caravan)Lera Glaciale 4 Continenti alla Deriva Giochi Polari (I)(EXiMiUS)Lernerfolg Grundschule - Deutsch - Der Rechtschreibtrainer (E)Lernerfolg Grundschule - Deutsch - Klasse 1-4 (E)Lernerfolg Grundschule - Deutsch - Klasse 1-4 (v01) (E)Lernerfolg Grundschule - Englisch - Der Vokabeltrainer (E)Lernerfolg Grundschule - Englisch - Klasse 1-4 (E)(Independent)Lernerfolg Grundschule - Mathematik - Klasse 1-4 (G)(FLaMEHaZE)Lernerfolg Grundschule Deutsch Klasse 1-2 (E)(ABSTRAKT)Lernerfolg Grundschule Deutsch Klasse 3-4 (E)(ABSTRAKT)Lernerfolg Grundschule Musik - Little Amadeus (G)Lernerfolg Vorschule - Capt'n Sharky (E)Lernerfolg Vorschule - Capt'n Sharky (G)Lernerfolg Vorschule - Prinzessin Lillifee (E)Lernerfolg Vorschule - Prinzessin Lillifee (neue version) (G)Les Aventures de Tchoupi a Lecole (F)(EXiMiUS)Let's Draw! (E)Let's Draw! (E)Let's Draw! (E)Let's Draw! (U)Let's Pilates! (U)(SQUiRE)Let's Play Ballerina - Sparkle on the Stage (U)Let's Play English Word with Picture (K)Let's Play Fashion Designer (E)(EXiMiUS)Let's Play Firemen (E)(EXiMiUS)Let's Play Flight Attendant (EU)(M5)Let's Play Flight Attendant (U)Let's Play Garden (U)Let's Play Journalists (EU)(M5)(BAHAMUT)Let's Play Mums (E)(EXiMiUS)Let's Play Pet Hospitals (E)(EXiMiUS)Let's Play Schools (E)(EXiMiUS)Let's Play Shops (E)(EXiMiUS)Let's Ride - Friends Forever (U)(SQUiRE)Let's Yoga (U)(SQUiRE)Let's Yoga! (E)(EXiMiUS)Lettriq (F)(EXiMiUS)level5 premium gold (j)(6rz)level5 premium silver (j)(independent)Lewis to Mirai Dorobou - Wilbur no Kiken na Jikan Ryokou (J)Licca Chan DS - Motto! Onna no Ko Lesson (DSi Enhanced) (J)Licca-Chan DS - Onna no Ko Lesson - Oshare mo Oshigoto mo Omakase! (J)(6rz)LifeSigns - Hospital Affairs (EU)(M5)(EXiMiUS)LifeSigns - Surgical Unit (U)(XenoPhobia)LilPri DS - Hime Chen! Apple Pink (J)Lina no Atelier - Strahl no Renkinjutsushi (JP)(2CH)Linda Hyde - Vampire Mansion (E)Line Rider - Freestyle (EU)(M5)(EXiMiUS)Line Rider 2 - Unbound (U)(Independent)Lingo (N)Lingo Deluxe (N)Lingo Voor Kinderen (N)Lionel Trains On Track (E)(Supremacy)Lionel Trains On Track (U)(XenoPhobia)Lise no Atelier - Oldor no Renkinjutsushi (v01) (JP)(2CH)Lise no Atelier - Ordre no Renkinjutsushi (J)(EZ)Little Bears (EU)(M5)(Independent)Little Bears (U)Little Charley Bear - Toybox of Fun (E)Little League World Series Baseball - Double Play (U)Little League World Series Baseball 2008 (U)(SQUiRE)Little League World Series Baseball 2009 (US)(PYRiDiA)Little Mermaid - Ariel no Umi no Takaramono (J)(Caravan)Little Mermaid - Ariel's Undersea Adventure, The (E)(Legacy)Little Mermaid - Ariel's Undersea Adventure, The (U)(Supremacy)Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ (U)(Venom)Little Wingels (G)Littlest Pet Shop - Beach Friends (EU)(M10)(BAHAMUT)Littlest Pet Shop - Beach Friends (US)(M3)Littlest Pet Shop - City Friends (EU)(M10)(SweeTnDs)Littlest Pet Shop - City Friends (US)(M3)Littlest Pet Shop - Country Friends (EU)(M10)(BAHAMUT)Littlest Pet Shop - Country Friends (US)(M3)Littlest Pet Shop - Garden (E)(Vortex)Littlest Pet Shop - Garden (KS)(NEREiD)Littlest Pet Shop - Garden (U)(XenoPhobia)Littlest Pet Shop - Jungle (E)(Vortex)Littlest Pet Shop - Jungle (U)(XenoPhobia)Littlest Pet Shop - Spring (EU)(M5)(BAHAMUT)Littlest Pet Shop - Spring (US)(M3)(XenoPhobia)Littlest Pet Shop - Winter (E)(Vortex)Littlest Pet Shop - Winter (U)(XenoPhobia)Littlest Pet Shop 3 - Biggest Stars - Blue Team (U)Littlest Pet Shop 3 - Biggest Stars - Pink Team (U)Littlest Pet Shop 3 - Biggest Stars - Purple Team (U)Littlest Pet Shop 3 Biggest Stars Purple Team (E)(PUSSYCAT)Live Battle Card - Live-On DS (JP)(Independent)Live on Card Live-R DS (K)Livly Garden (JP)(BAHAMUT)Lock's Quest - Shinmai Arkinia no Hyakunichi Sensou (JP)(BAHAMUT)Lock's Quest (E)(XenoPhobia)Lock's Quest (U)(XenoPhobia)Locks Quest (E)(LaKiTu)Lode Runner (J)(Caravan)Logic Cubes (E)Logic Island (EU)(M5)(BAHAMUT)Logic Machines (EU)(M5)(BAHAMUT)Logic Machines (U)LOL (U)(Independent)Lola & Virginia (EU)(M6)(EXiMiUS)Londonian Gothics - Meikyuu no Lolita (J)(SCZ)Long Vacation - Iruka to Watashi (J)(Caravan)Looney Tunes - Cartoon Concerto (E)(SQUiRE)Looney Tunes - Cartoon Conductor (U)(XenoPhobia)Looney Tunes - Duck Amuck (E)(EXiMiUS)Looney Tunes - Duck Amuck (F)(EXiMiUS)Looney Tunes - Duck Amuck (G)(sUppLeX)Looney Tunes - Duck Amuck (I)(Puppa)Looney Tunes - Duck Amuck (S)(EXiMiUS)Looney Tunes - Duck Amuck (U)(Micronauts)Loopop Cube - Loop Salad DS (J)(6rz)Lord of the Rings - Aragorn's Quest, The (E)Lord of the Rings - Aragorn's Quest, The (U)Lord of the Rings - Conquest, The (E)(EXiMiUS)Lord of the Rings - Conquest, The (U)(XenoPhobia)Lost Identities (DSi Enhanced) (E)Lost in Blue - Futari no Survival Life (J)(WRG)Lost in Blue (E)(Legacy)Lost in Blue (U)(Legacy)Lost in Blue 2 (E)(Wet 'N' Wild)Lost in Blue 2 (U)(XenoPhobia)Lost in Blue 3 (E)(Puppa)Lost in Blue 3 (U)(SQUiRE)Lost Treasures of Alexandria, The (E)LostMagic (E)(Endless Piracy)LostMagic (J)(SCZ)LostMagic (U)(Psyfer)Love Cat Life (J)(6rz)Love is... Bloom - The Flower Shop Garden (EU)(M6)(XenoPhobia)Love Love Hamster (J)(WRG)Love Plus (JP)(Independent)Love Plus Plus (J)Love, Fashion & Friends (E)(EXiMiUS)Lovely Lisa (E)Lovely Lisa (U)(XenoPhobia)Loving Life with Hello Kitty and Friends (E)Loving Life with Hello Kitty and Friends (U)(EXiMiUS)Lucky Luke - The Daltons (E)(Vortex)Lucky Star - Moe Drill (J)(Mode 7)Lufia - Curse of the Sinistrals (U)Luminous Arc (E)(EXiMiUS)Luminous Arc (J)(Legacy)Luminous Arc (U)(XenoPhobia)Luminous Arc 2 - Will (J)(Independent)Luminous Arc 2 (EU)(GoRoNu)Luminous Arc 2 (U)(XenoPhobia)Luminous Arc 3 - Eyes (JP)(STORM)Lunar - Dragon Song (U)(Legacy)Lunar Genesis (E)(Trashman)Lunar Genesis (J)(Trashman)Lunar Knights (E)(Supremacy)Lunar Knights (U)(XenoPhobia)Lunnis (ES)(Independent)Lupin Sansei - Shijou Saidai no Zunousen (J)Lux-Pain (EU)(BAHAMUT)Lux-Pain (J)(Caravan)Lux-Pain (US)(PYRiDiA)Luxor - Pharaoh's Challenge (E)(SQUiRE)Luxor - Pharaoh's Challenge (U)(Independent)Lyra no Bouken Ougon no Rashinban (JP)(High Road)