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Honoo No Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei 2
Japanese to English Translation


Download Patch (and related files):


Patching Tools (needed to apply patches to ROMs):
Lunar IPS - Lunar IPS is intended as an easy to use, lightweight IPS patch utility for windows to replace DOS program. It can both create and apply IPS patches.

Ucon - A ROM conversion, IPS patching, and general information gathering utility for SNES and Genesis roms.

Iso patcher - This tool lets you quickly insert a list of files in a PSX ISO. You can choose the ISO format and optionally regen ECC/EDC on the fly. Instructions are in Chinese but are easily understandable.

IPSWin - IPSWin is an IPS patching utility for Windows. THIS PROGRAM HAS BUGS! It will not patch correctly in some cases! We recommend using LunarIPS in it's place.

ChaoSaX RXL - This utility deals with RXL (ROM eXtension Library) patches which contain more functionality than IPS patches.

Beopat - Can create executable patch files which take the complication out of patching files for people playing your hack.

PatcheRL - This tool will let you patch your .nds rom file with .pds patch file.

IPSMac - This is another IPS patching utility for Macintosh users.

PPF-O-Matic - Windows - Tool for applying PlayStation Patch Format (PPF) files under Windows.

UIPS - Dos - This is a basic command line IPS patching utility.

UIPS - Windows - This is a Windows port of UIPS DOS.

SNESTool - A tool for SNES ROMs. Handles things such as ips patch creation and patching, PAL/NTSC hacks, and other functions useful to copier owners and hackers.

IPS - This is the defacto standard in IPS patchers. It was the best of its generation in the mid 90's and it's so good that people are still by and large using it today.

SegaTool - A tool for Sega ROMs. Handles things such as region changing, ips patch creation and patching, and other functions useful to copier owners and hackers.

NINJA 2.0 - Flexible patching format with file validation that makes ROM format problems a thing of the past. Supports NINJA 2.0, IPS, PPF 1.0/2.0/3.0, FireFlower, PAT, and Generic Diff format patches.

IPSelect - Can apply sections of an ips patch to a file without applying the entire file. Useful if you need to test various parts of a patch to find bugs.

Stealth Patch - An IPS patcher for Windows. Nothing really worthwhile that sets this apart from the rest, though.

IPS EXE - A handy little utility which will convert IPS files into executables.

IPS Patcher - This is a basic IPS patcher for Macintosh.

IPS Maker - An old IPS patch maker.

PPF - Full distribution of all Paradox PlayStation Patch Format 3.0 tools. Includes the command line programs ApplyPPF 3.0 and MakePPF 3.0.

IPS XP - A very capable IPS patcher with a nice GUI.

PPF-O-Matic - Mac - Tool for applying PlayStation Patch Format (PPF) files under MacOS.

FPM - Tool for creating FireFlower format patches. FireFlower is a textual patch format often used for graphic or color hacks.

IPS Wiz - This is another IPS patching/creation utility. It's in French and seems to be based on UIPS.

PPF-O-Matic - Java - Tool for applying PlayStation Patch Format (PPF) files.

IPSP - This IPS patching utility allows optional saving to a NEW file instead of just overwriting your original ROM. Written in Qbasic with source code included.

FEP - Tool for applying FireFlower format patches. FireFlower is a textual patch format often used for graphic or color hacks.

UIPS - Mac - This is a MacOS port of Neill Corlett's UIPS.

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