Staff Info - Magus

Well, there isn't much to say about me. I will try, however, to make this bio complete and interesting. I am 15 and livin' it up, so to speak. I'm doing everything I want to right now by working here on this site and my other sites and being apart of a community on the boards. I hang out with my friends, go to clubs, and I'm apart of a local backyard wrestling federation. I am not like most people my age. I don't care about cars or going to school functions or whatever else kids at my school do. I've also been athiest since I was 11 or 12 and I'm proud to announce it although I make no attempts to force my beliefs on others. I'm pretty much attached to my computer. I love video games and I play them all the time. I think I started playing when I was five. Now, I own an NES, SNES, Genesis, Genesis 3, 32x, PSX, N64, PS2, and of course my PC. I am not a big PC RPG fan. I don't pay outrageous monthly fee's to play lackluster and just plain 'poor' games like Everquest. I do love SNES and PSX RPG' because I grew up with them. I also work on a few different websites and I like ripping DVD', creating mp3' for my friends band, creating artwork for my sites, and of course coding pages and even downloading Space Ghost episodes on Morpheus. Basically, anything else you can think of to do with a PC, I probably do it. I also play guitar (electric & bass) and I compose music all the time. A friend and I have begun playing together. My favorite bands are Tool, Opeth, Slayer, Symphony X, Katatonia, The Haunted, Deftones, and Slipknot. I listen not just to heavy music for the sake of being heavy but well written and constructed pieces of music. I can't stand boy bands!:) I also write poetry, paint, and sketch. I said I'm attached to my computer but I'm not on all of the time. My favorite TV show is probably the Simpsons but more recently I can't get enough of Family Guy. I generally don't watch much TV though. I'm a huge Dragonball fan. My collection of DVD's is growing rapidly and right now I'm working on a Dragonball site which will be hosted by Emuparadise. More on my background, I'm an American, I have one brother, and I attend a private school right now. What else can I say? I'm not a hard person to like and I can be pretty fun if you catch me on the boards. So don't hesitate to ask me something. Oh! I almost forgot that my dog has diabetes! That is important enough to say I think. I suppose that's it. See you at the boards.


My History with Emuparadise:

I'm not a long-time fan of Emuparadise to tell you the truth. I discovered it in February 2001 when I was not terribly experienced with emulation. The site was great and I went to it often. Then, suddenly, the site went down and I had no idea why. I visited again a few weeks later and the site was back but not completely. The only thing up was the message boards so I thought I would join and maybe learn a bit more about emulation. I did and loved it. I posted as often as possible and noticed that even though the site wasn't all there it was still immensely popular. I spent my whole summer posting and chatting in irc until the site came back better than ever in August. I loved the new design and decided that Emuparadise would be my sole outlet for emulation news and downloads. Not long after, I decided that I wanted to help them out and give something back to them for the many hours I spent at the message boards. So I began writing reviews and eventually when MasJ decided to expand the site he asked me to run the Reviews section. That is what I do currently and I even have a review staff to help me out. We want to expand the site not just with downloads but information as well because we feel that Emuparadise is the best emu site around in all aspects. I also do other things though. I would like to do more artwork for the site, work on a roms section, write a few faqs, and maybe I could do a savestate page or something. Whatever I'm doing I hope I can continue to work here for a long time because it is alot of fun and the community at the boards has grown on me.



Favorite game: Chrono Trigger
" " movie: Lord of the Rings
" " food: Human flesh
" " word: Kascribaldifarts!
" " band: Opeth
" " forum buddy: CyberXion ;)
Wrestling alias: LoCo
Address: Haha. Just kidding. You didn't really want to know that did you.
Hours spent online per week: Innumerable

Not too proud of my comp but its a family computer and I can't do everything I want with it. I've been looking to get a new one for quite a while now. One that will be all mine.


Computer Specs:
Processor: Pentium III 600mhz
RAM: 128mb
Optical Drives: DVD-rom drive/CD-RW
Hard Drive: 30gigs
Video Card: 16mb Nvidia TNT2 Ultra
Sound Card: Some piece o' shit
Keyboard: HP w/two USB ports
Monitor: 17" HP w/digital display

--Play with fire, and you get burned. - Magus

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