An Special

The Wild Arms Soundtrack, now available on This is western music (not to be confused with country) at it's best. The intro track in particular sets the mood of awe and wonder that follows through the entire game. And of the 3 existing Wild Arms games, the first has the best soundtrack of them all. So grab the files and enjoy the music. 

Name Size:
01 - Into the Wilderness.mp3 2067KB
02 - Demon's Castle.mp3 883KB
03 - Bringing it Back to Soil.mp3 1237KB
04 - Castle of Flames.mp3 2920KB
05 - Clash and a Promise.mp3 2515KB
06 - Funeral March.mp3 2212KB
07 - Morning Journey.mp3 2534KB
08 - A Sister's Thought.mp3 2145KB
09 - Ending Theme.mp3 4498KB
10 - Hope.mp3 2110KB
11 - Lone Bird in the Shire.mp3 1511KB
12 - Cold Darkness.mp3 1410KB
13 - Critical Hit!.mp3 1495KB
14 - Town.mp3 1728KB
15 - Over the Rough Waters.mp3 1440KB
16 - Bird in the Sky.mp3 1017KB
17 - Courage.mp3 1346KB
18 - Small Thoughts Are Worth Alot.mp3 794KB
19 - Battle Against Mid Boss.mp3 1338KB
20 - Alone in the World.mp3 2521KB
21 - Lonely World.mp3 1917KB
22 - Village of the Elw.mp3 1413KB
23 - Ardelhyde Castle.mp3 1559KB
24 - A Monastery.mp3 1464KB
25 - Oops.mp3 892KB
26 - False Marriage on the Sea.mp3 2018KB
27 - Not a Plain Child, but a Young Lady!.mp3 678KB
28 - Whistle of the Warrior.mp3 2136KB
29 - Moments of Tension.mp3 1168KB
30 - Uncertain Feelings Rushed.mp3 1913KB
31 - Rudy's Companions.mp3 1139KB
32 - Into the Star Ocean.mp3 2030KB
33 - Battle - Mother.mp3 1401KB
34 - Battle - Zeik.mp3 1104KB
35 - Knights' Quarters.mp3 1897KB
36 - Into the Wilderness.mp3 2536KB

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