An Special

Sonic Adventure 2, the sequel to Sonic Adventure has an equally amazing soundtrack and now we have BOTH on! If you're looking for any of the earlier sonic tracks, check out our GYM Archives.(Sega Genesis Music). This soundtrack, piles up a magnificent musical feat as far as musical ingeniuity is concerned. Believe us, you will NOT be dissappointed with this beautifully created soundtrack.

Disc 1

Name Size:
101 Title Sequence.mp3 449Kb
102 System Screen - Main Menu.mp3 638Kb
103 System Screen - Story Select.mp3 2612Kb
104 System Screen - Options.mp3 1409Kb
105 System Screen - Stage Select.mp3 651Kb
106 Event - The Beginning.mp3 1052Kb
107 City Escape.mp3 5946Kb
108 City Escape ver.2.mp3 5905Kb
109 City Escape 2.mp3 1858Kb
110 Boss - F-6t Big Foot.mp3 3089Kb
111 Wild Canyon.mp3 4152Kb
112 Boss - Dr. Eggman.mp3 2721Kb
113 Prison Lane.mp3 4164Kb
114 Metal Harbor.mp3 3131Kb
115 Metal Harbor 2.mp3 2073Kb
116 Boss - Face Off.mp3 2115Kb
117 Green Forest.mp3 5924Kb
118 Pumpkin Hill.mp3 4325Kb
119 Event - World Domination.mp3 2332Kb
120 Mission Street.mp3 4070Kb
121 Aquatic Mine.mp3 4580Kb
122 Kart Race.mp3 3555Kb
123 Event - Inside That Pyramid.mp3 3189Kb
124 Hidden Base.mp3 5583Kb
125 Pyramid Cave.mp3 5187Kb
126 Death Chamber.mp3 5366Kb
127 Boss - King Boom Boo.mp3 1168Kb
128 Event - Space Colony ''ARK''.mp3 868Kb
129 Eternal Engine.mp3 5463Kb
130 Meteor Herd.mp3 4751Kb

Disc 2

Name Size:
201 Crazy Gadget.mp3 2663Kb
202 Final Rush.mp3 7158Kb
203 Event - Die Hard.mp3 1218Kb
204 Boss - Hedgehog vs. Hedgehog.mp3 5580Kb
205 It Doesn't Matter (Theme of Sonic).mp3 3614Kb
206 Believe In Myself (Theme of Tails).mp3 4352Kb
207 Unknown from M.E. (Theme of Knuckles).mp3 3120Kb
208 My Sweet Passion (Theme of Amy).mp3 5021Kb
209 Chao Garden.mp3 3751Kb
210 Chao Kindergarten.mp3 3284Kb
211 Chao Lobby.mp3 2644Kb
212 Chao Awards Ceremony.mp3 256Kb
213 Beginner Race.mp3 1397Kb
214 Challenge Race.mp3 3625Kb
215 Race Entrance.mp3 1718Kb
216 Jewel Race.mp3 2090Kb
217 Mating Dance.mp3 191Kb
218 Award Receipt.mp3 167Kb
219 Dark Garden.mp3 4497Kb
220 Hero Garden.mp3 4408Kb
221 Hero Race.mp3 3499Kb
222 Dark Race.mp3 3407Kb
223 Round Clear.mp3 141Kb
224 Speed Up.mp3 325Kb
225 Invincible.mp3 499Kb
226 Timer.mp3 285Kb
227 1UP.mp3 106Kb
228 Continue.mp3 585Kb
229 Tutorial.mp3 3360Kb
230 Iron Gate.mp3 4244Kb
231 Dry Lagoon.mp3 5162Kb
232 Sand Ocean.mp3 4983Kb
233 Radical Highway.mp3 3318Kb
234 Egg Quarters.mp3 4882Kb

Disc 3

Name Size:
301 Event - Gathering of the Dark.mp3 5193Kb
302 Lost Colony.mp3 2773Kb
303 Event - Dark Schemes.mp3 3598Kb
304 Weapons Bed.mp3 4255Kb
305 Security Hall.mp3 6263Kb
306 White Jungle.mp3 4624Kb
307 Sky Rail.mp3 2178Kb
308 Boss - Egg Golem.mp3 3604Kb
309 Mad Space.mp3 5353Kb
310 Cosmic Wall.mp3 4111Kb
311 Final Chase.mp3 5712Kb
312 All of the Darkness (Theme of Shadow).mp3 3933Kb
313 I am the Eggman (Theme of Eggman).mp3 2518Kb
314 Freedom (Theme of Rouge).mp3 4005Kb
315 Event - The Eclipse Cannon.mp3 1740Kb
316 Cannon's Core 1.mp3 3922Kb
317 Cannon's Core 2.mp3 5568Kb
318 Cannon's Core 3.mp3 5361Kb
319 Cannon's Core 4.mp3 1182Kb
320 Event - Keeping My Promises.mp3 760Kb
321 Event - Prototype of the Ultimate Lifeform.mp3 1791Kb
322 Boss - THE BIOLIZARD.mp3 7972Kb
323 Event - Remaining Hope.mp3 874Kb
324 Event - Defeat of the Ultimate Lifeform.mp3 1254Kb
325 Event - The End.mp3 3886Kb
326 Live and Learn (Main Theme).mp3 5932Kb

Ninety tracks of amazing music, we definitely deserve a vote :D, as well as your lifelong support!

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