Pontinho rates this game: 5/5
The first Nintendo published game to receive a M rating took gamers to the edge of the insanity and back.
It a great scaring game and the only reason it was made was to scare the **** out of you.
Your head suddenly fall off, misplacement, and of course, the famous DOS prompt.
The more lower the sanity meter goes, the more screwed up the game gets.
I dare you play it alone at night and don’t be afraid of it.
SilentEvil rates this game: 5/5Eternal Darkness is definitely worth playing, but it's not the "scariest game ever" that people make it out to be.
You play as several different characters over several different time periods. In the short time that you get to know them, you really do get attached to each character. The atmosphere is certainly creepy, and there is a certain amount of dread (but not as much as you'd experience playing something like Silent Hill) in wandering the game's corridors.
Eternal Darkness is really a lot more than a survival horror game. It has one of the most entertaining combat systems of a game from its era. It was the first 3rd Person game I remember playing that cared where you damaged an enemy. If you encountered a room full of shambling enemies, you could run around the room and cut off their left arms (and just their left arms) if you wanted to do so. Eternal Darkness allows you to target enemy limbs, and it is awesome. You can remove the heads of all of your enemies and laugh as they wander blindly around the room trying to find you. This feature all by itself made the game not so much scary as it is creepy (because there's nothing scary about a room full of headless, armless zombies).
There's a weird rune-based magic system...but it's been so long since I've played it that I don't remember all of the details. Basically there are different kinds of magic, each with their own set of runes, and each lets you cast different kinds of spells (if I'm remembering it right).
I could say a lot more about Eternal Darkness, but to do so would run the risk of spoiling something...like the sanity meter effects. Just plain awesome. A game like this really needs to be experienced rather than ruined with long descriptions.
I have some fond memories of Eternal Darkness. It's one of those games that sticks with you long after you're done playing it. You know...now that I think about it, I think I'll play through it again sometime really soon.
Blacker Death Metal rates this game: 5/5This game is one of the most epic games i've ever played. The opening sequence alone will make you want to play this game.
The game is a survival horror game that has you play as various characters from various timelines. Each player carries on from what the previous person did in the fight against the darkness.
The graphics were always a little average, and you will notice annoying things (i hate the heads against the neck).
Its hard to explain why this game is so great without spoiling it a bit.
The combat sytem takes a bit to get used to, as you can't move and fight at the same time. However once you get used to it you'll find it quite simple.
One of the best games on gamecube, if not the best, and also one of the best games ever made. If you haven't played this game, you have missed out.
RicardoNaMusica rates this game: 5/5This game accomplished many goals when it was released, because it was a shock to all people who was exceptical of how much horror it could deliver, and because it proved Nintendo could bring a scary experience to mature audiences. What it is even better, it did not without clever and creative ways of letting us on the edge of our seats at night. The reason for this is because as you progress through the game, you realise you are in for one hell of a journey since the beginning. As you start controlling one character, the creative way the game is built up makes you end up being part of a massive story with many characters and so much tension and suspense on every step you take to solve the mistery of this whole experience. On every minute you spend playing, you find out the character you are using is being affected by the environment, thus your insanity grows higher and strange things start to happen in the game and in your sorroundings. That is why you have a real kick of horror, because it does it to you in a creative way. Story wise, you will not understand ALL the game unless you finish it solving all the puzzles and increasing your magic and sanity metters. So go ahead, take the game and be ready for some new experience on the horror genre.