ROMs » Nintendo Entertainment System » A » Action 52 (USA) (Unl) (Rev A)
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Game Description & Reviews:
OverviewA compilation of 52 bite-sized games, each shittier than the last, Action 52 is now infamous for being plagued with programming bugs. A contest which involved one of its included games was rendered meaningless because of such a glitch. Much of the sound track is plagerized.
… read more OverviewA compilation of 52 bite-sized games, each shittier than the last, Action 52 is now infamous for being plagued with programming bugs. A contest which involved one of its included games was rendered meaningless because of such a glitch. Much of the sound track is plagerized.
Iamerror rates this game: 1/5This game is 52 "games" in one cartridge. Actually, I don't consider this a "game" at all. A company called Active enterprises came up with the idea of putting 52 "games" in a cartridge for 199 dollars. Playing these "games" makes you feel like you're in purgatory. I don't recommend anyone play this poor excuse for a game.
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