Ash rates this game: 3/5You are Takeru Yamoto; adventurer, swordsman, and complete lech. One fine day our hero stumbles upon the troubled city of Strawberry Fields, which just so happens to be populated by attractive young women in need. You see, an evil presence has descended upon the country, turning their goddess to stone and cursing the lands. 6 orbs in a tower seal the goddess away, and all the warriors who dared to enter have never returned. It's up to Takeru to rescue the captured nubile warriors, free the imprisoned goddess, and send the demon lord back to Hell.
Dragon Knight is a first-person RPG dungeon crawler, so between the (sometimes very lengthy) voice narrated cutscenes, you'll be whacking monsters in the maze-like tower to gain levels and earn gold. After giving or receiving a few severe beatings, you'll need to head back to town with that hard earned gold to purchase better weapons and armor, or more likely, to get your HP and MP restored by the local priestess. The game provides a handy auto-mapping feature while in the tower, so you'll know where you've already been or may need to go. Along the way you'll occasionally encounter a captured warrior who needs rescuing, and while this isn't the X rated PC-98 version of the game, the cutscenes can still be a bit saucy. Unravel all the clues to the floor, and you'll be able to progress to the next level of the tower.
Overall, an average dungeon crawler with the benefit of some eye candy. If you have a longing for some old-school grind, then Dragon Knight might be for you. Oh, and did I mention you'll probably want to understand Japanese?