Wild 9 (PSX)
Uploaded by SegNin
Wild 9 was developed by Shiny (creators of Earthworm Jim) and released by Interplay on September 30th, 1998. You play as Wex Major on a quest to return home from a strange planet that you've landed upon in a galaxy ruled by the evil overlord Kam.
What makes this game unique and a true classic is the use of a device in the game called the rig and the glove. In effect, what you can do is grab baddies from a distance and smash them into various objects thus destroying said objects and freeing your path. This adds a very fresh feeling to the gameplay in this title.
The graphics in the title are ofcourse not what they could have been but the gameplay more than makes up for it. Also, the game goes for the full on comic book type look with phrases such as "Wex-cellent" being used often. Your goal is to travel from planet to planet freeing members of the rebel group (Wild 9) who've fallen in with you and then you head to destroy Kam. A platformer worth a look!
Download Links:
Wild 9 File 01 [50MB]
Wild 9 File 02 [50MB]
Wild 9 File 03 [50MB]
Wild 9 File 04 [50MB]
Wild 9 File 05 [50MB]
Wild 9 File 06 [50MB]
Wild 9 File 07 [50MB]
Wild 9 File 08 [13MB]
Wild 9 SFV File [852b]
Front Cover: