Best of Emuparadise
Tail Concerto (PSX)
Uploaded by Ragnar

Tail Concerto is a delightful 3D adventure which takes place in the fantasy world of Prairie. Originally developed by Bandai, the game features a wonderfully original storyline and setting. Get a load of this, in the world of Prairie, racial discrimination is rampant. The world is inhabited by biped dogs and cats. Basically the cats feel oppressed by the dogs who are the rulers of Prairie. Three feline sisters and an army of kittens set out on a quest to change the scene of things so far. The gameplay is excellent as Tail Concerto sports a very efficient graphics engine and creates beautiful areas which include forests, reefs, and more.

Definitely one of the most original 3D platformers to hit the Sony Playstation. Tail Concerto is a game that won't fail to delight you with atleast a few hours of fun, depending on your gameplaying prowess. Check it out!

Enjoy this edition of our Best of Emuparadise series, and keep coming back for more!

Download Links:
Tail Concerto File 01 [50MB]
Tail Concerto File 02 [50MB]
Tail Concerto File 03 [50MB]
Tail Concerto File 04 [50MB]
Tail Concerto File 05 [50MB]
Tail Concerto File 06 [16MB]
Tail Concerto SFV File [290b]

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