Dreamcast - Soul Calibur

By every standard, Soul Calibur was the best fighting game on the dreamcast. Infact, it was the best fighting game, period. Namco successfully captured and entwined arcade style gameplay with the power of the dreamcast.

Beautiful graphics is but a small tribute to this game. The excellent game engine, the game physics, the fluidity in the characters movement make this game a masterpiece in it's own right. A better fighting game has probably never been made. Don't pass up this opportunity of playing Soul Calibur (if you haven't played it before..).

There are some easy moves to pull off in this game so you won't find it hard to start off. (Infact, the Y button can often do wonders..) However, if you really want to have fun with this game, it's better to have a friend over and then play head to head.

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The ISO we have is the complete Soul Calibur game. If you download it, please do vote for at the topsites (look to the left..).

Note: This game is Self Boot.

You can play it in Chanka, albeit slowly.

Download Soul Calibur for Sega Dreamcast

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Boot Disc Download:

Utopia Boot Disc (1.5Mb)
Utopia Boot Disc NFO (2.9Kb)

CD Covers: (front and back)


Soul Calibur Manual (PDF)

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