Hardware Review: PSX/PS2 + N64 USB Converter

Geek Specs:
Title: PSX/PS2 + N64 USB Converter
Developer: Boom
Price: $12.90

Rating: 5.0

This little device connects your Playstation and Nintendo64 controllers to your computer via USB port. It is very handy indeed. It's plug & play compatible so simply connect your controller to the outlet and the other end of the device to a USB port. A switch on the top will alternate between the N64 controller and the PSX controller. The package also comes with an installation disk which contains the converter's .ini file. It is rather easy to set up and it work's with most commercial emulators including but not limited to ePSXe, Project64, TR64, 1964 and Corn. Not to mention any PC game that readily supports analog. All sixteen buttons are usable simultaneously and analog is supported. However, it is not compatible with Nemu64 or UltraHLE nor is it compatible with other console emulators like ZSNES or Nebula. It is small and very durable and if you have a USB port on your keyboard it is effortlessly easy to hook-up. It is priced very well for its performance, although there are better products on the market that are more compatible with other emulators.

Written by Magus


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