NES Music Players (NSF Format):

Players for the NSF format used by the NES. These players help you in bringing back the good old nostalgic moments with Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, and so many more! Well, just grab your choice of NSF player, and ENJOY!

Name: Bleep!
Description: his is Neill Corlett's NSF player for Winamp. I like this one a lot, possibly is the best for Winamp. It has a very simple configuration GUI. And you can change the sampling rate, even disable the filter. Trys this one.
Version: 1.04
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Name: NESamp
Description: This NSF player is a Winamp plugin, but still relatively basic, and sporting many bugs.
Version: 0.4
Download: Binary

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Name: Nosefart
Description: Well, I think Nosefart wins for most creative name of an NSF player. It also has a lot of nice features and such, and may very well be the best of the players available. It's from Matt Conte, the same Matt Conte who brought you Nofrendo, the NES emulator. The Winamp plugin of Nosefart is quite possibly the NSF player of choice.
Version: 1.8
Download: Binary

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Name: PlayNSF
Description: This is a pretty simple NSF player, it's made by the same guy that made NESamp, but it doesn't have the nifty Winamp interface to use, so you're stuck with a command line. It's also pretty buggy.
Version: 0.5
Download: Binary

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