Main Series Pokemon GamesA list of 20 games created by BarrelRoller64 on 27th March 2017
Pokemon - Red Version (USA, Europe)GB | |
![]() | Remember back when you were a kid, in the late 90s? Remember bragging to your friends about how you had more Pokemon than they did? Remember how shocked you were to find out that Blue was the champion? Remember trying to catch MISSINGNO.? Well, now you don't need to remember, 'cause thanks to Emuparadise, you can do it all over again. Now waxing nostalgic and play this masterpiece. |
Pokemon - Blue Version (USA, Europe)GB | |
![]() | You've finally been granted your Pokémon trainer's license. Now, it's time to head out to become the world's greatest Pokémon trainer. It's going to take all you've got to collect 150 Pokémon in this enormous world. Catch and train monsters like the shockingly-cute Pikachu. Face off against Blastoise's torrential water cannons. Stand strong when facing Pidgeot's stormy Gust. Trade with friends and watch your Pokémon evolve. Important--no single Pokémon can win it all. Can you develop the ultimate Pokémon strategy to defeat the eight GYM Leaders and become the greatest Pokémon Master of all time? |
Pokemon - Yellow Version (USA, Europe)GBC | |
![]() | Pokemon Yellow was the third pokemon game (not counting the japanese Green version) to be released on gameboy/gameboy color. It was mostly similar to red and blue, but it featured colors, and lots of references to the pokemon anime. The first thing you'll notice if you've played blue or red, is that you can only get pikachu as a starting pokemon. Moreover, that pikachu will travel outside of his/her pokeball, and follow you around, just like in the anime. This simple change has a somewhat big impact on the begining of the game, since the first gym is rock type pokemon. And rock type are immune to electricity... So don't expect to win this one with pikachu... The only efficient method of beating Brock I've found is raising a butterfree, from either a caterpie or a metapod. Butterfree learns confusion, which is probably the only pokemon move available to you you, this early in the game, that can hurt reasonably well rock pokemons. However, after the harsh begining, the game rewards you ! In Cerulean city and Vermillion, you can obtain the 3 starter pokemons, charmander, bulbasur, and squirtle ! Another thing to note, is the appearance of Jessie and James, the two inept team rocket grunts, along with their signature pokemons and meowth. They aren't much of a challenge though. All in all, pokemon yellow is an interesting game for those who have already played blue or red before, but newbies might find the initial difficulty to be somewhat a turn off. |
Pokemon - Gold Version (USA, Europe)GBC | |
![]() | This is one the first two games of generation 2. Pokemon Gold was released along with Pokemon Silver, just like the first generation (Red and Blue) some Pokemons can only be caught in either Gold or Silver, but not both. Pokemon Gold/Silver introduce many upgrades to the Pokemon universe, along with a load of new Pokemons. The first thing you'll notice is that you're not in Kanto anymore, you've got an entirely new region to explore, Johto. And you can choose from new starter Pokemons. But one of the biggest change is that, the game keeps track of the real-world time, and depending on the time of the day, or day of the week, various events will happen, along with a full day/night cycle. Some Pokemons only appear at night, or only on friday, etc.. The Gyms are also completely different from those in Kanto. And once you've beaten the best of Johto, you can revisit Kanto, and all of it's gyms ! If you've played any the 3 first gen Pokemon games, you really need to play either Gold, Silver, or Crystal ! You'll love it ! |
Pokemon - Silver Version (USA, Europe)GBC | |
![]() | This is an awesome game! And definitely one of the better pokemon versions out there. I came from playing the yellow version and I could not get over the difference. The gameplay is similar enough, but the graphics are far improved, not to mention this game is in the johto region, unlike pokemon yellow, blue or red. Like all of the pokemon games, you play as a trainer and your object is to train pokemon and collect badges. This game is great fun, even for those that aren't pokemon fans. It's sort of like an RPG, but not. |
Pokemon - Crystal Version (USA, Europe)GBC | |
![]() | Pokemon Crystal is the polished version of the second installment in the Pokemon series. Being a more complete version of Gold/Silver, it shares a lot of similarities, and is essentially the same game. However, Crystal has an extended story, and some events that were not present in Gold/Silver. You still play the role of a character from New Bark Town, but this time you're given the option to choose your gender. You set out on your journey the same way, but the story now has a bit more emphasis on the 3 legendary beasts of Johto (specifically Suicune). As usual, the wild Pokemon have changed a bit, and so has the list of ones available. Some Pokemon can even learn different moves than they could in Gold/Silver. If you're content with Gold/Silver, this game isn't really necessary, but if you haven't gotten either of the Johto region games, this one is recommended. |
Pokemon Ruby (E)(Independent)GBA | |
![]() | Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire are the third set of Pokémon games in the franchise and were released in 2003. |
Pokemon Sapphire (E)(Independent)GBA | |
![]() | Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire are the third set of Pokémon games in the franchise and were released in 2003. |
Pokemon Emerald (U)(TrashMan)GBA | |
![]() | Pokemon Emerald is set in the land of Hoenn and is the remix of Ruby/Sapphire. |
Pokemon Fire Red (U)(Independent)GBA | |
![]() | Remeber back in the day playing the old Pokemon Red and Blue versions? Well bringing a new twist to those games are Fire Red and Leaf Green. Back in their former glory are Ash and Gary to battle it out along with some new added content upon completing the game! A must download for all Pokemon fans! |
Pokemon Leaf Green (U)(Independent)GBA | |
![]() | Pokemon LeafGreen is a great game for hardcore pokemon gamers. There are many things to do in this game, obviously one thing to do is "Catch em' All", and you can also go ahead and beat every gym leader. This is another great installment in the pocketmonster series, if you like pokemon, you'll like this. |
Pokemon Diamond Version (v1.13) (E)(Independent)NDS | |
![]() | Welcome to the next generation of Pokemon!As a rookie Pokemon Trainer, you'll need to catch, train, and battle Pokemon on your journey to become the Pokemon League Champion. You will face many challenges along the way, as you search for the Pokemon that rules time in Pokemon Diamond Version.Discover more than 100 new Pokemon in the Sinnoh Region!Meet goals and earn the ability to import Pokemon from your GBA Versions!Battle and Trade with your friends around the world using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection!Watch as day turns to night with the return of the real-time clock feature! |
Pokemon Pearl Version (v1.13) (E)(Independent)NDS | |
![]() | This, like all the other Pokemon games center around a young trainer going on a journey. This game was released to the us in 2007 and was praised by many people because a WiFi feature was added. Unfortunately you cannot complete the pokedex without trading and trading needs an internet connection. |
Pokemon - Platinum Version (v01) (U)NDS | |
![]() | The game takes place in the Sinnoh region of the land we all know as Pokemon. The game is a stronger version of diamond and pearl, made as a newer version called Platinum. The starter pokemon are fire type Chimchar, water type Piplup, and Grass type Turtwig. The main mascot pokemon is Giratina. Professor Rowan is the one who gives u the pokedex and your first pokemon. |
Pokemon - HeartGold Version (U)NDS | |
![]() | Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver are remakes of the original Gold & Silver games released in 1999 with further aspects which were introduced in Crystal in 2000. As these games are remakes of Gold & Silver, they will feature both Johto & Kanto and follow the storyline of you as a new trainer, going through the gyms of Johto and Kanto, and winding up needing to thwart a Team Rocket plot to takeover the world with their Pokémon.Even though it will follow closely on the basics of Pokémon Gold & Silver, there are a variety of new features brought into these remakes. Firstly, all the game mechanics are brought up to the 4th generation standards. Second, one of the major new features is that you can have any Pokémon follow you in the games. This way, you can truely personalise your experience. In addition to this, it also includes many aspects from the game Pokémon Crystal such as the Suicune Storyline. HeartGold & SoulSilver feature a variety of special areas and Pokémon activated by special event Pokémon including access to the Sinjoh Ruins and a special event in Ilex Forest featuring Celebi. |
Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (U)NDS | |
![]() | This pokemon game and heartgold is the best pokemon game in my opinion. The reason being is that there is so many pokemon and many return back from the past games such as islands. This game is a must have for pokemon lovers. You can trade online and play games multiplayer. I would recommend this one if you love pokemon. 9/10 |
Pokemon Black Version (U) (Patched)NDS | |
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Pokemon White Version (U) (Patched)NDS | |
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Pokemon Black Version 2 (U) (Patched)NDS | |
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Pokemon White Version 2 (U) (Patched)NDS | |
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