Community Uploaded Links & Downloads

Welcome to the Community Uploaded Links & Downloads section. Our forum members have over the years uploaded tons of useful things that might be helpful to our visitors. You never know what you might need! Since our forums were upgraded we lost the ability to list these uploads over there and hence we're now making them available here -- for you the enjoy -- forever! So choose a category and get downloading right away!

Arcade - Emulators of Arcade systems

Archive Utils - Tools for compressed and split files

Daemon Tools - Virtual CD/DVD Rom drive, here you will find different versions that are best for certain emulation usage

Emulation Extra's - They files are not needed but add to your collections System/emulator Manuals Cheat Code books Reviews and so on

Emulation Related - Here we have files that are emulation related. This includes Roms, ISO's, emulators, boot discs and anything else of use.

Emulators - You'll find different emulators in this category.

Gamer Goodies - Over here you shall find various goodies uploaded by our community.

General CD Utils - CD Tools to help you Create CD Images Edit CD Images Generate New CD Images Check CD Images for damage

Hacking and Ripping Tools - Tools used for Extracting, Building and Editing Console Games

Nec PC Engine/Turbo Graphix 16 - Emulators of the Nec PC Engine/Turbo Graphix 16 console

Nintendo 64 - Emulators of the Nintendo 64 console

Nintendo DS - This will contain mostly Rip kits but I imagine there will be other fixes available

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) - Emulators of the Nintendo Entertainment System console

Nintendo Super Nintendo - Emulators of the Super Nintendo console

Playstation Utils - CD Builders, Media tools, Patch engines and patches

Plugins - Plugins for various emulators Used to make emulators more compatable with your hardware and games more compatable with the emulator

Sega CD -

Sega Dreamcast - Patches and boot cd's

Sega Megadrive/Genesis - Extra's for Sega's 16 bit console

Sega Megadrive/Genesis - Emulators of the Sega Megadrive/Genesis console

Small Fixes - This is to contain Patches to fix certain games for both emulation and for playing back on the console You can also find general fixes for emulators here

Sony Playstation - Playstaion Emulation fixes and CD Image patches

Sony Playstation - Emulators of the Sony Playstation console

Sony Playstation 2 - Fixes for Playstation 2

Sony Playstation 2 - Tutorials for the playstation 2

Sony PSP - Various fixes for games that you can play on your PSP--including games that you can emulate on your PSP.

Starter Kits - Small packs with all the files you need to emulate a system. Some of them even include some popular games. It's just grab & play.

Tutorial Kits - Kits that are part of Tutorials located in our forums or that are downloadable tutorials

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