For Fans Only:

This section is for fans. You can find wallpapers made by our art staff and also a lot of other related stuff such as desktop themes, emuparadise music, fanart and a lot more. The ideal place for fans to hang out :)

For now, since we're concentrating on getting the main site back online, we only have a few things up for grabs, you can get them from below. Incase you have any emuparadise fanart, ASCII art, etc etc. please mail and we'll add it to the site. Enjoy!!

Wallpapers & Fan Art Section

The Emuparadise theme song, it's original, it's cool, and it sounds great! What more do you need? Oh yeah, it's FREE! Ever heard Mario in Techno? Now you can!

Emuparadise Theme Song
Emuparadise Theme Song v2 [By Tony Fox NYC]

An Emuparadise WinAMP skin! Now you can have emuparadise on your favorite mp3 player as well! More emuparadise, grab this asap! Limited Supplies :P

Emuparadise Winamp Skin

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