ROMs » Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) » M » Megaman X3 (USA)
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Mega Man Retro Gamer rates this game: 5/5Mega Man X3 is the third installment in the Mega Man X series. First let's look at the aesthetics. They look good, the graphics are a bit higher quality then the last two games, this game is a fan fav, and I'm a fan don't you know. The sound, people say its so ear aching, what is up with gaming publications like Computer Games Magazine, they gave the game a 1/5 and that's just harsh. The music is AWESOME, listen to Toxic Seahorse stage theme, and Intro Stage theme. What about that gameplay. Same as last time but with better weapons and better armor upgrades. The weapon Traid Thunder acts like a shield that acts like a projectile. The Acid Burst is a floor split weapon where when it touches the ground it splits to smaller pieces. But the charged Acid Burst is even more useful cause it shoots two, one goes higher one goes low. The armor upgrades saw an HUGE improvement over the ones in X1 and 2. The head upgrade at the beginning of a stage, will bring up a graphed out map of the stage telling you what upgrades you have left to acquire, it also counts chip upgrades. The leg upgrade lets you dash upwards. The buster and body upgrades do the same as last time. Overall X3 is a DIAMOND for the Super Nintendo it costs as much as a copy of X2. Just why do so many gaming publications just scold it so much ;(. I give it the score it deserves a 10/10, Emuparadise wise see for yo self.
Takion Sun rates this game: 4/5Let's get one thing out of the way:
That said, it's still a great game: X controls as tightly as ever, plus, this is the first game console Mega Man X where Zero is playable (though only under certain circumstances). Great game, great addition to any SNES collection. Just know that you will die. You will die a LOT.
lfz rates this game: 4/5This is the third installment in the Megaman X series, the last one to realesed for the SNES, and it keeps the high standard set by the other two.
The premise and gameplay hasn't changed at all. The eight bosses are back, this time sent out by Dr. Doppler a former good cientist android turned into Maverick.
Differences in this game include improved graphics compared to X and X2, a new set of armor, the ability to play (even if for a short while) as Zero, the return of Vile and a new type of collectible: the "Ride Armors".
All in all this is a very fun platformer. Essential to Megaman fans, even if it doesn't bring a whole lot of innovation into the table.
Vince rates this game: 4/5This third release in the Mega Man X series came late in the SNES's life span, but that doesn't make it a bad game. While the music seems to fall flat, the graphics are as good as ever and new tricks like the upward dash and being able to use multiple Ride Armors make the game seem fresh all over again. It's not a perfect Mega Man title, but it's certainly worth a try.
DeriLoko2 rates this game: 5/5Megaman X3 (USA) is an SNES game that was developed by Capcom. Megaman X (with the help of Zero) must defeat a mysterious mastermind before the end of the war.
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