Vrighzt rates this game: 4/5One of the best mecha themed games. You play as a teenage who wants to save your sister. You use a mecha and you can upgrade them. This is a tactic RPG game, there are so many up-gradable parts here, such as arm, leg, projectile, weapons, armor, body, backpack, etc. I recommended to you if you like tactics themed games.
Tobias Hayes rates this game: 4/5Front mission is just one of those franchises that just did better In Japan compared to the USA. Front Mission 3 is the first title to be released outside of Japan.
One thing you should know about this game, is that its battle system resembles that of Final Fantasy Tactics, with a few distinct differences. If you are not a fan of that genre. I suggest you stay away from this one.
The visuals are really decent but some claim that the second installment had better graphics. Since I can't really play japanese games(for obvious reasons :P), I cannot confirm or deny this.
But if you enjoyed the style of tactics, you'll probably like this. One of the biggest differences is instead of playing people, you have mechs... (but you already knew that didn't you :D) Well then this is the game for you!
But really not for everybody, But you are reading this and by that logic... well I made my point I guess.
3/5 to the newby
4/5 to the tactition