OverviewThe first Final Fantasy game for the PlayStation 2 brought a new cinematic quality to the series with voice acting and fully 3D environments. The story follows Tidus, a young man transported one thousand years into the future to find a world quite unlike his own.
~Larsa.Solidor~ rates this game: 5/5FF-X
This is one of thee BEST Final Fantasy games "I" have ever played! Altho your combat style is fixed, you have a Wonderful story line to go with the game Easy and Difficult parts to make you work for the glory!. It seemd to pick up pase when advancing but you must also take your time to find out where all and every items are! I also Sugest not to look up how to get past this or do this, it takes the chalenge away from your play and making you "eah" sick of the game. Now im not saying never to look it up but simply saying try to beat the game without as some parts require your attention. Me, "myself" and all the Friends, Aquantences I have shown or introduced to this game Still own a working ps2 or pc set with a pcsx2 with such game, just to enjoy this timeless classic. I have all Charecters through hard work at max level, entire sphier grid maxed on all charecters. And a total play time of 743.23 it was probably not worth it to take so long, Afterall I restarted 31 times as well just to figure out how to complete the entire sphier grid! Thanks This is me trying to inspire those who dont know why people love this game.. Well I purly say any FF game that you started from "#2" is where i started was worth the workup! :) Thankyou ~Larsa.Solidor~
LeftyGuitar rates this game: 5/5Final Fantasy X is about a man named Tidus who is a blitz-ball player and a woman named Yuna who is a summoner, on a quest to defeat Sin. FF X is very serious in tone. There are very few light-hearted moments, if any. The story is amazing with twists and turns and the characters back-stories are interesting as well. Gameplay wise, battles are turn-based, but using the CTB system. With the system, you can swap out party members at any time. This gives you an advantage over what character to use when you need to defeat enemies. For example you might need to use Auron for enemies that have high defense, or Tidus for enemies that are quick.
The cut-scenes are amazing with high detailed characters, backgrounds and emotional expressions. There are also some mini-games. A notable one is blitz-ball. Blitz-ball is a game where five-on-five teams play against each other to score the most goals. It is also played underwater. There are many secrets in FF X and you will need to backtrack if you want to get 100% completion.
FF X is an amazing game. The gameplay is solid, the story is great, the characters are all interesting, if you haven't played this, go play it now. Its a great RPG game that anyone should play. Oh yeah the soundtrack is also amazing.
Showda rates this game: 1/5 I'm not sure what game the others have been playing, but this is without a doubt, the worst final fantasy game made to date. The storyline has so many plot holes it's hard to keep tract of them all. And even when the story makes sense, it's terrible.
And if that wasn't bad enough, the game decides to punish you by having the most annoying, pathetic child, and i use that term to be polite, as your main character. Tidus is a trainwreck. He looks extremly stupid even by Final Fantasy standards, he has the most annoying laugh in the history of the world, and he keeps saying 'this is my story' when to be honest, the game could go on without him, and the only thing that would be different is she has one less gaurdian. He adds nothing at all to the story.
As if that wasn't enough of a reason to put this game down, it also gives us the worst side game in existance. Blitzball does everything wrong. They show this amazing, high action, yet illogical game (Which i was willing to let go) and then they turn it into a 2d rpg game in which all you have to do is score and then hide behind your own goal since there is no shot clock. And if Tidus/Wakka gets injured? Haha good luck.
Is there anything in this game that is good? Yes, the gameplay is spot on. They take all the good from the series, and take away the bad. Combat is smooth, fast paced and yet you always know what is going on at any given time. The graphics are also quite beautiful for it's time.
Overall, would i suggest this game? No. The story is basic when it's good, horrible when it's not, the characters are unloveable, and the only thing it has going for it is the gameplay, in which you can get better gameplay, in other games, with a better story. Avoid this game like the plague.
FullXIon rates this game: 5/5Final Fnatasy is an RPG published by Square for the playstation 2. It marked the change from pre-rendered backdrops to fully 3d environments, and was also the first FF game to feature voice acting. It replaced the Active Time Battle system with the Conditional Turn-based Battle system.
Set in the fantasy world of Spira, the game's story centers around a group of adventurers and their quest to defeat a rampaging monster known as "Sin". The player character is Tidus, a Blitzball (fictional sport in the game) star who finds himself in Spira after his home city of Zanarkand is destroyed by Sin. During the game, Tidus, along with several others, aids the summoner Yuna on her pilgrimage to destroy Sin.
It's legacy spawned a sequal, FF X-2, which marked the first direct sequal to a final fantasy game, with other titles in the series sharing worlds, monsters and sometimes lore but not plots.
As a quick opinion, this game deserves to be played. IT has gorgeous CGI and a plot that was mindblowing to my 13-year old self, and has strong emotion factoring in the plot as well. It's a very personal game, and really has a sense of immersion in it. Thats saying nothing of the amazing battle system (though not for everyone) and in-game graphics, as well as the music that will keep you replaying just to listen to that last track. At least, it did before youtube :P
redpanther24 rates this game: 5/5The game is set in the world of Spira, and follows the story of Tidus and Yuna. Tidus is a star athlete blitzball player, who is taken to Spira by Auron after a monster called Sin destroys his home city of Zanarkand. Tidus then joins the summoner, Yuna on her pilgrimage with her guardians to defeat Sin and bring about the Calm.
DeriLoko2 rates this game: 5/5Final Fantasy X (USA) is a PS2 game that was created by Square Enix. The main character is Tidus. You play as Tidus and his allies to save the world from harm.
James rates this game: 5/5Enter a fantasy world where humans are on the brink of extinction. In this all-new Final Fantasy RPG, you must stop a powerful force called "Sin" that destroys cities and lives. Along your journey, you will meet Tidus--a star blitzball" player--and Yuna--a young woman with who is skilled in summoning and controlling aeons - powerful spirits of yore. Final Fantasy X is the first Final Fantasy game to feature voiceovers with advanced facial expressions. Travel to uncharted seas and treacherous lands in a quest to save mankind.