ROMs » PC Engine - TurboGrafx16 » P » PC Genjin - Pithecanthropus Computerurus (Japan) (Alt)PC Genjin - Pithecanthropus Computerurus (Japan) (Alt) ROM
PC Engine - TurboGrafx16 / TG16 ROMs
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Game Description & Reviews:
chaosmazer says:This is a game better known as "Bonk" in other regions. The cute caveman in the game was the PC Engine's mascot of a sort for a while. The game itself is a platformer that sets itself apart from other mascot platformers like Mario and Sonic. Using his oversized head, you must 'bonk'
… read more chaosmazer says:This is a game better known as "Bonk" in other regions. The cute caveman in the game was the PC Engine's mascot of a sort for a while. The game itself is a platformer that sets itself apart from other mascot platformers like Mario and Sonic. Using his oversized head, you must 'bonk' your way through levels, eating meat to power up, climb up walls, get eaten by a dino, and simply stop the bad guy. It's a simple, and really fun little romp. If you like classic platformers, this is an absolute gem.
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