Sword of Mana (E)(Independent) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: Role-PlayingAction-AdventureRating: ESRB: E, PEGI: 7+
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #2478)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #2478)
Game Box Art:![]() |
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Game Release Info (NFO):
+================================+ | _/|_ \ | >",< iNDEPENDENT +=========================+ | _______________________/\ __________________________ | | /_____ / \/ / _______ \ | | / / /\ / / / | | / / / \ / / | | /____________/__________/ \_________/_______________/ | | | | no-intro \ gangbang headquarters +====================+ | / ROM INFORMATION | +=====================================+======================+ | | | Title....: Sword of Mana | | Supplier.: alcoatjez | | Country..: Europe Language(s)..: English | | Release..: 08.sep.2oo6 Platform.....: Game Boy Advance | | Filename.: ind-somp.gba Size.........: 128 Mbit | | | +====================+=======================================+ | RELEASE NOTES / | +==================+ | | | | Can you believe it? A common game like Sword of Mana had | | an undumped version out there until now. This edition is | | english only and features the serial code AGB-AVSP-EUR. | | We dug this up in a salt mine in Transylvania while | | searching for the missing hell-scenes in Event Horizon. | | | | And now the Mana-song: | | | | Mana mana pati pitipi | | Mana mana pati piti | | Mana mana pati pitipi patipi patipi patipipipipipipipipi | | | | | | no-intro 2oo6: Yesterday we were standing at the abyss - | | now we are one step farther! | | | | Es heisst Rös-chenhouf und nicht Röschenhouf - | | märkt oisch das endlisch moal! | | | | Gewitter?...Wo...hier? | | +====================+ | _/|__ / GREETINGS :** | +=>'.'<===============================+======================+ | | | Dedicated to no-intro datters, to the IRC and forum staff, | | and to all our heroes: suppliers and redumpers. | | Kisses to Eternity, FCT, gbarl.it and all our friends. | | Big shouts to the best: TrM and WRG! | | /|_ _/|_ | +==================================================>,"<=>",<=+ |
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