Spider-Man 2 (U)(Hyperion) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: Action-AdventureRating: ESRB: E, ESRB: T, PEGI: 12+
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Download Spider-Man 2 (U)(Hyperion) (5.5M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1553)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1553)
Game Box Art:![]() |
Game Title Screen:![]() |
Game Snapshot:![]() |
Game Release Info (NFO):
۲ ۱ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۱ ۱ Ŀ ۲ ۰ ۰ P R O U D L Y P R E S E N T S ۳ ۰ ۰ ۱ ۱ ۲ ۲ Spiderman 2 Release Date...: June 28th, 2004 Platform.......: GBA Origin.........: USA Company........: Activision The highly anticipated sequel game to Columbia Pictures' mega hit film Spider-Man is about to get even bigger as you take the role of Spider-Man through expansive locations from the movie. Patrol the streets and skies of a living, breathing, massively modeled Manhattan, scaling buildings, slinging webs, fighting crime and confronting numerous villains, including Dr. Octopus. Prepare to go wherever a spider can as the game transports you off the silver screen into a larger-than-life adventure all your own. HYPERION, Poised for the future ! Greetings to: Miracle - Orgasm - Hyperion - Riot - Chronic - Xtasy Application Infos: For joining Hyperion you have to fill one of these requirements: - Suppliers : You work for a GAMES or MOVIES or UTILS, Distributor, Magazine, Warehouse, Publisher, press/marketing company, duplicator, courier delivery firm, tv/radio show, language translator company or store. - Suppliers : You can get NEW unreleased GAMES or MOVIES or UTILS, from one of the above Game/Util/Video shop (such as, Baggages, Electronics Boutique, FuncoLand, Media Play, Software Etc. GameStop, Baggage's, etc.). - Suppliers : You live in the Usa, Canada, Uk, Europe, Japan, New Zealand or Australia, have a fast upload line (500kb/s minimum) and free week days morning or afternoon. - Ӧ : סϺ,й(½), ̨, ̩, ¼, ǻ ͬԼӵµroms, games(Ϸ), apps(ӦÅʽ), vcd(е), dvd(е) ֻ߾סڽϷ/? 뼴! - : AbW,(j), OW, , s[Y, Ӧȩ PȬwaϥHξ֦sroms, games(C),apps(ε{), vcd(T), dvd(T) SΪ̩~FqC/ qvs, ЧYPڭp! - TvC[: Q[AfA[eBeB[̊JAA @@@@@@oŎЁA≮AvXЁAzЁA|ЁA @@@@@@W҂܂́ȀX(ƂTSUTAYAA @@@@@@GOEASofmapȂ)œĂ܂͂̊W @@@@@@ŐṼ[XĂȂ^CgA @@@@@@ - Crackers : You are able to reverse engineer complex console software protection schemes (not copy them from web sites). - Crackers : You are able to crack the latest pc protection schemes such as Securom or Tages or Starforce or Safedisk (not using other people tools). - Coders : You are able to write custom tools (c/c++/asm) to aid in helping our crackers . - Coders : You can code Trainer Menus, Intros, Trainers, Pal/Ntsc Selectors for Consoles or Pc. - People able to supply us with the latest Sdk, Libs, Development sofware and/or hardware for consoles. So If you think you have any of these talents (No Couriers nor Siteops), contact us at : And you wont regret it ! hyperion@web-mail.com.ar < Psg Nfo (c) Roy / Sac ! > |