Paperboy & Rampage (U)(Trashman) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: ActionRating: ESRB: E
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #2114)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #2114)
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ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²±°°°±²ÛÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ ° ° °±±± ²²ÜÜ ÛÝ ÛÛÛݱ° ÞÛ ÞÛÛÛÝ °°±²²Û ÜÜÜÜ ßÜ ÛÛÛ ÞÛ ° °²²±° ° ° ÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÝ ß±ß ÛÛÛ °°±Þ²²Û ÞÛ Ü²ÛÛÛ Ü²Ü ²ÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÝ ÞÛ ÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ß ÜÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÜÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÛ²ÜÜ ÛÛÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²ÛÛÛß ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²Ü ÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛß ²ÛÛß Ü²ÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛ ßß ²²ßßÛÛÛÝ ÛÛ۲߲ÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÜÛÛ²² ÛÛÛÝ Ü²ÛÛÛß Ü²ÛÛÛÛÛß °ÛÛÝ ÛÛÛ² ÞÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ² ÜÜ Ü²ÛÛÛÛÛÛßß ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ² ßÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ ßßßß ÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÞÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ßÛÛß ß²ÛÛÛÛÛ²Ü ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛ²²ÛÛÛ ÞÛ ²²ÛÝ ßÛÛÛÛÜ ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ßßßßßßß²ÛÛÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛÛ² ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛ Ü²Ü Ûßß ßÛÛÛÝÛÛ²² ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÞÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛß ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛ ß Ü²²ÛÝ ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛ² ²ÛÛÛÜ ÞÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÜ ß ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÝ ²ÛÛ² ÛÛÛÝ ²ÛÛÛÛß ²²Ûß ° °²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ß Ü²²Ý ²ÛÛÛÝ Ü²ÛÝÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ßßß ÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÝ ²ÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛÜ Þ²²ÛÛÛ²ß ÜÝÛÛ²² ²±°° ° ÞÛÛÛÛÝ ÜÜÜ Ü²Ü ÞÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛ² ²ÛÛÛ²Ü ßßßß ÛÝÛÛÛÝ Ü ßÛ²² ÞÛÛÛ² ß ÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛ² ßÛÛÛÛ²Û²±± °°° ÛݲÛÛÛ ß±ß ÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÝ ± ÞÛÛÛÛÛÜ ßÛÛÛß ÛÝÞÛÛÛÜ ÞÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛÛ² Ü²Ü ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²Ü ß ÜÛÛ² ÛÝ ÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÝÛÛÛÛ ßß²Û°ßß ÞÛÛÛßÛÛÛÛÛÜ ßÛÛÛÛÜ ÛÝ ßÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ÜÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ß ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ²ÛÛÛ²Ü ßÝ ÞÛÛÛ nfm! 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Language ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ GBA SP.............................$79.99 ÛÝ ÞÛ 1Gb Flash Cart.....................$99.99 ÛÝ ÞÛ High Speed Internet ÛÝ ÞÛ to get roms quickly............$34.99 ÛÝ ÞÛ Paying all that money to play ÛÝ ÞÛ a shitty port?.......Fucking Priceless ÛÝ ÞÛ Enjoy trm~X ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ [ Boxart included : trm-pbru.jpg ] ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛÛ²±°bOUt_da_gAMe°±±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ Paperboy, a true Atari Games classic, has ÛÝ ÞÛ been ported to systems in the past with ÛÝ ÞÛ varying levels of accuracy and success. ÛÝ ÞÛ I've played some seriously crappy ÛÝ ÞÛ renditions back in the day on the PC and ÛÝ ÞÛ Apple, so in this sense the Game Boy ÛÝ ÞÛ Advance isn't all that terrible, even if ÛÝ ÞÛ it fails to follow the original formula's ÛÝ ÞÛ design properly. But it is far from being ÛÝ ÞÛ accurate, and in some cases it's a broken ÛÝ ÞÛ port. The bike slowly drifts to the right ÛÝ ÞÛ as if the control calibration is out of ÛÝ ÞÛ whack, which means players continuously ÛÝ ÞÛ have to readjust the direction to avoid ÛÝ ÞÛ running into hazardous objects. This ÛÝ ÞÛ version also has several bugs that cause ÛÝ ÞÛ players to die instantly after recovering ÛÝ ÞÛ from a previous crash, and for some ÛÝ ÞÛ reason fails to tell players their score ÛÝ ÞÛ after a game over. ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ And the most hysterical issue comes from ÛÝ ÞÛ the sound. The development team throws as ÛÝ ÞÛ much of the original arcade's speech into ÛÝ ÞÛ the GBA version, but these samples play ÛÝ ÞÛ back almost randomly. Throw a paper into ÛÝ ÞÛ the box for some bonus points, and you'll ÛÝ ÞÛ hear "That's not my fault!" or "Sorry ÛÝ ÞÛ about that!" ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ Rampage was a 1985 Bally/Midway arcade ÛÝ ÞÛ hit that, admittedly, doesn't exactly ÛÝ ÞÛ stand the test of time 20 years later. ÛÝ ÞÛ But it's still great to be able to romp ÛÝ ÞÛ around a downtown city as a mega-sized ÛÝ ÞÛ hundred foot tall beast and take out a ÛÝ ÞÛ few buildings, and for that, the GBA ÛÝ ÞÛ version's a success. The huge downside ÛÝ ÞÛ is the fact that this version lacks the ÛÝ ÞÛ element that made the game awesome in ÛÝ ÞÛ the first place: three player ÛÝ ÞÛ destruction. This game doesn't feature ÛÝ ÞÛ link cable support, which, in turn, ÛÝ ÞÛ removes multi-monster mayhem from the ÛÝ ÞÛ design. Solo city destruction isn't ÛÝ ÞÛ nearly as fun or productive, and in fact ÛÝ ÞÛ takes away a lot of the little elements, ÛÝ ÞÛ like tag-team subway mashing from the ÛÝ ÞÛ experience even though they're still ÛÝ ÞÛ left in the levels as if waiting for two ÛÝ ÞÛ or more players to take advantage of ÛÝ ÞÛ them. ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛÛ²±°gROUp_nOTEs°±±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ People who have access to a GBAMPv2 w/CF, ÛÝ ÞÛ NDS (flashme/passme) should contact us for ÛÝ ÞÛ possible rewards, an exception to the rule ÛÝ ÞÛ below. ;) ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ Only contact us if you can fulfill below: ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ * Provide NEWLY released handheld titles ÛÝ ÞÛ | for either GBA, NDS, or PSP. We do not ÛÝ ÞÛ | disclose info about suppliers. Your ÛÝ ÞÛ | contribution will be rewarded. ÛÝ ÞÛ | ÛÝ ÞÛ * Sites/Affils/Currys/etc, feel free to ÛÝ ÞÛ | contact us with inquiries as well, we ÛÝ ÞÛ | enjoy occasional laughs. ÛÝ ÞÛ | ÛÝ ÞÛ * You need to know where to find our ÛÝ ÞÛ | release, yes, email us..we will quickly ÛÝ ÞÛ | add you to every spam database, porn ÛÝ ÞÛ | list, and newsletter we can find. DO NOT ÛÝ ÞÛ | MAKE US DO THIS TO YOU!! ÛÝ ÞÛ | ÛÝ ÞÛ `-------------------> tRm2K5@gMAIl.cOm ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛÛ²±°gREETiNGs°±±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ - ETY - WRG - OLDSKOOL - PSY - ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ - ALL GROUPS KEEPING GBA ALIVE - ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ - NO-INTRO, WE <3 YER MISSING.PDF's - ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ .:R.I.P:. ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ LEGENDS.OF.TEH.GBA.ERA: ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ Eurasia, Mode7, Cezar, Venom, Rising Sun ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ Emerging PSP/NDS Scene may bring these ÛÝ ÞÛ sleeping giants out of hibernation ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²±° tRaSHMaN-2K5 °±±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛ DUMPING TRASH, SO YOU CAN PLAY WITH IT ÛÝ ÞÛ ÛÝ ÞÛÛ²±° °±±²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ |