Monster Jam - Maximum Destruction (U)(Venom) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: Driving/RacingVehicular CombatRating: ESRB: T
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0384)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0384)
Game Box Art:![]() |
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Game Release Info (NFO):
______ /\__________________________ __________ __/\ _______ .____\ \/ / _ / _ \/ _ \/ \/ / | \ // / / / / / // \/ / _ | \ / _______/ / // _/ / / // rtx/ | VENOM \\ /\__________/_____/_____/\____\_____/______/_____/ /art : \ / `-------- \ / --> Proudly Presents: \/ Game .........: Monster Jam Maximum Destruction (c) Ubi Soft Release Date .: March 28, 2002 Origin .......: USA Format .......: Flash Advance Linker Size .........: 64Mbit Platform .....: Gameboy Advance (GBA) File Name ....: V-MJMD.ZIP -- Release Notes ----------------------------------------------------------> The ultimate goal is to be the last truck revving! Monster Jam Maximum Destruction seamlessly blends addictive and entertaining elements of vehicle combat games with the powerful feel of Monster Trucks. The attention to detail enhances the illusion of raw power as you crash through fences and over cars, driving and destroying vehicles of awesome power. A wide variety of Monster Trucks and the depth of control will add tremendously to both shelf life and replay value of the game. Drive the most popular Monster Trucks including Gravedigger, Wolverine and many more! -- Contact ----------------------------------------------------------------> If we don't know you, don't bother. -- Greetings --------------------------------------------------------------> Aggression, Anthrox, Capital, Echelon, Eurasia, Kalisto, Menace, & Mode 7. -------------- Venom 2001 to 2002 - No pity for the majority --------------> |