Monster Jam - Maximum Destruction (E)(Independent) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: Driving/RacingVehicular CombatRating: ESRB: T
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Download Monster Jam - Maximum Destruction (E)(Independent) (2.5M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #2106)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #2106)
Game Box Art:![]() |
Game Title Screen:![]() |
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Game Release Info (NFO):
+================================+ | _/|_ \ | >",< iNDEPENDENT +=========================+ | _______________________/\ __________________________ | | /_____ / \/ / _______ \ | | / / /\ / / / | | / / / \ / / | | /____________/__________/ \_________/_______________/ | | | | no-intro \ euro headquarters +==========================+ | / ROM INFORMATION | +===============================+============================+ | | | Title........: Monster Jam - Maximum Destruction | | Country......: Europe Language...: English | | Release Date.: 29.aug.05 Store Date.: today! | | Platform.....: Game Boy Advance Filename...: ind-mjmd.gba | | Size.........: 64 Mbit Supplier...: ElFuego | | | +========================+===================================+ | RELEASE NOTES / | +======================+ | | | | You know, i am a fake reviewer of a fake gaming magazine, | | called "leet konsole news". Today i've found a packet from | | Ubi Soft, with a great title to 'test' and 'review' ... | | | | But, wtf! On the pack i read ... "2002" ... 2-0-0-2 ?? | | Damn post! If it wasn't so slow i could have beaten VNM | | in the 'glorious' introdays ... | | | | Noone was able to bring this in 3 fucking years ?? | | Thanks to ElFuego.. a non-sleeping legend! ;) | | | | no-intro 2005 - all this is so phunny! | | | +===========+================================================+ | iNFO / | +=========+ | | | | "LeeT KonSolE" is out in shops, providing comprehensive | | resources, links and reviews on computer games, video | | games, and 'un-plugged' games!! | | | | /|_ _/|__ _/|_ | +========================+=========>,"<==>'.'<==>",<=========+ | GREETINGS / | +======================+ | | | | ^ ^ Dedicated to no-intro IRC & forum staff, and datters. | | .. Thanks to all our heroes: suppliers and redumpers. | | > < Kisses to CARAVAN, WRG,, ETERNITY. | | w w Elitest shouts to s/trm, tp/trm, dj/trm, v/trm, k/trm | | | +============================================================+ |