Monster Force (U)(Eurasia) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: Action-AdventureRating: ESRB: E
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Download Monster Force (U)(Eurasia) (2.8M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0550)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0550)
Game Box Art:![]() |
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Game Release Info (NFO):
. . . :..............: . . :...: :...: . .:...: :..............: :...:. . : :...: :...: : . ..:..: : : :..:.. ____ : ____ : ____ : ____ : ______/ /__ __:_\ \__:__ __/ \__ __:__/ / :______/\_____ / _____/ \/ _\___ \/ \/ ____/_/ / \ __/ _____/ / / ___/ __\ \_____ \ \ __\ \__ \ / / \ / \ \ \ / / \ / \ / /_________ \________/_____\ /_______\ ______\ _______/__/_____\ _____\ \/ : \_____\ \/ /_____/ : \/ MTX! : : : : ..:... ..:.. ..:.. ...:.. .:...: :..............: :...:. : :...: :...: : : : : .:.......................................................................... : >> proudly presents : : --<< Monster Force >>-- : : date.....: August 19, 2002 - system...: Game Boy Advance : company..: Universal - size.....: 64 Mega Bit : origin...: USA - filename.: EUR-MFRC.ZIP : .:.......................................................................... : >> release notes : : Enjoy this nice title. : ............................................................................ : >> game info : : Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Wolf Man, the best-known movie monsters of : all time, are re-introduced in their teenage form to a new generation of : video game players in Monster Force, a fast-action game for the Game Boy : Advance. Back in the days of mobs and torches, monsters had a hard time : fitting in. To make things easier, the brothers Frankenstein moved, along : with their creations, to a new land where monsters could live in peace. : Thus, Monsterland was born. Now one of the brothers has gone missing, and : Monsterland is being overrun by evil. It is up to an unlikely group of : heroes to step up and save the day for monsters everywhere! Smashing : pumpkins has never been this fun! : .:.......................................................................... : >> application info : : Interested in being a part of Eurasia? We are currently looking : for people to be a part of our team. We have a strong belief in : group friendship and we make an effort to ensure that all members : get exceptional benefits. If you fit into any of these categories, : please contact us for membership information: : : - Suppliers of unreleased console games around the world. If you have : have access to games and have spare time, we can train you and give : you access to the necessary tools and hardware to make your job : easier. : : - Site affiliations world-wide. If you host a site and are looking : for a great affiliation, contact us to establish a relationship. : : If you fit into any of these categories, please contact us. : .:.......................................................................... : >> greets : : Crazy Nation, Echelon, High-Society, Kalisto, Lightforce, : Mode7, Nightfall, Oldskool, Paradox, RSiSO, SAC & Venom. : .:.......................................................................... : >> eURASiA 2002 - fOR pLEASURE, nOT pRESSURE |
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