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Download MegaMan Zero 2 (E)(Patience) (4.3M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1228)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1228)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
.: :| . \--||--/ . __|_)\ || /(_|__ _\\ | ': | //_ __________ _______________: ___________ |________ _____ _______ bC! __\\ _ /_\__ \_ _/_\ /__ _/ __.--:\ /_\ _| _\ _/ ____ \ / / _ | | '' | __/' ' l _ | \ __|__ __/' / | _____/ \ _| | | \ | / ' \| / \ | :_____| '---.______\:___.---':--.___:---\______::--/_____:__________\--\_____: | | . ___ __ | PATiENCE | __ ___ . \_:.____\\___\\-----|-- - - --|-----//___//____.:_/ || : PROUDLY PRESENTS : || _ ______||__ _ _ __||______ _ :' Megaman Zero 2 (C) Capcom ': r e l e a s e i n f o s - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 29/10/03 :.........DATE SiZE.........: 64 MB EUR :.......REGiON SYSTEM.......: Game Boy Advance Eng :.....LANGUAGE FiLENAME.....: ptc-mgz2.zip r e l e a s e n o t e s - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - In Zero's first mission, the human researcher, Ciel, recruits the legendary warrior to fight against the anti-reploid organization "Neo Arcadia". Together, Zero and Ciel create a resistance group and put a stop to the senseless aggressions from the NAO. Once again humans and robot reploids are able to live in harmony. But for how long? In this next mission, Zero falls prey to a trap set by Neo Arcadia’s newly, self-appointed and ruthless commander. His plan is to trick Zero and use him to wreak chaos between reploids and humans once again. But, can he succeed? a p p l i c a t i o n i n f o - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - We are currently looking for : * New suppliers : You have unreleased console game (JAP/USA/EURO: we release all territory dupe because the gamers wanna play in their own language). You wanna join a group for the fun, and not for the war... * New affiliations: We are looking for new european affils Are you interested ? Do you fit into these categories ? Feel free to contact us at ptc@hush.com ! g r o u p n o t e s - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Contact....: ptc@hush.com Greets.....: Our friends. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ascii injection provided by b*! |