Lego Racers 2 (U)(Venom) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: Driving/RacingHow to Play this Game ?
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0202)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0202)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
______ /\__________________________ __________ __/\ _______ .____\ \/ / _ / _ \/ _ \/ \/ / | \ // / / / / / // \/ / _ | \ / _______/ / // _/ / / // rtx/ | VENOM \\ /\__________/_____/_____/\____\_____/______/_____/ /art : \ / `-------- \ / --> Proudly Presents: \/ Game .........: Lego Racers 2 *Final* (c) Lego Media Release Date .: November 23, 2001 Origin .......: USA Format .......: Flash Advance Linker Size .........: 64Mbit Platform .....: Gameboy Advance (GBA) File Name ....: V-LEGOR2.ZIP -- Release Notes ----------------------------------------------------------> Start your engines! Rocket Racer is back, and he's teamed up with the toughest drivers in the galaxy to bring you racing excitement! You'll need all your speed and skill to collect the elusive Golden Bricks! Note: Paracox released a beta of this game back in July, and now Venom brings you the final retail game. Enjoy. -- Group News -------------------------------------------------------------> We're now accepting new members to fill in the following positions: - Suppliers of new/unreleased games for Gameboy Advance/Color. - Graphicians and musicians interested in working on GBA. - Coders skilled in GBA/ARM (asm preferred) or experienced trainermakers. - Fast (T3 minimum) US based ftp site. If you fit any of the above descriptions and you want to join one of the top teams on Gameboy Advance, contact us via any of the methods listed below. -- Game Releases ----------------------------------------------------------> D a t e -- G a m e / C o m p a n y ------------------------------ I n f o 05/03/01 Power Rangers Time Force (c) THQ 8/USA/GBC 05/10/01 Shrek Fairy Tale Freakdown (c) TDK Mediactive 16/USA/GBC 05/16/01 Spiderman 2: The Sinister Six (c) Activision 8/USA/GBC 05/16/01 X-Men: Wolverine's Rage (c) Activision 8/USA/GBC 05/16/01 Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (c) Activision 8/USA/GBC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06/06/01 Ultimate Surfing (c) Natsume 8/USA/GBC 06/26/01 Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword (c) Eidos 32/USA/GBC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/08/01 WWF Betrayal (c) THQ 8/USA/GBC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09/14/01 Portal Runner (c) 3DO 8/USA/GBC 09/14/01 Toki Tori (c) Capcom 8/USA/GBC 09/22/01 Player Manager 2001 (c) THQ 8/EUR/GBC 09/25/01 Rugrats: Castle Capers (c) THQ 32/USA/GBA 09/26/01 X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse (c) Activision 64/USA/GBA 09/26/01 Dexter's Lab: Deesaster Strikes (c) BAM! 32/USA/GBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/03/01 Sports Illustrated For Kids Baseball (c) BAM! 32/USA/GBA 10/04/01 Sports Illustrated For Kids Football (c) BAM! 32/USA/GBA 10/04/01 The Wild Thornberrys: Chimp Chase (c) THQ 32/USA/GBA 10/04/01 Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase (c) THQ 32/USA/GBA 10/31/01 Batman Vengeance (c) Ubi Soft 64/USA/GBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/01/01 MegaMan Battle Network (c) Capcom 64/USA/GBA 11/01/01 Tiny Toons: Dizzy's Candy Quest (c) Conspiracy 8/EUR/GBC 11/01/01 Micro Maniacs (c) Codemasters 16/EUR/GBC 11/08/01 No Fear: Downhill Mountain Biking (c) Codemasters 8/EUR/GBC 11/08/01 Fort Boyard (c) Microids 8/EUR/GBC 11/22/01 Kirikou (c) Wanadoo 8/EUR/GBC 11/22/01 David Beckham Soccer (c) Rage 32/EUR/GBA 11/23/01 Lego Racers 2 (c) Lego Media 64/USA/GBA -- Trainer Releases -------------------------------------------------------> D a t e -- G a m e / C o m p a n y ------------------------------ I n f o 05/11/01 Shrek Fairy Tale Freakdown +4 Trainer (c) TDK +4/USA/GBC 05/29/01 Commander Keen +3 Trainer (c) Activision +3/USA/GBC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/23/01 VIP +5 Trainer (c) Ubi Soft +5/EUR/GBC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/19/01 Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase +5 Trainer (c) THQ +5/USA/GBA 10/26/01 Doom +5 Trainer (c) Id Software / Activision +5/USA/GBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/01/01 Doom +6 Trainer Fixed (c) Id Software / Activision +6/USA/GBA -- Contact Info -----------------------------------------------------------> IRC .......: #VENOM ( Efnet ) E-Mail ....: -- Greetings & Respects ---------------------------------------------------> Aggression / Capital / Echelon / Eurasia / Kalisto / Menace / Mode Seven Abstract / Anthrox / Class / Dsp / Quartex / Rise / Tfl / Union / X-Force ------------ Venom - Any deviation will result in termination -------------> |