Hey Arnold! The Movie (U)(Venom) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: ActionPlatformerRating: ESRB: E
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Download Hey Arnold! The Movie (U)(Venom) (2.5M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0456)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0456)
Game Box Art:![]() |
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Game Release Info (NFO):
__________ _ ____________________ _______________________ ___________ __ |________ _ / \ : _ __ \/ __ \ | / / / \| | . \ _ | . \ | / _____/_ \_ | | \ / | :.\ | / / | \ | / / :mAZ. ::.:\_________/____________:_____|\_________:_________/____\ /_______-aRt: |:---------------------------------------------------------\/-----------> .---- - - ----. | | | Game : Hey Arnold! The Movie (c) THQ | | | | Release Date : May 31st, 2002 Origin : USA | | Format : Flash Advance Linker Size : 32Mbit | | Platform : Gameboy Advance (GBA) File Name : V-ARNOLD.ZIP | | | `---- - - ----' | Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------- | .---- - - ----. | | | Based on the Hey Arnold! The Movie coming to theaters June 21, 2002. | | Follow Arnold and friends through a whirlwind adventure to try and | | save the neighborhood from a mean businessman who wants to build a | | Super Beeper Emporium. Throughout different levels of the game, help | | Arnold sneak past security guards, Gerald as he gets the word out for | | Blockapalooza party, and Grandma as she escapes from jail! | | | | Game Features: | | | | * Play as one of four characters: Arnold, Gerald, Grandpa and Grandma. | | * 5 exciting areas with multiple chapters including City Area, Indoor, | | Building, Underground and City Area. | | * First Hey Arnold! video game ever! | | | | Note: Sorry if this game doesn't contain the mature content that we | | saw in Spirit Stallion. I guess we all draw the line somewhere. | | | | | `---- - - ----' | Greetings ----------------------------------------------------------- | .---- - - ----. | | | Anthrox. Capital. Echelon. Eurasia. Kalisto. Menace. Miracle. Mode 7. | | | `---- - - ----' | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | : Venom - I've seen the jetsons, I know what the future looks like. : . . |