Ed, Edd n Eddy - Jawbreakers! (E)(Independent) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: ActionRating: ESRB: E, PEGI: 3+
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Download Ed, Edd n Eddy - Jawbreakers! (E)(Independent) (2.1M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #2097)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #2097)
Game Box Art:![]() | |
Game Title Screen:![]() |
Game Snapshot:![]() |
Game Release Info (NFO):
+================================+ | _/|_ \ | >",< iNDEPENDENT +=========================+ | _______________________/\ __________________________ | | /_____ / \/ / _______ \ | | / / /\ / / / | | / / / \ / / | | /____________/__________/ \_________/_______________/ | | | | no-intro \ euro headquarters +==========================+ | / ROM INFORMATION | +===============================+============================+ | | | Title........: Ed, Edd n Eddy - Jawbreakers! | | Country......: Europe Language...: Multi 5 | | Release Date.: 22.aug.2005 Store Date.: 2003 | | Platform.....: Game Boy Advance Filename...: ind-eeee.gba | | Size.........: 64 Mbit Supplier...: ElFuego | | | +========================+===================================+ | RELEASE NOTES / | +======================+ | | | | Again, again, again. And again, again, again. | | Another title from 2003, another old regiondupe. | | Tell me who can provide you all these nice treasures for | | collectors. Sleeping legends? Naah, leave them in bed. | | no-intro strikes back, thanks to the incredible amount of | | redumps by ElFuego.. we think we are starting to love you! | | Enjoy this nice title with 4 new languages. If you don't | | like it, stop moaning and contribute. Or you aren't l33t | | enough? | | | | no-intro 2005: "We don't argue on IRC. Do we?" | | | +====================+=======================================+ | INTERNAL INFO / | +==================+ | | | | tHIS REleaSe iS dEdicated tO all the Guys thaT dId mOre | | thaN 40 gb & gbc DuMpS in the Last monthS. an*, zu*, ..., | | all your efforts wErE rEally apprecIated. | | tHere is stiLL a lot of 'work" remaining, but withOut you | | a nIce part of iT is doNe... :* | | | | /|_ _/|__ _/|_ | +======================+=========>,"<==>'.'<==>",<===========+ | GREETINGS / | +====================+ | | | | ^ ^ Dedicated to no-intro IRC & forum staff, and datters. | | .. Thanks to all our heroes: suppliers and redumpers. | | > < Kisses to CARAVAN, WRG, gbarl.it, ETERNITY. | | w w Our elitest shouts to s/trm, tp/trm, amptor/oldskool. | | | +============================================================+ |