Donald Duck Advance (E)(Paracox) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
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Download Donald Duck Advance (E)(Paracox) (4.1M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0172)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0172)
Game Box Art:![]() |
Game Title Screen:![]() |
Game Snapshot:![]() |
Game Release Info (NFO):
pARAcOX pROUDLY pRESENTS dONALD dUCK aDVANCE -FINAL- (C) uBI sOFT ()()==================D~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* dATE : nOVEMBER 7, 2001 oRIGIN : mY dEAD gBX sIZE : 64 mEGABIT fILENAME : pCX-DDAD.ZIP sUPPLIER : kARA cOX pLATFORM : gAMEBOY aDVANCE . rELEASE iNFOZ ---------------------------------------------------------- . yO...wE gOT aNOTHER fINAL gAME tO fOLLOW uP oUR rELEASE oF kAO tHE kANGAROO. dIZ gAME iZ dUE sOMETIME dIZ mONTH, bUT oF cOZ wE bRING iT tO yA rIGHT nOW! dIZ gAME iZ pRETTY mUCH rAYMAN wITH a dONALD sPRITE. eNJOY dIZ sHIT yOU uNGRATEFUL bASTARDZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sPECIAL sHOUTZ tO tOSHIHIRO nAGOSHI fOR dA mONKEYS aND dA pINK pIG fROM pIKMIN! . rELEASES -------------------------------------------------------------- . nUM gAME tITLE oRIG/sIZE dATE --- ---------------------- --------- ---- 001 lEGO rACERS 2 eUR/64mB 0726 002 fINAL fIGHT oNE -FINAL- eUR/32mB 0804 003 wWF rOAD tO wRESTLEMANIA ???/32mB 0905 004 eSPN fINAL rOUND gOLF -FINAL- eUR/64mB 0905 005 cAESARS pALACE ???/32mB 0919 006 fILA dECATHLON ???/32mB 0921 007 mOTO gP ???/32mB 0928 008 kAO tHE kANGAROO -FINAL- uSA/32mB 1031 009 dONALD dUCK aDVANCE -FINAL- eUR/64mB 1107 . rESPECT tO ------------------------------------------------------------ . cEZAR - dFC - gBL - hS - hTS - mUGS - rPF - sFC - tC . -----------------------------------------------------> pARAcOX - wE sUXX cOX |