Digimon Battle Spirit (E)(Suxxors) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: FightingPlatformerRating: ESRB: E, PEGI: 3+
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1133)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1133)
Game Box Art:![]() |
Game Title Screen:![]() |
Game Snapshot:![]() |
Game Release Info (NFO):
________ __________ _____ _ _____ ______| |_____| /_______ ________ _ _____ _\ ___/___\ |_ __\_ | _|_ | _/_\___ \__\___ /__\ ___/___ |_____ | | |/ _ \_/ _ \| | | / |______ | /______ _|_________|_____| | | |_ ____ __|____|_____|/_ ______| \ \ \ |______|_____| | / / / \________\_________\____| | |_______|___ ____/__________/______ __/ --- -- ------------- ---|______|_____| |------------- -- ----- -- -. /| [sXs] |_______| [sXs] |\ | .---------------------- --- --------------------------- ---------- -------´ | : Digimon Battle Spirit MULTI5 (c) Bandai : `---------------------------- --- -------------- ------ -------- ---- ----. : [release infos] . | | | . | date......: 08-21-2003 - system...: GBA | | company...: Bandai - size.....: 32MBIT | | origin....: EURO - filename.: SXS-DIGI.GBA | | language..: MULTI5 - supplier.: SXS-CREW | : | | | .- -------------------- --- --------------------------- ---------- -------´ | . [release notes] . | | | : | We are back with Digimon Battle Spirit Multi5 version. | | | | Languages: Englisch | | Italian | | French | | German | | Spanish | | | | | | Enjoy that Title in your own Language now ! Have Fun ! | | | | ( cu next time... ) | `--------- ------------------ --- -------------- ------ -------- ---- ----. : [group notes] . | | ...no efnet anymore...to contact us pray for a wonder... | | | big thx to all that fservchans! u fucked efnet ! | | | | . | WE WONT HELP U ANYWAYS, IF U HAVE PROBS, TELL UR MOMMY :P | | .- -------------------- --- --------------------------- ---------- -------´ | . [greetings] : : | | __| - VENOM - PDXCONSOLE - QUARTEX - TRSI - OLDSKOOL - MENACE - | /\ | - EURASIA - MODE7 - RS - | / \|__________________________________ __ _________________ __/\ _____| /__________ ____ _____________________________________________.nfo\/kp2k2: |