Bionicle (E)(Rising Sun) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: ActionPlatformerHow to Play this Game ?
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1219)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1219)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
. .______________. . ._| |_. ____ | ___ | _____ _\\_ /___ __| / //______ __ _|_\\_ \_ ____ _) _/ /_(_//_\___ /_\\_)_ / // _//______ _ \_ \ \_ (_ / / (_ / \ \_ / :::::: :::: ::: :: : \ /__\_____/ /________\ /__\______\ / _/ _:::::: :::: ::: :: : :\/::::::: _______\::::::_ ________\:::::_ ___________\ /:::::: :::: ::: :: : | | \/ _______ | ___________| __________________________________ / //______|_ ____\\_ /____\\_ .... \_ _\______ / / / / riSiNG sUN pRESENTS! :::: / \_ / / / / / - ---------------- - :::: \ /______________\________________\_______\___________________________________\ - -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- - [- Bionicle The Game (C) THQ -] __ ____ _\\_)_ _____ _ _/ _/ _____ _) /_\\_ \_ \___\ _\\_ \_ i n f o \____/ / /____\ / / ::::: ___/_____\:::_ __________\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :: : country....: Europe English/German/French/Dansk :.language(s) rel. date..: 24/10/2003 20/10/2003 date system.....: Gameboy Advance :....filename size.......: 64 MBit Team RS Europe :....supplier _____ ____ ___ _\\_ \_ _____ / //_ __ / //_____ n o t e s _) / /_\\_ \_/ _// //____\__ / \__/_____\ / /______\ _/ |_/______\ : :: ::: ::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::_ __________\:::_ _____\_____|::::::::: In a time before time, in a world you've only imagined, a shadow has been cast, six heroes have been chosen and the greatest of all challenges has been laid down. With the awesome elemental powers of the Toa at your fingertips, it has fallen to you to defeat Makuta and return the island of Mata Nui to light. Be the Toa Live out the Legend. RS 2003 - every group should have a swiss bank account! ___ _____ ________ _/ _/______ ____ _ _\\_ \_ ______ _\_ / _) \_ /_\\_ /___ / /___ / / /_____\ g r p n o t e s \____/_____\ _/ /________\ / /______\ :::::::_ _____\_____\:::::_ ___________\:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :: : We're always looking for talented people to help us dumping, cracking and/or training the latest games! Site-ops running, *nix sites on atleast 10mbit feel free to contact us aswell. To contact us please write to: Note: Please do NOT ask us on where to obtain our releases, roms, emulators anything else. Mails like this will be ignored. Neither do we give any technical support with problems of any kind. ___ __ ____ _/ _/______ ____ _ _/ //____. __ _ _/ //_ ___ g r e e t s _) \_ /_\\_ /___ _/ |/ //____. _// //_____ \____/_____\ _/ /___\_____| _/ |____\ \__ / : :: ::: :::: :::::::::::::::_ _____\_____\:::::_ _____\_____|:::_ ___/______\ Greetings to all of the guys who supported us since the start, and our friends in the following groups: EURASIA - MODE7 - SUPPLEX - VENOM - WRG - CEZAR - SUXXORS! : :: ::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :: : : :: ::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :: : : :: ::: :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::: :: : :: :: : infofile b y ---------- d ipswitch / aerosol / sac : : : |