ROMs » Nintendo Entertainment System » C » Cat Ninden Teyandee (Japan)
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Game Description & Reviews:
Iamerror rates this game: 4/5This game is based on the anime Samurai Pizza Cats which parodies superhero animes with a tongue in cheek humor to it. The game follows the main characters Guido,Poly and Speedy as they battle for Little Tokyo with the Big Cheese,the main villain of the show. Despite
… read more Iamerror rates this game: 4/5This game is based on the anime Samurai Pizza Cats which parodies superhero animes with a tongue in cheek humor to it. The game follows the main characters Guido,Poly and Speedy as they battle for Little Tokyo with the Big Cheese,the main villain of the show. Despite being a Japanese game, there isn't a lot of Japanese in it.
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