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Game Description & Reviews:
OverviewThe second "Tales of..." game on the DS. The game's battle system contains elements of Tales of the Abyss' battle system and Tales of Destiny's Aeiral Linear battle system. This game, however, will not be released outside Japan for unknown reason.
OverviewThe second "Tales of..." game on the DS. The game's battle system contains elements of Tales of the Abyss' battle system and Tales of Destiny's Aeiral Linear battle system. This game, however, will not be released outside Japan for unknown reason.
Poke rates this game: 5/5Tales of Innocence continues the well known Tales of series with a brand new adventure and cast sure to take you right into the game with lots of enjoyment. Innocence is about six characters that have the power of Avatars which are powerful gods and goddesses and they grant them power to take on beasts. Avatars are considered to be monsters themselves and therefore are subject to execution or other forms of liberation by a very strict government since they fear for the normal people's lives. The characters goals range but together they want to figure out more about there "other selves" and thus embark on a journey that soon leads to them to huge discoveries, secrets, and they end up in the hands of the ring leader of the liberators. Can they escape the impending doom or will they conquer the forces that are trying to stop them? Tales of Innocence is an amazing game and luckily has an english fan translation so it can finally be enjoyed by more people instead of being a very good japanese exclusive.
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