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Game Description & Reviews:
OverviewThe fourth installment in the Professor Layton franchise and the first part of the second trilogy is a prequel, set before the events of the first three games.
OverviewThe fourth installment in the Professor Layton franchise and the first part of the second trilogy is a prequel, set before the events of the first three games.
Xeramus rates this game: 5/5Never before has it been so much fun to feel stupid! Professor Layton returns in the fourth installment of the amazing series of puzzles games to grace the Nintendo DS. With new puzzles and a few retakes on old ones, prepare to feel like slamming your head into a wall when you realize the correct answer to the puzzle you have been trying to solve for four hours is 'Blue'.
If you have never played a Professor Layton game before, than you are doing it wrong! I would recommend starting with the Curious Village and moving your way through the series, as each subsequent game has a hidden feature where a code unlocked in the previous game gives you access to hidden bonus content! Totally worth the play, you will not be dissapointed.
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