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Game Description & Reviews:
OverviewThe story of Pok�mon Black/White continues in this direct sequel for the Nintendo DS system.
SushiBrawl rates this game: 5/5For being on the same platform as Diamon and Pearl, I didn't think that this game would accomplish much. But I was
… read more OverviewThe story of Pok�mon Black/White continues in this direct sequel for the Nintendo DS system.
SushiBrawl rates this game: 5/5For being on the same platform as Diamon and Pearl, I didn't think that this game would accomplish much. But I was wrong. It not only gives the new generation what each one usually gets, but it adds even more. There is so much more content in this game, which includes more Pokemon, more gyms, and more challenges. If you are a fan of Pokemon, of course you are going to get this game. If you own a DS, you should consider this game.
Pontinho rates this game: 5/5 Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version feature new Pokémon that players can catch, train and battle as they progress through the game, and some Pokémon can only be caught in one version of the game.
For example, the Legendary Pokémon Reshiram can only be caught in Pokémon Black Version. Additionally, the two games feature different areas for the first time in the series, with the game world of Pokémon Black Version featuring a unique metropolitan area called Black City.
Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version also mark the first time in a Pokémon video game that the seasons will change in the game world. Certain Pokémon appear more frequently during different seasons, and players can only access some areas during a specific season.
Anonymous says:The only thing that sucks is the english version doesnt give you any exp whatsoever.
James rates this game: 5/5Pokemon Black Version and Pokemon White Version feature new Pokemon that players can catch, train and battle as they progress through the game, and some Pokemon can only be caught in one version of the game. For example, the Legendary Pokemon Reshiram can only be caught in Pokemon Black Version, while the Legendary Pokemon Zekrom can only be caught in Pokemon White Version. Additionally, the two games feature different areas for the first time in the series, with the game world of Pokemon Black Version featuring a unique metropolitan area called Black City, and a lush, green area named White Forest only found in Pokemon White Version. Pokemon Black Version and Pokemon White Version also mark the first time in a Pokemon video game that the seasons will change in the game world. Certain Pokemon appear more frequently during different seasons, and players can only access some areas during a specific season.
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