OverviewA comedy platform adventure featuring Conker, a drunkard, foul-mouthed red squirrel trying to find his way home after he awakes hungover in the middle of a field with a fuzzy memory and only the clothes on his back to accompany him.
Anema86 rates this game: 2/5It's not that Conker's Bad Fur Day is a bad game; it's just a misguided and confused game. Back in its day, it was a novelty, purchased largely because of its toilet humor--the same reason we bought the South Park N64 game, which wasn't really very good, either. Conker's Bad Fur Day had a rating that meant only 18+ year olds were allowed to buy it, which meant its target audience was the 18-25 demographic, but... toilet humor isn't particularly effective. As a 14 year old, or 15 year old, however I old I was, I loved this game and found it absolutely hilarious. But looking back, now as an adult, most of the humor was derived simply from the novelty of it, the gimmick of having a lot of foul language and toilet humor in a video game. That... hadn't really happened before Conker's Bad Fur Day.
The game itself is competent. Rare was the champion of the platformer of that generation, and Conker's Bad Fur Day is no exception, though the gameplay doesn't stand up against Banjo-Kazooie or even Donkey Kong 64. It feels like a watered down N64 platformer, and I imagine this is because so much of the game's development went into the humor instead.
Again, it's not a BAD game. Just a horribly overrated one. A lot of the jokes aren't even jokes; they're just references, where the game appears to just quote various movies without ever really delivering a punchline, leaving the only joke being that someone ran out of ideas and thought that referencing The Matrix counted as a joke, especially a time when pretty much everything was making the same references to trenchcoats, pistol dual-wielding, and Bullet Time. Sadly, a lot of Conker's Bad Fur Day is like that--it's just misguided.
If you want a funny game, play Portal. It's hard to escape the feeling that Conker's Bad Fur Day was written entirely by game developers who had good senses of humor, while Portal was written largely by comedy writers; the humor in Conker's Bad Fur Day typically comes off as an amateur production. It's not bad, but it's WAY short of what we've come to expect of people who we throw money at for being funny. Compare the song of the Mighty Poo, generally heralded on the Internet as hilarious and brilliant, to "Still Alive" from Portal; that will give you an idea of what I mean when I say that Conker's Bad Fur Day feels more like an amateur production. It's not UNfunny, but it's unlikely to garner many laughs, and far more likely to produce rolling eyes.
This was true back in the day, as well, but the difference was that we didn't have anything to compare it to, which made it seem a lot better than it really was. Conker's Bad Fur Day was the first game to bring anything like that to the table, and it rocked our worlds. If it was released now, though, no one would give it a second look, and it would be blasted universally in reviews for an overreliance on toilet humor and movie references.
Mr.Canada rates this game: 5/5Conker's Bad Furday is an adventure\platformer game for the Nintendo 64 full of language and adult British humor its a very great title for the system. Its also rated M for mature so even tho it may be adorable do not be mistaken and let your children play it for it is very as the kids day these days riskay.
MasJ rates this game: 5/5Conker's Bad Fur Day for N64 is arguably the most non-nintendo-like game that could be available on a Nintendo platform. With this title Nintendo really shed it's 'family friendly' image.
Conker is a pissed off squirrel. Not only that, but he is foul mouthed to boot. The game has amazing visuals and an interesting storyline.
Join Conker in his adventure on the Nintendo 64!
Pocoryu rates this game: 5/5This is the best game on the N64, and quite arguably, the best game ever.
It's fun
It's funny
It's addictive
It has a story behind it
It's challenging
Seriously, if you've never played this, you're missing out.
All I need to say is you start as a squirrel who is hungover then meets a scarecrow called Birdie. Later on, you meet the Grim Reaper, who really likes hates cats.
Just play it, you'll piss yourself laughing, but at the same time, actually be enjoying the game.
AAleCortes says:One of the most exciting games of 2011!
Our protagonist Conker The Squirrel fills us with emotion in each mission.
A game with which you spend hours in front of the screen, is a game in which you never get bored, test your skill and skill in the games, a game completely for young adults, the best that came for the N64.
Dravlyn rates this game: 5/5A raunchy foray into the mind of Robin Beanland and Chris Seavor. Conker wakes up with a bad hangover and the desire to get home. Unfortunatly for him the Teddiz are out to stop him. And whether its running through a graveyard or an active war-zone reminiscent of WW2 Conker has a few choice words for these Teddiez and hell give it to them on the end of a frying pan or bullet
Undertakerand619 rates this game: 5/5One of the funniset games of all time. If you dont laugh at this game you must have no sense of humor or a zombie.
MasterV rates this game: 3/5Well, I missed this game when it originally came out, and it saddens me to say that it is indicative of the drop in quality Rare had started to display with Banjo-Tooie.
The graphics may be quite pretty, the movie refrences and the voices funny (if you can appreciate the crude immature toilet humour on show. I know I did), but that's not enough to save the game.
The platforming segment of the game is quite poor by Rare's standards, with numerous instant death traps and other "fun" moments. Still good, so you might want to check it out and see if you're more forgiving than me.
Amaterasu rates this game: 4/5Ha Ha! This is probably one of the funniest games ever. Don't pass this one up.
Joseph rates this game: 5/5Likely the most whackest fun game ever.
Alot of Movie references are involved.
We join conker drunk trying to find hes way home wakes up in a world close to reality the intelligent (conker) must use hes drinking and thinking to cut through all the Cow poo and get back home.
Pontinho rates this game: 5/5 I can't believe how "bloody" funny this game is. You hardly find a game that can make you piss yourself laughing, yet think about what you have to do as well. It would've been perfect if it was longer in single-player mode, but the multi-player mode partially makes up for it.
AAleCortes says:One of the most exciting games full of action, adventures and platforma of 2001.
Our protagonist Conker The Squirrel fills us with emotion in each mission.
A game with which you spend hours in front of the screen, is a game in which you never get bored, test your skill and skill in the games, a game completely for young adults, the best that came for the N64.
Anonymous rates this game: 4/5This game may be fun but it is no child's game. Every aspect of this game revolves around adult life so do not let your children play. This game features sex, drugs, and ways to kill yourself, so if you like cartoon violence than this is the game for you if not stop reading now.
The main character is a squirrel named Conker. Conker is out having a drink with his friends and he gets drunk and wanders off, in his drunken stupor he falls asleep not knowing where he is, when he wakes up he is in a garden and his goal is to get back home and on the way he goes from helping flowers to becoming king of all the land.
Overall this game is a very fun but adult game.