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Win a PS4 Pro God of War Bundle
Posted by MasJ @ Tue, 27 Mar 2018 | Message Boards

We're having a birthday sweepstakes! EmuParadise turns 18 today, March 27th 2018. Since this is our 18th birthday we thought we should make our prizes ahem... a little more mature.

We received over 40,000 entries for this competition. Thank you for participating and making it so much fun! We've conducted a random draw and selected the winners. So without further ado, here they are:

Grand Prize - PS4 Pro 1TB God of War Bundle - szunyzoli99
2nd Prize - 18 months of EP Premium - MrSmart
3rd Prize - 12 months of EP Premium - VenomRush1997

We'll be in touch with the winners shortly to get their details and send them their prizes. Thanks again for making this so much fun and supporting EmuParadise. We couldn't have made it for 18 years without you.

The Prizes

  1. The Grand Prize - A PS4 Pro 1TB Limited Edition God of War Bundle

  2. Second Prize - 18 months of free EP Premium

  3. Third Prize - 12 months of free EP Premium

As always with EmuParadise we are following our tradition of having the competition open to our users WORLDWIDE. We will ship the PS4 Pro Bundle to you anywhere in the world, so everyone is welcome to enter!

How to enter

There are two steps to a valid entry.

Step one:
Submit at least one description, screenshot, or video to a game page.

Step two:
Make a post on social media about your entry. You need to either post publicly to your Facebook profile OR tweet about the competition. We have some useful links below that you can use to share to facebook or tweet out your entry. In general, your post should be public (so that we can see it), it should include a link to this page, and it should mention the prizes.

You *must* complete Step 2 for your entry to be valid. Please note, that you ONLY need to do Step 2 once. So, if you submit 50 screenshots, you only need to make a single social media post for all your entries to be valid. But we will check for Step 2, so make sure you do it right!

For each category of submission you get a different number of entries:

  • Descriptions - 5 entries

  • Videos - 3 entries

  • Screenshots - 2 entries

Think of each entry as a lottery ticket. Every entry you get increases your chances of winning. So if we get 200 total entries but you have 50 of them then you have a 25% chance of winning! Makes sense? Great!

So once you've submitted some media, please tweet about it or post to your facebook timeline. Remember to mark your facebook post as public.

Sweepstakes Rules

  1. The winner is chosen by a lucky draw. However, you can greatly increase your chances of winning as there are no limits on the number of entries per user.

  2. Only approved submissions count as entries. So if you submit poor quality screenshots, or poorly written descriptions we will not approve them. Also, if you spam us with unrelated videos, that would result in you getting blocked from the system.

  3. The sweepstakes is open to users WORLDWIDE. We will cover purchase and shipping costs of the console but we cannot cover customs duty and any other taxes that might arise.

  4. There is no region lock on the PS4 Pro so we may send you a console from a different region, however we will do our best to send you one that corresponds to your region. You may need to buy a power cord corresponding to your local region. (these are usually pretty cheap anyway)

  5. Competition closes at 12AM GMT on 18th April 2018, winners will be announced by 20th April 2018.

  6. The PS4 Pro God of War edition gets released on the 20th of April 2018 and we will be shipping your prize to you shortly thereafter.

That's all, we like to keep it simple. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments. Oh and most importantly, HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY EMUPARADISE :)

Thank you all for supporting us and our community for so many years. It is a matter of great pride to run this site for so many years and we could not have done it without you.


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