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Santa uploads Dreamcast ISOs
Posted by MasJ @ Sun, 25 Dec 2016 | Message Boards

It looks like you all have been really good this year because Santa (also known as Zorlon on EPForums) has brought you an enormous bundle of presents! We've just updated our entire Sega Dreamcast section.

We've meticulously sorted through our entire set and updated the ISOs, added new CDI and GDI images and also added tons of new games. Right now, we have a total of over 1000 DC ISOs! That's almost 1TB of new stuff for you to enjoy. Time to dust off that old DC in your house or fire up an emulator and play some of these amazing classics! Let's play some Jet Set Radio, eh?

Check out our new Dreamcast ISOs Section. Thanks again to Zorlon for the awesome upload! Happy holidays!


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